Title: Analyzing Atypical Development: Causes and Comorbidities
1Analyzing Atypical DevelopmentCauses and
- Bruce F. Pennington
- University of Denver
- Overall Framework
- Phenotype Analyses of RD
- A. Cognitive components and subtypes of RD
- B. Comorbidities of RD
- III. The interaction of genotypic and phenotypic
analyses of RD - A. Do different risk loci for RD act on
different - cognitive components?
- B. How do we explain comorbidities?
- IV. Phenotypic and genotypic analyses of the
relations - among RD and speech and language disorders
- A. Children at Risk for RD have SSD
- (Lefly Pennington, 2001)
- B. Coheritability of SSD and RD (Tunick, M.A.)
- C. Implicit Phonological Representations in RD
- (Boada, Ph.D.)
- D. SSD children have preliteracy deficits
- (Raitano, M.A.)
3Figure 1. Complex Disease Model
Non-Independence at each Level Gx E
interaction G-E Correlation Interactive
Development Comorbidity
Level of Analysis Etiologic Risk and
Protective Factors Cognitive
Causes Complex Behavioral Disorders
KEY G genetic risk or protective factor, E
environmental risk or protective factor, Phon
Implicit phonological development, Sem Semantic
development, OSM Orosensory and oromotor
development, RD Reading disability, SSD
Speech sound disorders, SLI Specific language
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6Common Complex Diseases Multiple G E risk
factors non-CNS Cardiovascular
Disease Hypertension Cancer Diabetes Obesi
ty CNS Stroke Alzheimer Disease All
Psychiatric Disorders Some apparently
environmental conditions, like PTSD motor
vehicle accidents, have a G background
7 Behavioral Genetics Key Ideas Caveats
- Given that 40 of genes uniquely expressed in
brain and genes are polymorphic, then genetic
influences on individual differences in behavior
are virtually Inevitable. - But environmental influences important too, both
- for differences and universals.
- Genetic influences are probabilistic, not
deterministic recipe not blueprint. - Epigenesis is important Complex developmental
- pathways run from genes to behavior.
8Three Components of Typical Development
Shared Genotype (99.9)
Epigenesis or Chance
Species Typical Environment
Atypical development results when genetic or
environmental risk factors alter these
9Are there Multiple Subtypes of Developmental
- Theoretically, there could be a subtype
associated with each cognitive component of
reading text. - If so, genetic studies would be difficult
because we would need to distinguish all these
10Evidence for Subtypes of Developmental Dyslexia
(Castles and Coltheart, 1993 Manis et al., 1996)
- 20 Surface -- selectively bad on exception word
reading (orthographic coding) - 20 Phonological -- selectively bad on nonword
reading (phonological coding) - 60 Mixed -- bad on both
- Errors in the surface subtype (but not the
phonological subtype) are like those of younger
normal readers at a similar word recognition
level (Bryant Impey, 1986 Manis et al., 1996
Stanovich et al., 1998). Substantial genetic
covariance between orthographic and phonological
coding deficits (Olson et al., in press) - Therefore, little evidence for a distinct surface
subtype. Most developmental dyslexics have a
phonological coding deficit.
11Comorbidities of RD
1.) Externalizing disorders ADHD, CD, ODD a)
ADHD accounts for relation to CD, ODD b) Inatt.
Subtype of ADHD, rather than HI c) Greater in
males with RD 2.) Internalizing symptoms
Depression and Anxiety a) Greater in females
with RD b) Are secondary to RD and not
genetically correlated 3.)
Speech and language disorders - Why?
12Steps in a Genetic Analysis
Question Method 1. Is it familial? Familial
Risk Studies 2. Is familiality genetic? Twin
Studies, Adoption Studies 3. What is the
mode of Segregation Analysis
transmission? 4. Where are the gene(s)? Linkage
and Association Analyses
13Family and Twin Studies of Normaland Abnormal
1. Normal and abnormal reading runs in
families A. In general population, first
degree relatives correlated at .40 B.
First degree relatives of RD proband 4-14 times
more likely to have RD
(Hallgren, 1950 Finucci et al, 1976
Vogler et al, 1985 Gilger et al, 1991) 2.
