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EEL 4930 6 / 5930 5, Spring 06. Physical Limits of Computing. Slides for a course taught by ... Electric charge. Q. atomic mass unit (amu), gram (g), pound ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: EEL%204930%20

EEL 4930 6 / 5930 5, Spring 06Physical Limits
of Computing
  • Slides for a course taught byMichael P. Frankin
    the Department of Electrical Computer

Physical Limits of ComputingCourse Outline
Currently I am working on writing up a set of
course notes based on this outline,intended to
someday evolve into a textbook
  • Course Introduction
  • Moores Law vs. Modern Physics
  • Foundations
  • Required Background Material in Computing
  • Fundamentals
  • The Deep Relationships between Physics and
  • IV. Core Principles
  • The two Revolutionary Paradigms of Physical
  • V. Technologies
  • Present and Future Physical Mechanisms for the
    Practical Realization of Information Processing
  • VI. Conclusion

Part II. Foundations
  • This first part of the course quickly reviews
    some key background knowledge that you will need
    to be familiar with in order to follow the later
  • You may have seen some of this material before.
  • Part II is divided into two chapters
  • Chapter II.A. The Theory of Information and
  • Chapter II.B. Required Physics Background

Chapter II.B. Required Physics Background
  • This chapter covers All the Physics You Need to
    Know, for purposes of this course
  • II.B.1. Physical Quantities, Units, and
  • II.B.2. Modern Formulations of Mechanics
  • II.B.3. Basics of Relativity Theory
  • II.B.4. Elementary Quantum Mechanics
  • II.B.5. Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics
  • II.B.6. Solid-State Physics

Section II.B.1Physical Quantities, Units, and
Fundamental Constants
  • Unit prefixes, Physical quantities, Dimensional
    identities, Planck units, Physical constants

Order-of-Magnitude Prefixes
Factor Prefix Abbr. English Factor Prefix Abbr. English
101 deca da ten 10-1 deci d tenth
102 hecto h hundred 10-2 centi c hundredth
103 kilo k thousand 10-3 milli m thousandth
106 mega M million 10-6 micro µ millionth
109 giga G billion 10-9 nano n billionth
1012 tera T trillion 10-12 pico p trillionth
1015 peta P quadrillion 10-15 femto f quadrillionth
1018 exa E quintillion 10-18 atto a quintillionth
1021 zetta Z sextillion 10-21 zepto z sextillionth
1024 yotta Y septillion 10-24 yocto y septillionth
Source BIPM, http//
Binary Power Multiples
Factor Decimal Value Prefix Abbr. Approx.
210 1,024 kibi Ki 1.02 k
220 1,048,576 mebi Mi 1.05 M
230 1,073,741,824 gibi Gi 1.07 G
240 1,099,511,627,776 tebi Ti 1.10 T
250 1,125,899,906,842,624 pebi Pi 1.13 P
260 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 exbi Ei 1.15 E
270 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 zebi Zi 1.18 Z
280 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 yobi Yi 1.21 Y
Source NIST, http//
Fundamental Physical Quantities
  • All other physical quantities can be defined in
    terms of these
  • However, other sets of fundamental units are

Dimensional Symbol Denotes Typical variable names Some Units
L Physical distance, length, position, radius d, ?, x, r Ångstrom (Å), inch (in), foot (ft), yard (yd), meter (m), mile (mi), astronomical unit (au), light-year (ly), parsec (pc)
T Physical time, time interval t, T, t second (s), minute (min), hour (hr), day (dy), year (yr)
M Physical mass m, M atomic mass unit (amu), gram (g), pound mass (lbm)
Q Electric charge q, Q Coulomb (C), Franklin (Fr)
S Entropy, uncertainty, extropy, information S, H, X, I Joules/Kelvin (J/K), kilocalorie/Kelvin (kcal/K), bit (b), nat (n), dit (d)
Some derived quantities
Electrical Quantities
  • Well skip magnetism related quantities this

Fundamental Physical Constants
  • The speed of light in vacuum c 299,792,458
  • This value is exact, by the very definition of
    the meter!
  • The energy of frequency (Plancks constant) h
    6.626075510?34 J s
  • The energy of angular frequency (reduced Plancks
    constant) ? h / 2?
  • Remember this with the analogy (h 1 circle)
    (? 1 radian)
  • In fact, later well see why its valid to view
    h,? as being these angles.
  • The force of gravity (Newtons gravitational
    constant) G 6.6725910?11 N m2 / kg
  • The force of electricity (Coulombs law
    constant) kC 8.9876?109 N m2 / C2
  • The e-fold of uncertainty (Boltzmanns
    constant) k kB Loge 1.380651310?23 J /
  • Others permittivity of free space,
    Stefan-Boltzmann constant, etc. to be introduced
    later, as we go along.

