Title: Abstract of SI3CO Project
1Abstract of SI3CO Project and Architecture of
Test-Bed SI3CO (Spatial Information
Infrastructure Interoperability Consortium)
Keio University ASIA Air Survey Co., Ltd. FALCON
Corporation HITACHI, Ltd. IBM Japan, Ltd. KOKUSAI
KOGYO Co., Ltd. NEC Corporation Oki Electric
Industry CO., Ltd. PASCO Corporation
2Project Organization of SI3CO
SI3CO (Spatial Information Infrastructure
Interoperability Consortium)
Organization of Development
Name of Development
Study Development of Spatial Information
Infrastructure Inter-operability Technique
Head Keio University SFC Laboratory Dr. Fukui
Advisory Group Mr. Imai?Okabe(NSDIPA)?Mr.
Oota(KOKUSAI) Dr. Okabe?Dr. Shibasaki (Tokyo
University) Dr. Kubo?Dr. Kiyoki, Dr. Murai (Keio
Kind of Project
Spatial Data Modeling Group Leader
Mr. Ikeda (ASIA Air Survey ) Advisor
Dr. Shibasaki(Tokyo University) Joined Company
Asia, PASCO, IBM-Japan
A national project and financed by the
quasi-government organization IPA (Information
Technology Promotion Agency)
Technical Area
Distributed-Spatial-Object Technology Developing
Group Leader Dr. Shimada (
HITACHI) Advisor Dr. Kiyoki(Keio
University) Joined Company
Software area for a high level utilization of
digital infrastructure
3Purpose of SI3CO Project
Develop the Japanese domestic test-bed system
base on the OGCs inter- operable interface
specifications ? Confirm the possibility of
the practical construction of sensitive system by
utilizing Japanese high resolution
maps ? Propose the high level
specifications such as a semantic compensation
when user want to utilize the high
resolution maps Grasp a concrete needs though
the practical test and evaluation of the test-
bed system in the typical place of Japan
? Extract concrete needs by evaluating as the
fundamental part of GIS which is utilized
as the common GIS in a municipal government.
Jan. Feb. Mar.
Apr. May
Jun. July Aug.
Sep. Oct.
Nov. Dec. Jan.
Feature definition of each application
Data model definition
International Standardization
Technical implemental specification
Develop a prototype of infrastructure
Develop applications for practical use
Practical Test-I
Practical Test II
4Plan of Spatial Data Modeling Group
Plan and Proposal of Spatial Data Model
Inspect international standard specifications
Inspect domestic GIS standard specifications
Create Base Model
? Feature Model Describe semantics,
geometry, and properties of vector typed data ?
Coverage Model Describe semantics,
geometry, and properties of raster typed data
Create Application Model
? Disaster prevention community model ? City
planning community model ? Water supply and swage
community model ? Common model
5Plan of Distributed-Spatial-Object Technology
Developing Group
Web Terminal
Verification of interoperable GIS
Verify the interoperable system based on
the the OGC spec. Develop domestic
interoperable test-bed system
TPBroker / VisiBroker
IIOP Protocol
GSM (GeoSpatial Mediator)
TPBroker / VisiBroker
Spatial Object Mediator
Distributed Retrieval Controller
Trading Function
Implement utilizing the OGC spec.
Spatial Object Compensation
TPBroker / VisiBroker
? Refer CORBA spec. based on the simple
feature ? Contribution of standard- ization
by proposing original implementational
Inspect practicability of interoperable GIS
? Problem extraction in order to utilize
the high resolution map ? Research the
architecture for high-speed communication
6Detail Architecture of Web Terminal Part
Web Terminal
Application Applets
Plug-in Display Control
Attribute Information Display
Retrieval Result
Display Control Demand
Display Control Result
Retrieval Demand
Application Applet Interface
Display Control Result
Display Control Demand
Display Control
Retrieval Demand
Geo-spatial Data
TPBroker / VisiBroker
GSM Interface
??????? (GSIS)
TPBroker / VisiBroker
TPBroker / VisiBroker
TPBroker / VisiBroker
- Develop high per-
- formance Plug-ins
- Smooth Scrawl Display
- Linear zoom in/out
- Layer Control
- Disaster prevention
- Applets
Map Objects
7Detail System Structure of GSM
- Develop the rich service functions of Geospatial
Mediator - Distributed DB Retrieval Control
- Spatial Object Compensation
- Geospatial Object Trader
- Geospatial Object Repository
Geospatial Mediator (GSM)
TPBroker / VisiBroker
WWW Server
Initialize/Finalize Control
Distributed Retrieval Control
Initialize Processing
Finalize Processing
DB Server Location Retrieval Demand
Retrieval Demand Receive and Analyze
Geospatial Object Trader
DB Server Index Table
DB Server Location
DB Servers Indexing
Geospatial Data
TPBroker / VisiBroker
Corresponded Container Index
Container Index Retrieval
Geospatial Data Conversion Control
??????? (GSIS)
Middle Language File
TPBroker / VisiBroker
Middle Language
Spatial Object Compensation
Before Conversion
Physical Compensation
Geospatial Data
TPBroker / VisiBroker
Converted Data
Semantic Compensation
File Name of Middle Language
DB Retrieval Demand
Geospatial Data
DB Server Retrieval
Repository Storage Control
Container Index
Geospatial Data
Container Index Retrieval
Container Retrieval
Geospatial Data
Container Repository
TPBroker / VisiBroker
Map Objects
Container Retrieval
Geospatial Data
8IGF (Internet Geospatial-data Format)
In order to specify ContainerFeatureCollectionSet
which expresses the set of feature collection, We
define IGF which collects unit of a plural common
9Detail System Architecture of Legacy DB Wrappers
Legacy Database Wrapper
Arial Photo- image Server
Application DB Server
Residential Map Server
Summarized Map Server
Front-end Server
Map Objects
Various Subject Data
Residential Map Data
Arial Photo-image Data
Backend Server
TPBroker / VisiBroker
??????? (GSIS)
TPBroker / VisiBroker
Summarized Map Data
TPBroker / VisiBroker
Develop a high speed transfer method of Spatial
Improve a transfer method from the feature
collection to the feature collection set
Extend CORBA IDL in order to treat the set of
feature collections as multi-layers
10Automatic Change of Server Accesses
Select the most profitable server which holds the
nearest scale of maps compared with user demands
Summarized Map Server (PASCO)
Selected Scale 1/10000
Selected Scale 1/5000
Selected Scale 1/2499
Detail Map Server (Oki Electric)
Selected Scale 1/2000
11The Open GIS Specification Model Topic 12 The
Open GIS Service Architecture
Geospatial Domain Access Services (GDAS)
Defines a set of interfaces for locating
and retrieving selected geospatial information
for storage, detection, or modification. Composed
of 3 kind of operations ?Geospatial Domain
Access Services Information Storage
Retrieval Product Information Information
Catalog Services ?Geospatial Dissemination
Services ?Geospatial Information Packaging
Services Feature Compression Image
Compression Information Transfer