Title: Next Generation Memory Devices
1Next Generation Memory Devices
Sakhrat Khizroev
Center for Nanoscale Magnetic Devices
Florida International University Miami, Florida,
- Background
- Perpendicular Magnetic Recording
- Three-dimensional Magnetic Recording
- Protein-based memory
- Summary
Traditionally, Scaling Laws were followed to
advance data storage technologies
At 1 Gbit/in2 information density, bit sizes are
400 x 1600 nm2 At 100 Gbit/in2 40 x 160 nm2 At
1 Tbit/in2 13 x 52 nm2
4Scaling Smaller Transducers and Media
At 1 Tbit/in2 information density, Bit Sizes are
13 x 52 nm2
5Superparamagnetic Limit
Magnetic grains
Bit transition
SNR log(N), N - number of grains per bit While
scaling, need to preserve number of grains per
bit to preserve SNR Grain size is reduced for
higher areal densities
6Media Stability
Probability of magnetization reversal due to
thermal fluctuations
Thermally stable media
Relaxation time ? 72 sec for KuV/kT40
? 3.6x109 years for KuV/kT 60
If altaminimum, medium becomes thermally unstable
leading to severe deterioration of recorded data
over time.
- Approaches to avoid superparamagnetic
instabilities - Decrease aminimum by increasing KU
- Increase a by decreasing the number of grains per
bit - Demagnetization fields in transitions shorten the
relaxation time
Patterned Media
Perpendicular Recording
S. Khizroev and D. Litvinov, Perpendicular
Magnetic Recording, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
2004 ISBN 1-4020-2662-5.
8Perpendicular Recording Well-defined Anisotropy
Magnetic grains
In a typical longitudinal recording layer the
magnetic anisotropy axes of individual grains are
randomly oriented in the plane of the film
2D random medium
In perpendicular recording layer the anisotropy
axis is relatively well aligned (lt2-4 degrees)
perpendicular to the plane of the film
oriented medium
Substantially relaxes the requirements for write
field gradients Can use thicker recording layer -
better thermal stability !!! (increased V in
KUV/kBT ratio)
S. Khizroev and D. Litvinov, Perpendicular
Magnetic Recording, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
2004 ISBN 1-4020-2662-5.
9Nanoscale Device Tbit/in2 Recording Transducer
Bit Sizes 13 x 52 nm2
S. Khizroev, D. Litvinov, Physics of
perpendicular recording writing process, Appl.
Phys. Reviews Focused Review, JAP 95 (9), 4521
10Gap Versus Fringing Field Writing
Higher areal density media requires higher write
fields !!!
In perpendicular recording the write process
effectively occurs in the gap (Write Field lt
4pMS) In longitudinal recording the write process
is done with the fringing fields (Write Field lt
S. Khizroev and D. Litvinov, Perpendicular
Magnetic Recording, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
2004 ISBN 1-4020-2662-5.
11FIB to Trim Regular Transducers into Nanoscale
The most critical step is to make
a probe with Nanoscale dimensions
FIB Etch to Define a Nanoprobe
FIB Deposition
S. Khizroev, D. Litvinov, FIB Review in
Nanotechnology 14, R7-15 (2004).
12Numerical Calculations
Modeled Fields (Quantum-mechanical)
Gallium Ion Implantation
Jointly with Integrated Inc. ,a group at Durham
University, UK, and groups at Carnegie Mellon
13FIB-fabricated Nanoscale Transducers
Longitudinal Transducer with a 30 nm Width
Perpendicular Transducer with a 60 nm Width
Note It takes 10 minutes to make one such
device in the University environment
S. Khizroev, D. Litvinov, FIB Review in
Nanotechnology 14, R7-15 (2004).
14Control of Gallium Diffusion
Ion Dose
2 x 106 Ions/cm2
dose increase
3 x 105 Ions/cm2
NOTE Although NO texture change is observed
through AFM, substantial magnetic
grain change is seen through MFM
D. Litvinov, E. Svedberg, T. Ambrose, F. Chen,
E. Schlesinger, J. Bain, and S. Khizroev, Ion
implantation of magnetic thin-films and
nanostructures, JMMM 277 (3-4), xxx (2004).
