Title: Modeling Negative Power Law Noise
1Modeling Negative Power Law Noise
- Victor S. ReinhardtRaytheon Space and Airborne
SystemsEl Segundo, CA, USA
2008 IEEE International Frequency Control
Symposium Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 18 - 21, 2008
2Negative Power Law Noise Gets its Name from its
Neg-p PSD
- But autocorrelation function must be wide-sense
stationary (WSS) to have a PSD - Then can define PSD LX(f) as Fourier Transform
(FT)over ? of Rx(?)
tg Global (average) time
? Local (delta) time
3Neg-p Noise Also Called Non-Stationary (NS)
- Must use dual-freq Loève spectrum Lx(fg,f) not
single-freq PSD Lx(f) - Loève Spectrum ?
- Paper will show neg-p noise can be pictured as
either WSS or NS process - And these pictures are not in conflict
- Because different assumptions used for each
- Will also show how to generate practical freq
time domain models for neg-p noise - And avoid pitfalls associated with divergences
4Classic Example of Neg-p Noise Random Walk
- Integral of a white noiseprocess is a random
walk - But starting in f-domain
- Can write ?
- So ?
- Because
- Will show different assumptions used for each
picture so not in conflict
f-domain Integrator
5A Historical Aside Random Walk
- 1st discussed by Lucretius 60 BC
- Later Jan Ingenhousz 1785
- Traditionally attributed toRobert Brown 1827
- Treated by Lord Rayleigh 1877
- Full mathematical treatment by Thorvald Thiele
1880 - Made famous in physics by Albert Einstein 1905
and Marian Smoluchowski 1906 - Continuous form named Wiener process in honor of
Norbert Wiener
6Generating Colored Noise from White Noise Using
Wiener Filter
- Can change spectrum of white noise v0(t) by
filtering it with h(t),H(f) - H(f) called a Wiener filter
- NS picture ?
- Starts at t0
- WSS picture ?
- Must start at t-? for t-translation invariance
- Necessary condition for WSS process
- Wiener filters divergent for neg-p noise
- Need to write neg-p filter aslimit of bounded
sister filterto stay out of trouble
Wiener Filter
7Random Walk as the Limit of a Sister Process
- Sister process is single poleLP filtered white
noise - In WSS picture v-2(t) ?for any t
- Need sister processes to keep v-2(t) finite
- True for any neg-p value
8Even When Final Variable Bounded (Due to HP
Filtering of Neg-p Noise)
- Intermediate variables areunbounded (in WSS
picture) - Can cause subtle problems
- Sister process helps diagnose fix such problems
- In NS picture v-2(t) isbounded for finite t
- But v-1(t) (f -1 noise) is not
- Sister process needed forf -1 noise even in NS
pictureto keep t-domain process bounded
9Models For f -1 Noise
- The diffusive line model
- White current noise into a diffusive line
generates flicker voltage noise - Diffusive line modeled as R-C ladder network
- In limit of generates f -1 voltage
noise with white current noise input
10Sister Model for Diffusive Line
- Adds shunt resistor to bound DC voltage
- Not well-suited for t-domain modeling
- Because Wiener filter not rational polynomial
11A Historical Aside The Diffusive Line
- Studied by Lord Kelvin 1855
- For pulse broadening problem in submarine
telegraph cables - Refined by Oliver Heaviside 1885
- Developed modern telegraphers equation
- Added inductances patented impedance matched
transmission line - Adolf Fick developed Ficks Law diffusion
equation 1855 - 1-dimensional diffusion equation following Ficks
(Ohms) Law is diffusive line - Used in heat molecular transport
12The Trap f -1 Model is More Suited for f t
Domain Modeling
- Each trap independentwhite noise source
filteredby single-poleWiener filter - Sum over ?m from ?0 to ?M
- Sister model (M ? ?)?0 gt 0 ?M lt ?
- Well-behaved inf t domains
- For ?0 ? 0 ?M ? ?becomes f -1 noise
(L0 same for all m)
13A Historical Aside The Trap Model
- Developed by McWorter 1955 to explain flicker
noise in semiconductors - Traps ? loosely coupled storage cells for
electrons/holes that decay with TCs 1/?m - Surface cells for Si bulk for GaAs/HEMT
- GaAs/HEMT semi-insulating (why much higher
flicker noise) - Simplified theory by van der Ziel 1959
- Flicker of v-noise from traps converted to
flicker of ?-noise in amps through AM/PM
14A Practical Trap Simulation Model Using Discrete
Number of Filters
- Trap filter every decade
- 1/4 dB error over 6 decades with 8 filters
- Can reduce error by narrowing filter spacing
15Other f -1 Noise Models
- Barnes Jarvis 1967, 1970
- Diffusion-like sister model with finite
asymmetrical ladder network - Finite rational polynomial with one input white
noise source - 4 filter stages generate f -1 spectrum over
nearly 4 decades of f with lt 1/2 dB error - Barnes Allan 1971
- f -1 model using fractional integration
16Discrete t-Domain Simulators for Neg-p Noise
- For f -2 noise can use NS integrator model in
discrete t-domain - NS model bounded in t-domain for finite t
- Discrete integrator (1st order autoregressive
(AR) process) - wn uncorrelated random shocks or
innovations - wn need not be Gaussian (i.e. random 1) to
generate appropriate spectral behavior - Central limit theorem ? Output becomes Gaussian
for large number of shocks
17Trap f -1 Discrete t-Domain Simulator
- Must use sister model
- Full f -1 model unboundedin NS picture
- Wiener filter for each trap
- t-domain AR model
- Sum overtraps forf -1 noise
18From f -1 and f -2 models Can Generate any
Integer Neg-p Model
Right Crop 66x72
19Summary and Conclusions
- Either WSS or NS pictures can be used for neg-p
noise as convenient - Not in conflict ? Different assumptions used
- Need sister models to resolve problems
- Can generate practical models for any integer
neg-p noise - By concatenating integrator trap models
- Are simple to implement in f t domains
- For preprint presentation see
- www.ttcla.org/vsreinhardt/