Constants and Laws
  • Each of the fundamental constants arises as a
    simple proportionality constant in some
    fundamental physical law
  • Newtons Law. Bodies exert an attractive force
    proportional to their masses and the inverse
    square of their separation
  • Fgrav G(m1m2/d2)
  • Coulombs Law. Electrical charges exert a force
    proportional to their charges and the inverse
    square of their separation
  • Felec kC(q1q2/d2)
  • Constancy of the speed of light (Maxwell). The
    distance traversed by an electromagnetic
    disturbance (e.g., light) is proportional to the
    elapsed time
  • ? ct
  • Boltzmanns Relation. The amount of energy added
    to a system as heat is proportional to its
    temperature times the increase in its information
  • dE kBT d(LogW)
  • Quantization principle (Planck, Einstein).
    Electromagnetic disturbances come in discrete
    units (quanta) having an energy proportional to
    their frequency
  • E hf

The Unification of Physical Quantities
  • By letting fundamental constants be
    dimensionless, we can establish identities
    between different physical dimensions
  • If we let G be dimensionless, we get
  • ML3/T2 (mass rate of acceleration of volume?)
  • If we let kC be dimensionless, we get
  • Q2ML3/T2 (charge squared mass ? volume
  • This is how charge units such as the
    Franklin/statcoulomb/electrostatic unit are
  • With both G and kC dimensionless, we get QM
  • If we let c be dimensionless, we get
  • TL (timelength), and EM (energymass).
  • With G dimensionless also, we get ML.
  • If we let kB be dimensionless, we get
  • TE/S (temperature energy per unit
  • If we let h be dimensionless, we get
  • E1/T (energyinverse time, or frequency)
  • p1/L (momentuminverse length, or spatial
  • If c is also dimensionless, we get M1/L.
  • and if G is also dimensionless, we get 1/LML ?
    L1 (dimensionless!)

Plancks Natural Units
  • Max Planck realized in 1898 that letting G,c,h be
    dimensionless implied that all of the basic
    quantities L,T,M were really dimensionless
    quantities also
  • I.e., any length, time, or mass quantity
    corresponds to a unique pure number determined by
    G, c and h!
  • Thus, length/time/mass have associated natural
    units for measuring them
  • The units discovered by Planck are
  • The Planck length LP (G?/c3)1/2 1.6?10-35 m
  • The Planck time tP (G?/c5)1/2 5.4?10-44 s
  • The Planck mass mP (?c/G)1/2 22 µg
  • Its thought that these units (or something close
    to them) will be seen to have fundamental
  • in the presumed eventual unified theory of

Physics that you should already know
  • Well assume you already know these well, and
    wont review them
  • Basic Newtonian mechanics
  • Newtons laws, motion, energy, etc.
  • Basic electrostatics
  • Ohms law, Kirchoffs laws, etc.
  • Also helpful, but not prerequisite (well
    introduce them as we go along)
  • Basic statistical mechanics thermodynamics
  • Basic quantum mechanics
  • Basic relativity theory

Section II.B.2Modern Formulations of Mechanics
  • Euler-Lagrange Equation, Least-Action Principle,
    Hamiltons Equations, Field Theories

Chapter II.B. Required Physics Background
  • This chapter covers All the Physics You Need to
    Know, for purposes of this course
  • II.B.1. Physical Quantities, Units, and
  • II.B.2. Modern Formulations of Mechanics
  • II.B.3. Basics of Relativity Theory
  • II.B.4. Quantum Mechanics
  • II.B.5. Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics
  • II.B.6. Solid-State Physics

Generalized Mechanics
  • Classical mechanics (Newtons Laws, etc.) can be
    expressed in the most general and concise way
    using the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
  • Developed by Lagrange and Hamilton in the 1800s.
  • Each of these is based on a simple energy-valued
    function of the systems instantaneous state
  • The Lagrangian Kinetic minus potential energy.
  • The Hamiltonian Kinetic plus potential energy.
  • The dynamical laws for the system can be derived
    from either of these energy functions,
  • due to general principles of dynamics.
  • The Lagrangian (or Hamiltonian) gives the laws of
  • This framework generalizes to be the basis for
    quantum mechanics, quantum field theories, etc.