Normal (h2 .56 - .73) and abnormal (h2g .50
.11) variations in reading are moderately
heritable (e.g. DeFries Gillis, 1993)
14Recurrence Risk
- Rate in Family Members
- Base Rate in Population
- Rate in Base Recurrence
- Disorder Sibs Rate Risk
- Huntingtons Disease .50 .0001 5000
- Cystic Fibrosis .25 .0004 500
- Alzheimers Disease .40 .10 4
- Autism .05 .0004 125
- Reading Disability .40 .05 8
- ADHD .35 .05 7
15The DeFries-Fulker multiple regression model
(DeFries Fulker, 1985 1988)
The distribution of reading achievement scores in
the population
16Probands are selected due to reading difficulties
RD Cutoff
MZ and DZ Proband Means
17Cotwin means if reading difficulties are due to
nonshared environmental influences
MZ and DZ Cotwin Means
18Cotwin means if reading difficulties are due to
shared and nonshared environmental influences
MZ and DZ Cotwin Means
19Cotwin means if reading difficulties are due to
genetic influences
MZ Cotwin Mean
DZ Cotwin Mean
20The Basic Regression Model
- C B1 P B2 R
- C is the cotwin score
- P is the proband score
- R is the coefficient of relationship
- (1 for MZ pairs, 0.5 for DZ pairs)
- B1 twin resemblance independent of zygosity.
- B2 A direct estimate of h2g
- (estimates twice the difference between the
MZ and DZ cotwin means after - covariance adjustment for differences in
scores of MZ and DZ probands) -
21Etiology of reading deficits(Wadsworth et al.,
h2g 0.57 .08
MZ and DZ Proband Reading Means -2.80 SD
DZ Cotwin Reading Mean -1.55 SD
MZ Cotwin Reading Mean -2.41 SD
22Is heritability worthless?
23Interpreting heritability estimates
- Heritability is population and time specific
- Heritability within groups tells us nothing about
the causes of differences between groups - Heritability does not apply to individuals
- Human universals are typically not heritable
(but are usually genetic!)
24Assumptions of the twin design
- No nonadditive genetic influences
- Increases h2, decreases c2
- No assortative mating
- Decreases h2, increases c2
- No epistasis
- Could increase or decrease h2 or c2
- No rater bias or sibling contrast effects
- Typically increase h2, decrease c2
25Linkage Analysis
Two genes are said to be linked when they are
positioned close together on the same chromosome,
such that recombination between them is
significantly decreased. If a trait is found to
be linked to a marker with known position, the
position of the gene for the trait is then known.
26Y Chromosome Map
27Recombination and Linkage (Thomas Hunt Morgan)
Q1 Why is Mendels second law of
independent assortment of genes mostly
correct? A1 Because of recombination, the
dealer that shuffles the genetic
deck. Q2 Why not completely correct? A2 Recomb
ination does not shuffle perfectly adjacent
genes can be linked.
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36Recombination the basis of linkage analysis
- Recombination occurs about 1.5 times per
chromosome. - Recombination occurs more in some areas (hot
spots) than others - The presence of one crossover inhibits the
development of others nearby. - If a marker locus and a disease locus are far
apart, recombination will typically occur between
the loci. - If a marker locus and a disease locus are very
close together, recombination will rarely occur
between the two loci.
37Recombination Frequency
Initial parental chromosomes with varying
distance between marker locus and disease locus
Percentage of the time marker and disease
co-occur after meiosis
Recombination Frequency
38Genetic Distance
- Centimorgan the distance at which two loci
recombine only 1 of the time
Recombination Frequency
Centimorgans apart
39Classical Linkage Analysis
- Works well for rare single-gene disorders
- the mode of genetic transmission must be
specified. - Large family pedigrees are necessary to provide
sufficient statistical power.
40Weaknesses of CLA
- Most disorders are polygenic.
- Most disorders are heterogeneous.
- Developmental / cohort effects.
- The dreaded categorical phenotype.
41Quantitative Trait Loci
- QTL are genes of relatively small effect that
influence a multifactorial trait. - The selected sibling-pair design provides
excellent power to detect the effect of a QTL. - This is a simple extension of the DF regression
method for twins.
42Summary of the selected sib-pair design to test
for linkage
- A sample of sibling pairs is selected in which at
least one sib scores above the cutoff on the
phenotype of interest. - Genotypes are collected from parents and sibs.
- Phenotypes are measured for the sibs, but are not
necessary for the parents. - Complex algorithms are utilized to estimate the
proportion of alleles shared identical by descent
(IBD) at each marker locus. - An extension of the DF method is used to test if
each marker locus is linked to a QTL associated
with the phenotype.
43Applying the DF regression method to search for
C B1 P B2 ? K C is the
cosib score P is the proband score ? is
the estimated proportion of alleles shared IBD at
the marker K is the regression
constant B2 tests for significant linkage at
that chromosomal location
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48RD and ADHD are Comorbid Why?
