Title: The Evolution Of Mickey Mouse
1The Evolution Of Mickey Mouse
??? ????? ???????? ?????????
To the memorial of Stephen Jay Gould
2A Brief History
1. 1928- Oswald The Lucky Rabbit
- Plane Crazy - The
Gallopin Gaucho - Steamboat Willie
November 19, 1928, at the Colony Theatre in NY.
32. 1932- A special Academy Award was given to
Walt Disney for the creation of Mickey
Mouse. 3. 1935 -The 1st Mickey Mouse cartoon in
colors The band concert.
4.- 1940- Fantasia.
45. 1955 to 1959 - popular childrens television
series that aired on ABC. 6. 1988 -
Mickey Mouse appear on the Academy Awards
telecast presenting an envelope to
Tom Selleck.
5Christopher Finch, in his semiofficial pictorial
history of Disney's work
national symbol, and as such 'he was expected to
behave properly'
If he occasionally stepped out of line, any
number of letters would arrive at the Studio from
citizens and organizations who felt that the
nation's moral well-being was in their hands. . .
. Eventually he would be pressured into the role
of straight man.
6the blander and inoffensive Mickey became
progressively more juvenile in appearance.
Forehead Eyes Nose Tail Gloves Relative head
size Body shape
7All three percentages increased steadily
nose to front ear from 71.7 to a whopping 95.6
percent of nose to rear ear
head length from 42.7 to 48. 1 percent of body
eye size from 27 to 42 percent of head length
early 1930s 1947 modern
8Konrad Lorenz
features of juvenility trigger "innate releasing
mechanisms" for affection and nurturing in adult
The suffix chen (little) in German Rotkelchen
(???? ???) Eichhörnchen (????) Kaninchen (??????)
9What trigs feel affection in humans?
Studies in Animal and Human Behavior, vol. II, by
Konrad Lorenz, 1971. Methuen Co. Ltd.
10Human neoteny evolution
11Thanks everyone
12References websites
- ???? ????? ????? ??? ????
- http//www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Set/1344/
- http//home.wanadoo.nl/fred.kitty/mickey/mickeymou
sepictures8.html - http//disney.go.com/disneyvideos/animatedfilms/sp
irit/movies/movies.html - http//www.characterproducts.com/info/character_hi
stories/mickey_minnie_doorway.htm - http//www.bcdb.com/
- http//www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1973/lorenz