Title: Program Evaluation
1Program Evaluation
- What is it and
- how do you do it?
2Evaluation a purpose not a strategy
- The purpose of an evaluation is to assess the
effects or effectiveness of an innovation or
intervention policy, practice, or service - Attempt to assess the worth of value of some
innovation or intervention - Evaluation highlights change past and future
- Hayes, S. C., Barlow, D. H., Nelson-Gray, R. O.
(1999). The scientist-practitioner Research and
accountability in the age of managed care (2nd
ed.). - Rossi, P. H., Freeman, H. E. (1989). Evaluation
A systematic approach (4th ed.). Newbury Park,
Calif. Sage Publications. - Shaddish, W. R., Cook, T. D., Leviton, L. C.
(1993). Foundations of program evaluation
Theories of practice. Newbury Park, Ca. Sage.
4Rossi Freemans Model
- (i) a comprehensive evaluation,
- (ii) a tailored evaluation, and
- (iii) a theory-driven evaluation.
6Novel (Innovative) Programs or Formative
- Conceptualization
- problem description
- operationalising objectives
- development of intervention model
- define extent and distribution of target
population - specify delivery systems
- Implementation
- research and development
- implementation monitoring
- Utility
- impact studies (determine program results and
effectiveness) - efficiency analyses
7Recent Programs (Requiring Fine Tuning)
- Conceptualization
- identifying needed program
- redefining objectives
- designing program modifications
- Implementation
- research and development
- program refinements
- Utility
- monitoring program changes
- impact studies
- efficiency analyses
8Established Programs or Summative Evaluation
- Conceptualization
- determining evaluability
- developing evaluation model
- identifying potential modification opportunities
- determining accountability requirements
- Implementation
- program monitoring and accountability studies
- Utility
- impact studies
- efficiency analyses
9Program Evaluation
10Features of an evaluation
- Utility must be useful to an audience
- Feasibility practical in political, practical,
and cost-effectiveness terms - Propriety must be ethical and fair
- Technical Adequacy carry it out with technical
skill and sensitivity
11Evaluation Models (House, 1978)
- Systems analysis inputs, outputs to look at
effectiveness and efficiency - Needs-based evaluation examines extent to which
clients needs are being met - Accreditation external accreditors determine
the extent to which a program meets professional
standards - Decision-making evaluation structured to assist
decision making - Illuminative inductive, naturalistic enquiry
- Responsive responds to all stakeholders
121. Comprehensive Evaluation
- Purposes
- conceptualization and design of evaluations,
- monitoring of program implementation, and
- assessment of program usefulness.
131. Comprehensive Evaluation Questions
- is a new program cheaper?
- does a new training improve outcomes?
- is the new program getting sufficient
administrative support? - how do the trainees and trainers feel about the
new program? - are the contents of the program valid?
- are some parts of the program more effective than
141.1 Conceptualization and Design
- Program need be documented
- It needs to be assured that the intervention
- is targeted appropriately,
- is reaching the target population, and
- is ameliorating the need
151.2 Monitoring of Implementation
- is the program reaching its target population?
- is the structure of services consistent with the
program specifications? - why is site X having poorer success with a
program than expected? - what modifications is the program robust against
and what modifications always lead to changes in
161.3 Assessment of usefulness
- If the program has not demonstrable effect it
should not be continued - Political and social forces may be more important
in assuring the continuation of a program than
its overall efficacy (e.g., sexual assault
treatment) - In this context cost-benefit analyses often carry
more weight than clear experimental
demonstrations of effectiveness - Program evaluation is not the dispassionate
investigation of the efficacy of treatment
effectiveness, but a political activity that aims
to ensure that programs improve the human
condition but achieves this end by influencing
policy and politics
171.3 Assessment of usefulness Purposes
- Clear
- Accessible
- Useful
- Relevant
- Humane
- Compatible
- Worthwhile
182. Tailored Evaluation
- Comprehensive evaluations are often impractical
gt tailored evaluation - still comprehensive, as the evaluator continues
to ask questions about conceptualization,
implementation, and utility, but asks them in
different ways or with different procedures
depending on the stage of the program - Divide programs into
- novel (or innovative programs),
- recent (requiring fine-tuning), and
- established programs
19Aside Stuffelbeams approach
- 1. Context evaluation Defines the situational
context, identifies the target population, needs,
solutions, and possible problems to implementing
the solutions - 2. Input evaluation Aims to identify the
system capabilities, alternative program
strategies, and procedural designs and strategies - 3. Process evaluation Aims to identify or
predict defects in the process of the program - 4. Product evaluation Collect descriptions and
judgments of outcome and to relate them to the
program's objectives
20Aside Activities of Evaluation
- Awareness evaluation who knows about the
program? What do they know? - Cost-benefit
- Cost-effectiveness
- Criterion-referenced are specific objectives
being met? - Quality assurance Minimum standards met? How can
quality be monitored and demonstrated?