- Rejected Hypotheses
- Not a selection artifact Comorbidity found in
population samples (eg Willcutt - Pennington, 2000)
- Not a secondary phenocopy Comorbid subjects
have both EF and PA deficits - (Willcutt et al, 2001), contrary to Pennington
et al (1993) - Not cross-assortment (Friedman et al,
submitted) - Supported Hypothesis Shared Etiological
Influences - Bivariate h2g for RD and ADHD (Stevenson et al,
1993 Light et al, 1995) - Bivariate h2g for RD and Inatt is about .40,
whereas NS for RD and HI - (Willcutt et al, 2000)
- QTL for RD on 6p21.3 is also linked to ADHD and
shows bivariate linkage - with RD phenotypes (Willcutt et al, in press)
49An example with some real data(Willcutt et al.,
- Sample 48 sib-pairs in which at least one sib
has ADHD. - Markers 8 polymorphic markers spanning 14.7
centiMorgans of the short arm of chromosome 6p. - Markers in this area have been shown to be linked
to a QTL for RD in four independent samples
(Cardon et al., 1994, 1995 Fisher et al., 1999
Gayan et al., 1999 Grigorenko et al., 1997)
50Description of Markers
51Symptoms of ADHD exhibited by the cosibs of
probands with ADHD as a function of the
proportion of alleles shared IBD at marker D6S105
52Linkage of ADHD to markers on chromosome 6
P .001
5 cM
53Bivariate linkage of RD and ADHD to markers on
chromosome 6p
P .01
5 cM
54Summary of Linkage Analysis
- Family-based technique.
- Designed to screen large sections of the genome
for possible genes. - Strength can be detected over relatively long
distances if the gene has a large effect. - Weakness Due to relative infrequency of
recombination across the genome, regions of
significant linkage are often quite large, and it
is hard to detect small effects.
55Genetic Association and Candidate Gene Studies
- compare large samples of individuals with and
without the disorder. - test if an allele at a specific genetic locus is
associated with the disorder in the population as
a whole. - a simple ?2 tests significance of association
- Example
- ADHD 40 have 7-repeat Dopamine D4 receptor
allele - Control 20 have 7-repeat allele
56Possible implications of significant association
- True functional association
- identifies a polymorphism in a gene that plays a
direct functional role in the disorder. - Population Stratification
57Population Stratification
- potential fatal flaw of the case-control design
- Different ethnic groups often have very different
gene frequencies
58Population frequency of the 7-repeat risk
allele of the dopamine D4 receptor
gene(summarized from data described by Ken Kidd,
M.D. http//www.med.yale.edu/genetics/kkidd/)
59An alternative to the case-control designThe
sibling-pair association study
- A proband is selected with the disorder.
- Test whether a sibling who shares the risk
allele is more likely to also have the disorder
than a sibling without the risk allele (or has a
higher mean score in dimensional analyses) - The use of siblings controls for population
stratification because full siblings are from the
same ethnic group - What if the proband has no sibling?
60The Transmission Disequilibrium Test
- A proband with the disorder is identified.
- The proband and both parents are genotyped.
- We test whether the affected proband receives the
risk allele from a heterozygous parent
significantly more often than the other allele.
61A Subset of the Genes Associated with ADHD
- Dopamine Transporter Gene (e.g., Cook et al.,
1995) - Dopamine D4 receptor (e.g., LaHoste et al., 1996)
- Dopamine D2 receptor (e.g., Comings et al., 1999)
- Dopamine D5 receptor (e.g., Daly et al., 1999)
- Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase gene (e.g., Daly et
al., 1999) - Serotonin Transporter gene (Manor et al., 2001)
- Serotonin receptor 2B (Quist et al., 2001)
- Monoamine oxidase A (Jiang et al., 2000)
- DxS7 region (Jiang et al., 2000)
- A gene on chromosome 6p (Willcutt et al., 2002)
62IV. Developmental Dyslexia is a Language
- Phonological development is difficult,
protracted and - exhibits wide individual differences.
- Studies of infants and toddlers born to
dyslexic parents - find problems in speech perception (Lyytinen,
1999) - and expressive syntax (Scarborough, 1990).
- Children with speech production problems have
higher - rates of later dyslexia and dyslexics have
higher rates - of earlier speech production problems. The
two disorders - are co-familial and co-heritable.
- We have begun a study to examine the genetic
and - cognitive relations between dyslexia and
speech and - language disorders.
63Phenotypic Overlap Among SSD, LI, RD
64Main Hypotheses Genetic
- 1.) The comorbidity among these three disorders
is caused - by a partly shared genetic etiology.
Therefore, some of - the risk loci already
identified for RD will also be risk loci - for SSD and LI.