Euler-Lagrange Equation
Note the time-derivativeover-dot!
or just
  • Where
  • L(q, v) is the systems Lagrangian function.
  • qi Generalized position coordinate with index
  • vi Generalized velocity coordinate i
  • or (as appropriate)
  • t Time coordinate
  • In a given frame of reference.

Euler-Lagrange example
  • Let q (qi) (with i ? 1,2,3) be the ordinary
    x, y, z coordinates of a point particle with mass
  • Let L ½mvi2 - V(q). (Kinetic minus pot. energy)
  • Then, ?L/?qi -?V/?qi Fi
  • The force component in direction i.
  • Meanwhile, ?L/?vi ?(½mvi2)/?vi mvi pi
  • The momentum component in direction i.
  • And,
  • Mass times acceleration in direction i.
  • So we get Fi mai or (Newtons 2nd

Least-Action Principle
  • The action of an energy quantity means the
    integral of that quantity over time.
  • Dimensions of action ET ML2/T 1
  • The trajectory specified by the Euler-Lagrange
    equation locally extremizes (usually minimizes)
    the action of the Lagrangian
  • Among trajectories s(t)between specified
    pointss(t0) and s(t1).
  • Infinitesimal deviations from this trajectory
    leave the action unchanged, to 1st order.
  • Physical systems always take the path of least

Hamiltons Equations
  • The Hamiltonian is defined as H vipi - L.
  • Equals Ek Ep if L Ek - Ep and vipi 2Ek
  • We can then describe the dynamics of (q, p)
    states using the 1st-order Hamiltons equations
  • These are equivalent to the 2nd-order
    Euler-Lagrange equation.
  • But sometimes are easier to solve than it.
  • Note that any Hamiltonian dynamics is what we
    might call bi-deterministic
  • Meaning, deterministic in both the forwards and
    reverse time directions.

Implicitsummationover i here.
Lagrangian Formulation of Field Theories
  • Here, the space of indices i of the generalized
    coordinates is continuous (thus uncountable).
  • Usually it forms some topological space T, e.g.,
  • So, we often use f(x) notation in place of qi.
  • In local field theories, the Lagrangian L(f) is
    the integral of a Lagrange density function L(x)
  • where the point x ranges over the entire space T.
  • This L(x) depends only locally on the field f,
  • L(x) L f(x), (?f/?xi)(x), (x)
  • All successful physical theories (so far) can be
    explicitly written down as local field theories!
  • Thus, there is no instantaneous action at a

Section II.B.3Basics of Relativity Theory
  • Special Relativity, The Speed-of-Light Limit,
    General Relativity, Black Holes

Chapter II.B. Required Physics Background
  • This chapter covers All the Physics You Need to
    Know, for purposes of this course
  • II.B.1. Physical Quantities, Units, and
  • II.B.2. Modern Formulations of Mechanics
  • II.B.3. Basics of Relativity Theory
  • II.B.4. Quantum Mechanics
  • II.B.5. Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics
  • II.B.6. Solid-State Physics

Subsection II.B.3.aSpecial Relativity and the
Speed-of-Light Limit
  • Speed-of-Light Limit, Relativistic Effects,
    Lorentz Transformation, Relativistic

The Speed-of-Light Limit
  • No form of information (including quantum
    information!) can propagate through space at a
    velocity (relative to its local surroundings)
    that is greater than the speed of light, c
    3108 m/s.
  • Some consequences of the limit
  • No closed system can propagate faster than c.
  • Although you can define open systems that do, by
  • No given piece of matter, energy, or momentum can
    propagate faster than c.
  • All conserved physical quantities flow through
    space in a local fashion.
  • The influence of all of the fundamental physical
    forces (including gravity) propagates at (at
    most) c.
  • The probability mass associated with a quantum
    particle (or configuration of a multiparticle
    system) flows through space (or configuration
    space) in an entirely local fashion, at no faster
    than c.