213. Theory-Driven Evaluation Why?
- Social change is brought about by political
decisions (expert witness) - Outcome of a program evaluation will rarely bring
about change is that programs can do little to
modify the structure of society and therefore the
ultimate effects are always limited - Allows us to interpret a failed outcome
- Without a theory to guide program evaluation, we
are left to rely on trial-and-error-learning - Internal vs external validity causal modeling
derived from a theory enables one to steer a path
that maximizes internal and external validity - Addresses internal validity by ensuring adequate
model specification within the context of a piece
of evaluation research. - By entering all of variables that may lead one to
misinterpret the effect of a confounding variable
as a treatment effect, influence of these can be
224. Conducting a Program Evaluation
- Cycle of questions to refine the evaluation
- What are the evaluation questions?
- What will be reported to target audiences?
- What information will be gathered?
- How will the information be analyzed?
234.1 Considerations in Program Evaluation
- Who's The Boss?
- Each stakeholder will have an investment in a
certain outcome, which places the evaluator in a
difficult position - Whose side to take? (e.g., the choice of measures
will influence the outcomes observed) - Sponsors of the evaluation may turn on the
evaluators if the outcomes are not as expected.
Future funding may be withdrawn if results are
not as desired or if policy decisions will be
made regardless of the data.
244.1 Considerations in Program Evaluation
- Evaluator can take side of one stakeholder or
play an even-handed game - Impartial evaluators are likely to have a greater
impact on the stakeholder and are more likely to
be co-opted by the stakeholder again - Narrow loyalty is associated with being within an
organization in best position to ensure
organizational cooperation - Rossi and Freeman suggest that an evaluator must
make a moral judgment. - Who are the relevant audiences?
- sponsors or commissioners of the evaluation
decision makers - target group from whom the information is
gathered - program planners/creators people running program
interested parties - people with a right to the information
- people whose roles may be affected by evaluation
254.1 Considerations in Program Evaluation
- How long is too long?
- Conflict between the time taken by evaluation and
the time before policy decisions are made - Three principles to guide practice
- Do not begin a long-term study if the outcome is
needed before the study will be finished. It may
be better to rely on expert opinion if the time
for the study is not possible. - Avoid technically complex evaluations at these
times (better in pilot research) - Attempt to second-guess the direction of programs
and policies and conduct evaluations in advance.
264.1 Considerations in Program Evaluation
- Quantitative Versus Qualitative Methods
- There is a debate about whether the best measures
are quantitative or qualitative
274.2 Evaluation of Novel Programs
- Ensure that the program is well implemented and
well evaluated - Evaluator need not be involved in the planning of
the programming or issues to with targeting, etc.
The evaluator is needed to provided refinement to
permit evaluation - One important role of the evaluator is turning
program goals into program objectives. Goals are
abstract, idealized statements about the desired
purpose of a program. Programs cannot be designed
around goals. - Objectives are more detailed operational
statements about measurable criteria of success - Discrepancies - that the aim of the program is to
reduce a discrepancy between an undesired and a
desired state of affairs - In order to do this, a needs assessment needs to
be conducted
28Needs Assessment.
- Stufflebeam, D. L., McCormick, C. H., Binkerhoff,
R. O., Nelson, C. 0. (1985). Conducting
educational needs assessment. Boson
29Needs Assessment
- 1. Preparation.