- 2.) This genetic overlap will vary by subtypes
of SSD LI. -
- For SSD, the overlap will be found for SD but
not - for Dyspraxia.
- For LI, the overlap will be found for
deficits in - structural (lexical syntactic) but not
functional - language.
65Main Hypotheses Neuropsychological
1.) The shared neuropsychological phenotype
among SSD, LI, RD is a deficit in
implicit phonological representations.
2.) This shared neuropsychological phenotype
will vary by subtypes of SSD LI present
in SD and structural LI, but absent in
Dyspraxia and PLI.
66Recent Relevant Evidence From My Lab
A. Children at Risk for RD have SSD (Lefly
Pennington, 2001) B. Coheritability of SSD and
RD (Tunick, M.A.) C. Implicit Phonological
Representations in RD (Boada,
Ph.D.) D. SSD children have preliteracy
deficits (Raitano, M.A.)
67A. Children at Risk for RD(Pennington Lefly,
Who Became Dyslexic? 34 (22/64) of High-Risk
Group 6 (3/49) of Low-Risk Group Relative Risk
68Speech Production Problems(Pennington Lefly,
Parent Report Age 5 28 (18/64) of High-Risk
Group plt.05 13 (6/48) of Low-Risk Group GFW
Ratings Age 5 58 (11/19) of High-Risk
RD plt.001 0 (0/11 of High-Risk NRD Late 8
Ratings Age 7 58 (7/12) of High-Risk
RD plt.05 0 (0/11) of High-Risk NRD
69Shared Etiologies Among SSD, LI, RD
- SSD LI are coheritable (Bishop et al., 1995)
- SSD RD are co-familial (Lewis et al, 1989
- 1990 1992)
- LI RD are coheritable (Bishop et al., 1999)
- So far, no molecular tests of shared etiologies
70B. Coheritability of SSD and RD (Tunick, MA
- In CLDRC Twin sample, retrospective SSD and RD
are comorbid - SSD
- -
- Retrospective SSD is heritable
- MZ concordance 76, DZ33
- X2 83.77, p, lt.001 RD
- RD and SSD are co-heritable -
- MZ cross-concordance 28, DZ 19
- X2 9.35, p, lt.05
- X271.4, plt.001
153 655 19 81
77 1096 7 93
71Shared Neuropsychology Among SSD, LI, RD
- All three disorders share deficits in
phonological - memory, as measured by NW repetition (Bishop
et al.,1996 Brady, 1997 Gathercole Baddeley,
1990 - Snowling, 1981)
- All three disorders share deficits in phoneme
- awareness (Bishop et al, 1995 Lewis
Freebairn, - 1992 Wagner Torgesen, 1987)
- Deficit in NW rep. is coheritable with LI
(Bishop, et al, - 1996) and PA deficit is coheritable with RD
(Olson et - al, 1994)
- These results could be explained by a problem
in the - development of phonological representations
72C. Implicit Phonological Representations in
RD(Boada, Ph.D. Thesis)
- Compared RD only, RD SSD/LI, CA, and RA
controls. N20 each. - All four groups similar in SES, gender NVIQ.
First 3 groups similar - in age (11-13y).
- Used three measures of implicit phonological
representations - - Lexical gating
- - Priming
- - Syllable similarity (Treiman Breaux, 1982)
- No differences between RD only and RD SSD/LI
groups -
73Lexical Gating(sum of gates required)
RD RDSSD/LI CA RA 93.6 95.3 80.8
87.5 (11.0) (10.4) (6.8)
(10.9) F(2,77) 13.12, plt.001 RD
combined gt CA, RA
74Priming Task
75Syllable Similarity (c-s)
76D. SSD and RD Project (Raitano, et al, in
- SSD (N101), Controls (N 41)
- Similar in age (5-6y), parental education,
gender - ethnicity. NVIQ lower in SSD
- Examined 2 subtype dimensions of SSD, persistence
and LI, in a 2x2 design. - Compared on pre-literacy measures letter
- knowledge, PA, RSN
77SSD and RD Project Initial Results(Raitano, et
al, in revision)
1.) Entire SSD group worse than controls on PA
and letter knowledge, but not RSN. 2.) Within
SSD group, main effects of persistence and LI
status on PA, with NVIQ covaried. 3.) Even the
normalized SSD, no LI subgroup worse than
controls on PA.
78SSD and RD Project Future
- Follow-up groups at age 7 to test literacy
outcomes - Test for Shared Neuropsychology
- Auditory (Backward masking)
- Phonological memory (NW rep)
- Implicit Phon. Representations (Boada measures)
- PA
- Test for Shared Etiologies Sib Pair Linkage
Study - with Shelley Smith