Title: Hi Everyone' This is all about my home'
1Hi Everyone. This is all about my home.
Nice day at the beach! Says Carrie the Camel
2..and some people think its all sand.
3but 70 of the worlds deserts are ROCKY
4So where are all the worlds main DESERTS ?
5(No Transcript)
6Why do deserts form ? (1)
7Why do deserts form ? (2)
830North, falling dry air means no clouds form
and you get DESERT
At the Equator rising air causes lots of clouds
and rain
30South, falling dry air means no clouds form
and you get DESERT
9Why is it so hot in deserts during the day ?
10Why is it so cold in deserts during the night ?
11Any plants that grow must be able to survive long
periods without any water. How does this palm
tree manage to survive?
12How are these plants adapted to survive in
deserts ?
13so where it rains a little a few plants can
but where it hardly ever rains very little can
14How have these animals adapted to survive in
deserts ?
15taking the camels for a walk..
16The Tuareg tribe of the Sahara desert
17Why you might be in a desert..drilling for oil
18Phosphate Mining
19Oasis - searching for desert water
20Tourism in the Desert