15Nanoscale FIB Process
The process how to make Nano-precision patterns
with FIB was shared with a few companies and
successfully implemented by Carnegie Mellon
University, IBM, Seagate, and others
A Part of a Device made in the Industry before
the process was implemented
Same Device made with the process implemented
Side wall
500 nm
500 nm
S. Khizroev, D. Litvinov, FIB Review in
Nanotechnology 14, R7-15 (2004).
Dynamic Kerr Measurement of the Field from a
Nanoscale Transducer
Kerr-Image Snap-Shots for a SPH Transducer
(Near-field Kerr Microscopy)
These experiments were repeated at Seagate, CMU,
and IBM
D. Litvinov, J. Wolfson, J. Bain, R. White, R.
Chomko, R. Chantrell, and S. Khizroev, Dynamics
of perpendicular recording, IEEE Trans. Magn. 37
(4), 1376-8 ( 2001).
Ion image of a FIB-fabricated and magnetically
active 3-nm-long feature
MFM image of recorded nanoscale magnetic "dots"
18Perpendicular Recording with Bit Widths of less
than 65 nm
MFM Images of Nanoscale Size Information
190 ktpi
CoCrPtTa alloy
400 nm
CoB/Pd multilayer
400 ktpi
130 nm
The FIB-made transducer
Current state-of-the-art longitudinal recording
is lt100ktpi
S. Khizroev, D. A. Thompson, M. H. Kryder, and
D. Litvinov, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 (12), 2256
(2002) Editor's choice for the Virtual Journal
of Nanoscale Science Technology, Sep 23rd 2002.
19Three-dimensional Magnetic Recording
- Perpendicular Recording promises to defer the
limit to 1 Terabit/in2 - Heat-Assisted and Patterned Media are still 2-D
limited and relatively slow
It is expected that Moores law will inevitably
reach its limit between 2010 and 2020 ?
Time to stack multiple active layers on top of
each other
3-D Magnetic Recording is a data storage form of
3-D integration
Conventional and 3-D
Recording Media
Note Each cell is 50 x 50 nm2
203-D Magnetic Recording
Lead Ph.D. Graduate Student Yazan Hijazi,
Sakhrat Khizroev
- The development of 3-D magnetic recording is
divided into two phases - Multi-level Recording not optimally utilized 3-D
space - Note Effective areal density increase is
by a factor of Log2L (where L is the number of
signal levels) - 3-D Recording each magnetic layer is separately
addressed - Note Effective areal density increase is by a
factor of N (where N is the number of recording
Note These are not active layers
Note Each cell is 50 x 50 nm2
21Recording Head
The current in the single pole head is varied to
vary the recording field Each recording is
performed via two pulses 1) a cell is saturated
and 2) the information is recorded
Simulated Recording Field
Schematics of a Transducer
22Playback Head
The playback head is designed to preferably read
the vertical field component which is dominant in
this case
Stray Field from 3D Medium
Differential Reader Configuration
Electronic Images of FIB-fabricated Transducer
23Multi-level Recording on a Continuous Medium
Recording Step 2
Recording Step 1
- Major Disadvantages
- Every time a track is recorded into the bottom
layer, there are side regions in the top layer in
which the earlier recorded information is lost
because of the overlapping side region - The superparamagnetic limit
Recording Step 3
24Multi-level Recording on a Patterned Medium
FIB-etched Patterned Medium
Patterned Media by Toh-Ming Lu
Note 1 The tilt angle can be controlled via
deposition condition
Note 2 The inter-layer separation should be
sufficient to break the quantum-mechanical
exchange coupling
Note Each cell is 50 x 50 nm2
25Multi-level Recording on a Patterned Medium
Note 2 The inter-layer separation should be
sufficient to break the quantum-mechanical
exchange coupling
Micromagnetic Simulation Illustrating Two Cases
of Interlayer Separation
a) lt 1 nm and
b) gt 2 nm
M up
M down
Recording Field Profile
26Multi-level Recording on a Patterned Medium
H -?
H1gtHc gtH2
Recording Field Profiles in Individual Layers at
a Given Current Value
H4gtHc gtH5
H3gtHc gtH4
H2gtHc gtH3
27Multi-level Recording on a Patterned Medium
Magnetic Charge Representation of the Playback
Simulated Stray Field from a 3-D Medium at
different levels of recording
28MFM Images of Two Types of Media
Each cell is 60 x 60 nm2
29SNR Limitations
- Patterned Media (ideally, fabrication technique
limited) - Electronic noise sources are 10 Ohm GMR Sensor
and 0.2 nV/sqrt(Hz) preamp noise over a 500 MHz
CTF bandwidth at 1 Gbit/sec
Note 1 Special encoding channels should be used
to reduce BER
Note 2 The demagnetization field could be fairly
large for some configuration. Special bit
encoding should be considered to avoid the
unfavorable bit configuration.