- Identification of questions to ask,
- the method of asking,
- the target participants,
- the methods of information collection and
analysis, - and the possible uses to which the results will
be put - By the end of the preparation phase you should be
able to answer - who will address what questions?
- with what methods?
- using what resources?
- according to what schedule?
- for what purposes?
30Needs Assessment (Cont.)
- 2. Information Gathering.
- How
- 3. Analysis.
- The results must be accurate, timely,
understandable, and relevant to target audiences. - 4. Reporting.
- 5. Liaising and Applying.
- The difficulty in program evaluation is
identifying appropriate goals, which are relevant
to the needs of the target sample but also
address the goals of stakeholders in as unbiased
manner as possible.
31Steps in Carrying Out a Needs Assessment (Robson,
- Identify possible objectives
- Be comprehensive
- Use literature, experts, and those involved in
the program - Decide on important objectives
- Get stakeholders to rate importance of potential
32Steps in Carrying Out a Needs Assessment (Cont.)
- Assess what is currently available to meet the
important objectives - Survey, records, compare meeting of needs now
with before - Select final set of objectives
- Must be high in importance and low in current
33Delivery System Design
- For novel programs this will involve assessment
of - target problem and population service
- implementation qualifications and competencies of
staff - mechanisms of recruiting staff
- means of optimizing access to the intervention
- location and characteristics of delivery sites
- referral and follow-up procedures
- Therefore, the evaluator will need to consider
- the characteristics of the organization,
- methods of obtaining cooperation from relevant
groups, - relationships with other existing programs,
- the political and social context of the program,
- and the availability of required resources.
34Delivery System Design (Cont.)
- Specifically, the program should consider
- Overcoverage (comparing individuals who
participate in the program with those who drop
out), - Undercoverage (comparing individuals who
participate in the program with those who are
eligible but do not participate), - Biased coverage (comparing individuals who
participate in the program with those who drop
out and those eligible non- participants)
35Outcome Evaluation
- Outcome evaluation is inappropriate without
evaluation of targeting and implementation of a
program - The strengths of novel evaluations are that they
are often involve only partial coverage and
therefore it is possible to identify control
groups - In more established programs, the coverage is
total and the most appropriate controls are the
subjects prior to the evaluation.
36Outcome Evaluation
- When randomization is not possible the usual
options in forming control groups are - matched controls reflexive controls (subjects are
their own baseline) - generic controls (from established norms)
- shadow controls (constructed from the opinions of
knowledgeable stakeholders and experts about what
would be expected without an intervention). - Use gt one control, since converging data will
increase confidence
37Outcome Evaluation
- Direct Effectiveness Measures
- Indirect Effectiveness Measures Client
Satisfaction - Indirect Effectiveness Measures Social Validity
- Assessing costs
38Design Selection
- Good enough" rule while randomization provides
the best control, the evaluator needs to take
into account practicality, feasibility, the
resources available, and the expertise of the
evaluator. - In the context of the many constraints imposed in
"real world' evaluation, it is most appropriate
to choose the best achievable design
394.3 Evaluation of Recent Programs
- The act of fine tuning focuses attention on
program modifications that increase the magnitude
of impact or decrease the cost per unit of impact
while maintaining the efficacy of service
delivery - Rossi and Freeman suggest that program evaluation
involves - re appraising objectives
- identifying program modifications
- undertaking reputability assessments
- program re-planning and redesign
- planning and implementing evaluation designs to
monitor program changes and their impacts
404.4 Evaluation of Established Programs
- Program conceptualization shifts in focus to
assessing what already exists. Therefore,
conceptualization may involve - preparing a program description
- interviewing the relevant personnel
- scouting the program
- developing an evaluable program model
- identifying evaluation users
- achieving agreement to proceed
414.4 Evaluation of Established Programs (Cont.)
- Monitoring will involve an assessment of what
inputs, activities, and processes occur in a new
version of the program to improve the fidelity to
the program's intent, and to provide a clear base
for relating causal processes to outcomes - An established program will be monitored to
ensure accountability. Use - Management information system, which constantly
monitors the program, but this is expensive in
the long term - Cross- sectional survey, which although it is
cheaper in the long-term, has expensive start-up
costs and may be resisted by staff - The main focus in an established program is to
ensure that there are minimal discrepancies
between what how the program is formally seen to
be operating and how it is operating in reality - Independence of evaluators
- Should a program undertake its own evaluation, or
should external evaluators be used?
