Title: Promoting Change in Cancer Services
1- Promoting Change in Cancer Services
Dr A Gavin N. Ireland Cancer Registry
Tel 028 9063 2573 Fax 028 9024 8017
E.Mail nicr_at_qub.ac.uk Website
2 Promoting Change in Cancer Services
- Background
- Methods and Results
- The Cancer Registrys Role in Promoting Change
3UK and Ireland
N. Ireland Population 1.7 Million
4N. Ireland 1996
22 Hospitals
5Centralisation Improves Outcomes
- Calman Hine report 1995 (England and Wales)
- Campbell Report 1996
- Organ and disease specific specialists
- Multidisciplinary multiprofessional specialist
cancer teams - Centralisation of services to Cancer centre and
cancer units
61997 5 Cancer Units, 1 Cancer Centre
7Study Aim
- To compare process of care and outcomes 1996 (pre
Campbell) and 2001 - Method
- Retrospective note review by trained Registry
staff of cases registered NICR Electronic
Proforma for data entry designed with clinicians
taking account of existing guidelines - Oesophagus stomach, lung, colon and rectum,
breast, pancreas (2001), cervix, ovary, thyroid
(2001/2002) -
- N4000 approx. gt60 cancers
8Data Collected
- Patient
- Demographics
- Referral source
- Symptoms and duration
- Comorbidities
- Medication
- Investigations
- Staging
- Treatments
- No Treatments
9Data Collected
- MD Meetings
- Operator Workloads
- Procedural Intent
- Waiting Times
- Onward Referral
- Communication
- Patient
- GP
- Outcomes
- Survival Stage, Cell Type
- Patient
- Demographics
- Referral source
- Symptoms and duration
- Comorbidities
- Medication
- Investigations
- Staging
- Treatments
- No Treatments
10Lung Cancer Patients
- 75 referred by GP
- lt1 referred from Radiology
- 40 emergency admission
11Lung Cancer
- 1/10 under 55yrs at diagnosis
- 5 non-smokers
- Higher in deprived group
- 1/3 Significant Comorbidity - 1/3 Heart Disease -
1/3 COPD - 1/13 Stroke - 1/13 history of other malignancy
12Lung Cancer
13Lung Cancer Observed Survival Surgery Versus Non
Surgery Patients
Surgery patients survival plt0.01 (n113 in 1996,
92 in 2001)
Overall survival unchanged
14Breast cancer - Hospital of Operation
15Breast cancer - Hospital of Operation
16Tamoxifen prescription and ER status of patients
Tamoxifen prescribed 97 1996 surgery patients
76 2001 surgery patients
17Breast by 2001 compared with 1996
- Earlier disease presentation
- Reduced waiting times
- Better staging information
- More specialisation
- Better targeting treatment eg Tamoxifen
- Improvement in information to GP
18 Colon, RS Rectum (conclusions)
- High emergency presentations (38 CRS 16
rectal) - Duration serious symptoms
- Use of CT Scanning
- Improved Staging Node exam
- MDT Meetings increased (18 CRS 31 rectum)
- Evidence Centralisation
- rectal
- More high volume operators
- Referral times steady volume increased
- Improved recording information
- In notes
- To GP
19Key Issues Colorectal Cancer
- Too many operators
- 90 colon in 2001
- 39 rectal
- 24 less than 5/year CRS, 22 rectal
- Too many hospitals
- 16 CRS
- 14 Rectum
- Need to further improve staging
- Need to increase MDT meetings
- 20 stoma patients no record of stoma therapist
- Treatment for patients with Pancreatic Cancer
should be the responsibility of Specialist
Pancreatic Cancer Teams. These should be based
in Cancer Centres and serve populations between
2-4 million - Improving outcomes in upper GI Cancer NHS 2001
21Pancreas (n152 patients)Key Issues
- 48 surgical procedures for pancreatic cancer were
performed on 31 patients by 18 surgeons in 11
hospitals in N. Ireland in 2001.
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24 25- RACC Reports
- Oesophagus Stomach, Breast, Prostate,
Colorectal, Lung and Pancreas
26Value of Audit Reports
- All patients diagnosed with major cancers so a
population perspective - Data of value to clinicians
- NICaN Working Groups established as a result of
the gaps demonstrated - Promises to improve cancer services via audit
loop - Valuable for clinical governance
- Waiting times information
- Goal Series of Snapshots of Cancer Services
1996, 2001, 2006
27Promoting Change in Cancer Services the role of
cancer registries
Identify problem or issue
Monitor effects of change
28All reports and proformas available
at http//www.qub.ac.uk/nicr/racc.htm