Hdemag gtgt 4?Ms
30Three-dimensional Recording
Schematic Diagrams of a 3-D Memory Device
Biasing Conductor for Layer Identification during
2-D Recording/Reading Grid (similar to MRAM)
Soft Underlayer
31Magnetically-induced Writing
K-th layer is identified
(K-1)-th layer is identified
Note The current in the biasing conductor is
continuously decreased from the maximum to zero
to identify individual layers starting from the
top to the bottom
32Thermally-induced Writing
(jointly with Seagate Research)
Simulation by Roman Chomko
333-D Reading
Different Implementations
- Active layers MRAM devices stacked together
CoCrPtTa alloy
343-D Reading Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy
Comparative MFM Images of Atomic-size Information
obtained by the Conventional State-of-the-art MFM
(left) and the FIU-developed Smart Nano-probe
CoCrPtTa alloy
Electron Image of Smart Nano-probe (made via
353-D Reading Magnetically-induced Reading
Note 1 Through the variation of the softness
of the SUL, one can vary the sensitivity field of
each cell
Sensitivity Field with a Free SUL (red) and
Saturated SUL (black)
Note 2 Effective physical scanning in the
vertical direction is produced via the variation
of the softness of the SUL. Thus, each layer
could be independently addressed
According to the Reciprocity principle, the
signal in each cell is given by Expression
Provisional patent filed with US PTO on August
4th 2004
36Parallel Set of Signals at Ibias 0 (A turn)
Recorded Pattern in Layer 6
37Parallel Set of Signals at Ibias 1.56 (A turn)
Recorded Pattern in Layer 4
38Parallel Set of Signals at Ibias 5.85 (A turn)
Recorded Pattern in Layer 2
39Summary on 3-D Magnetic Recording
- The study of 3-D magnetic recording has been
initiated - During the last year, the PIs have authored 8
peer-review papers on the underlying physics of
magnetic and magneto-thermal recording - Specific designs of 3-D magnetic devices have
been proposed - The university is in the process of filing a
patent on the proposed mechanism.
Within two years, demonstrate an experimental
prototype of a stable (for at least 50 years at
room temperature) 3-D magnetic memory with at
least ten recording layers with an effective
areal density of at least 1 Terabit/in2 and a
data rate faster than 2 Gbit/sec
40Protein-based Memory
- Why Protein?
- Naturally occurring residues of proteins
(Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) mutants) in the form of - molecules with a diameter of less than 3 nm
(more than 100 times smaller than polymeric - material used to DVDs) demonstrate
unprecedented thermal stability at room
temperature - (critical advantage over magnetic storage,
correspond to areal densities of much beyond 10 - Terabit/in2
- Unprecedented recyclablity of protein medium it
can be rewritten more than 10 million times (more
than 1000 times better than CD/DVD) - The light-sensitive properties of proteins
integrated with the modern semiconductor laser - technology provide a relatively straightforward
control of recording and retrieving information - from the protein media.
- Much faster time response of protein media (as
compared to magnetic media) the time - response in the protein media is in the
picosecond region (as compared to the nanosecond - region in magnetic media)
- Economical
- Non-volatile
41Wild-life Bacteriorhodopsine (bR) produced by
Salinos del Rio on Lanzarote Island
Schematics of a halobacterial cell and its
functional devices
R. R. Birge, Scientific American, 90-95, March
42Protein-based Memory
Goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of
recording/storing/retrieving information on/from
photochromic proteins at areal densities of above
1 Terabit/in2 and data rates of above 10
- Problems with Protein Media
- Early proteins were unstable (Solved with
discovery of bacteriorhodopsin) - Polymers, on which protein structures are made,
are less stable than proteins themselves - It is not trivial to immobilize proteins in 3-D
- Holographic methods are not perfected for
ultra-high densities (far from competing with
- Approach (2-D Single Molecule Level instead of
3-D) is - to take advantage of the 2-D stability of BR
media to record on one surface at a
single-molecule level or/and use a stack of
layers to record in 3-D and - take advantage of the most advanced nanoscale
recording system so called heat-assisted
magnetic recording (HAMR) based on the near-field
optical recording transducer
43Data Recording/Retrieval in Protein-Based Storage
Thermal Cycle with Two Stable States
44Recording Mechanism Two photon processes
Fig. Writing digital 1. Transition A ? B. Two
photon absorption causes transition to
intermediate state, which then relax to the
second stable state B.