424.4 Evaluation of Established Programs (Cont.)
- Cost-benefit analysis-gt computes all program
costs, and then compares them to program outcomes
expressed in a common unit (e.g., dollars). The
main problems facing such analyses is that all
program costs and benefits need to be identified
and measured, and they need to be expressible in
a common metric. - Necessary that the program meets five conditions
- 1. The program must have independent and
separable funding. - 2. The program must be certain that its net
effects are significant. - 3. The program's impact and magnitude must be
known of calculable. - 4. The benefits can be expressed in monetary
terms. - 5. Decision makers are considering alternative
programs. - Usually, the fourth condition is not met, and
Rossi and Freeman suggest that under these
circumstances a cost-effectiveness analysis be
conducted - Cost-effectiveness analysis -gt only requires the
identification in a common unit the program
costs. The benefits remain expressed in outcome
435. Using Evaluation Findings
- At the end of the day, what counts is not the
program evaluation, but the extent to which the
program evaluation modifies policies, programs,
and practices - Consider instrumental use - that is, ensuring the
use of the findings by decision- makers and other
stakeholders - understand the work of the decision-makers
(therefore, present the results briefly and
simply) - ensure that the evaluation results are timely and
are available when they are needed respect - be sensitive to stakeholders' program commitments
plans for utilization and dissemination of
results should be part of the evaluation design - Evaluation programs should assess the extent to
which the results of an evaluation are utilized
446. Checklist for Evaluation
- Pounds The cost of the evaluation has been
anticipated. - Politics The relevant people have been
considered - Procedures The procedures are practical given
the purpose of the evaluation
- Berk, R. A., Rossi, P. H. (1990). Thinking
about program evaluation. Newbury Park Sage. - Binkerhoff, R. O., Brethower, D. M., Hluchyj, T.,
Nowakowski, J. R. (1983). Program evaluation A
practitioner's guide for trainers and educators
Design manual. Hingham, Ma. Kluwer-Nijhoff. - Binkerhoff, R. O., Brethower, D. M., Hluchyj, T.,
Nowakowski, J. R. (1983). Program evaluation A
practitioner's guidefor trainers and educators
Sourcebook and casebook. Hingham, Ma.
Kluwer-Nijhoff. - Cronbach, L. J. (1982). Designing evaluations of
educational and social programs. San Francisco.
Jossey-Boss. - Eisner, E. W. (1985). The art of educational
evaluation. London Falmer. - Fitz-Gibbon, C. T., Morris, L. L. (1987). How
to design a program evaluation. Newbury Park,
Ca. Sage. - Hayes, S. C., Barlow, D. H., Nelson-Gray, R. O.
(1999). The scientist-practitioner Research and
accountability in the age of managed care (2nd
ed.). Boston Allyn Bacon. (Especially chapters
2 10).
46References (Cont.)
- Krosnick, J. A. (1999). Survey research. Annual
Review of Psychology, 50, 537-567. - Maruish, M. E. (1999). The use of psychological
testing for treatment planning and outcomes
assessment (second edition). Mahwah, NJ.
Lawrence Erlbaum. - Robson, C. (1993). Real world research. Oxford
Blackwell. (Esp. Chapter 7) - Rossi, P. H., Freeman, H. E. (1989). Evaluation
A systematic approach (4th ed.). Newbury Park,
Calif. Sage Publications. - Shaddish, W. R., Cook, T. D., Leviton, L. C.
(1993). Foundations of program evaluation
Theories of practice. Newbury Park, Ca. Sage. - Stufflebeam, D. L., McCormick, C. H., Binkerhoff,
R. O., Nelson, C. 0. (1985). Conducting
educational needs assessment. Boson