Cascade two photon absorption.
Note Using two photon and other nonlinear
processes makes possible remote writing digital
information inside optical media volume. It is
applicable for nonvolatile multi-layered optical
45Earlier Proposed Protein Memory
Parallel Data Access (page by page via
positioning of the green light)
- Optics never could record high densities
- 3-D media are not trivial to immobilize
R. R. Birge, Scientific American, 90-95, March
46The Proposed Solution to Demonstrate the
Feasibility of Protein Based Storage
- All the above-described methods of
recording/retrieving data are quite complicated
and it is hard to see whether they will be
implemented and if yes, when. In fact, so far no
physical demonstration of ultra-high density
recording has been made! - The PIs propose
- first, to use a bit-by-bit 2-D type of recording
to demonstrate the feasibility - of the protein-based storage (it is trivial to
immobilize 2-D media) - then, to apply one of the available parallel
data recording/retrieving - mechanism (e.g. holographic).
To accomplish this goal, the PIs use the
transducer design earlier developed for
heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). HAMR is
the most advanced recording mechanism proposed so
far. The PIs have pioneered one of the most
efficient design of the transducer for HAMR
T. McDaniel, W. Challener, Issues in
heat-assisted perpendicular recording, IEEE
Trans. Magn. 39 (4), 1972-9 (2003).
47Novel Recording Transducer for Areal Densities
Above 1 Terabit/in2
Note Focused ion beam (FIB) is used to fabricate
apertureless transducers (with aperture
dimensions of less than 100 nm ltlt than the
Electron Image of FIB-fabricated Apertureless
Air-bearing-surface (ABS) view of laser diode
with a thin layer of Al with FIB-etched "C" shape
lt 90 nm
In-house made
F. Chen, A. Itagi, J. A. Bain, D. D. Stancil,
and T. E. Schlesinger, Imaging of optical field
confinement in ridge waveguides fabricated on
very-small-aperture laser, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83
(16), 3245 (2003).
48Two-Dimensional Protein Media
- Easy to fabricate
- Naturally stable
Optical spectra of a gelatin-mixed BR film in
two states, the ground state and one of the
intermediate M states
AFM Image of a 2-D Pattern with a 2.4-nm Period
The decay absorption signal in the excited
M-state measured at a wavelength of 410 nm
Note Patented approach to immobilize proteins
Into stable thin-film recording media (H.
Arjomandi, V. Renugopalakrishnan)
A gelatin-mixed bR film under study was
fabricated by Lars Lindvold
The spectra were recorded with a Varian CARY 50
49Experimental setup to record and read information
on/from proteins
Custom-made Near-field System built around
Aurora-3 by DI
Schematic Diagram
Note The modular structure of the system allows
simultaneously using more than one (currently, up
to four) sources (red to blue lasers, UV lamps)
to conduct photons through a fiber to the sample
in the near-field regime. In addition, as
described below, the system will allow
implementing diode lasers assembled right at the
air bearing surfaces (ABS) of the recording
probes attached to the SPMs cantilever.
50Early Results Reading Tracks from Photochromic
BR Media
Near-field Optical Readback Signal
Narrowest track is 100 nm
The signal is the absorbed power in the
detector system in the reflection mode
100 Gbit/in2
0. End to Longitudinal Recording
- 1. Perpendicular Recording
- 2. Use smaller GrainsDeal with Write Field
Problem (10x gain) - Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR)
- E.g. high anisotropy 3 nm FePt grains
- 3. Single Grain per Bit Recording combined with
HAMR (5x gain) - Patterned Media
- 4. 3-D Magnetic Recording
- 5. Protein-based Memory (Single-Molecule
1 Tbit/in2
10 Tbit/in2
50 Tbit/in2
Ultimate Recording Density gt 50 Tbit/in2