Early History of the Limit
  • The principle of locality was first anticipated
    by Newton
  • He expressed a desire to get rid of the action
    at a distance aspects of his law of gravitation.
  • The fact of the finiteness of the speed of light
    (SoL) was first observed experimentally by Roemer
    in 1676.
  • The first decent speed estimate was obtained by
    Fizeau in 1849.
  • Weber Kohlrausch derived a constant velocity
    value, c, from empirical electromagnetic
    constants (e0, µ0) in 1856.
  • Kirchoff pointed out the match with the empirical
    speed of light in 1857.
  • Maxwell showed that his EM theory implied the
    existence of waves that always propagate at c in
  • Hertz later confirmed experimentally that EM
    waves indeed existed
  • Michaelson Morley (1887) observed that the
    empirical SoL was independent of the observers
    (Earths) state of motion!
  • Maxwells equations are apparently valid in all
    inertial reference frames!
  • Fitzgerald (1889), Lorentz (1892,1899), Larmor
    (1898), Poincaré (1898,1904), Einstein (1905)
    explored the implications of this...

Relativity Non-intuitive, but True
  • How can the speed of something be a fundamental
    constant? Seems broken at first
  • If Im moving at some large velocity v towards
    you, and I shoot a laser pulse at you, at what
    speed does the pulse travel, relative to me, and
    to you?
  • The answer to both is exactly c! (Not vc or
    anything else!)
  • Newtons laws were the same in all frames of
    reference moving at a constant velocity.
  • Einsteins Principle of Relativity (PoR) All
    laws of physics are invariant under changes in
  • Einsteins insight The PoR is perfectly
    logically consistent w. Maxwells theory of a
    constant SoL!
  • But, in showing consistency, we must change our
    definition of the concepts of space and time!

Some Consequences of Relativity
  • Measured lengths and time intervals in a system
    vary depending on the systems velocity
  • relative to the observers making the measurements
  • In particular, relativity yields the following
  • The length of any moving object is shortened
  • in its direction of motion.
  • All physical processes in a moving object run
    more slowly,
  • Faster motion through space ? Slower motion
    through time!
  • The mass of any moving object is amplified.
  • Energy and mass are really the same quantity,
    measured in different units! A realization that
    led to ?
  • The conversion between units is given by Emc2.
  • Nothing (including energy, matter, information,
    etc.) can travel faster than light! (SoL limit.)

Three Ways to Understand the c limit
  • Energy of motion contributes to mass of object.
  • Mass approaches ? as velocity ? c.
  • Infinite energy would be needed to reach c.
  • Due to the form of the equations, lengths and
    times in a faster-than-light moving object would
    become imaginary numbers!
  • What would that even mean, physically?
  • Faster than light in one reference frame ?
    Backwards in time in another reference frame
  • Sending information backwards in time violates
    causality, leads to logical contradictions!

The c limit in quantum physics
  • Sometimes you see statements about non-local
    effects in quantum systems. Watch out!
  • Even Einstein made this mistake.
  • He described a quantum thought experiment that at
    first appeared to require spooky action at a
  • Later, it was shown that such experiments did not
    actually violate the speed-of-light limit for
  • All of the apparently non-local quantum effects
    can be explained away as mere illusions
  • emergent phenomena that are predicted by an
    entirely local underlying theory fully respecting
    the SoL limit..
  • Widely-separated systems can still maintain
    quantum correlations (entanglement),
  • but that isnt true non-locality, in the usual

Coordinate Systems
  • We can think of a coordinate system (or frame of
    reference) as a set of interlocking stacks of
    planes (egg carton)
  • One stack of planes for each dimension x,y,z,t.
  • All points in a given plane have the same value
    for the given coordinate

A plane with equal values of twould be called an
isochrone. A plane with equal values of xwould
be called an isospatial. In geometry, such a
stack of planes is called a 1-form a 1-form
is related to a vector, but it transforms
differently when the coordinate system changes.
The Galilean Transformation
  • According to Galileo, the coordinates in a frame
    moving at velocity v are t' t, x' x - vt.
  • The isochrones remain unchanged.
  • The isospatials of the moving frame get skewed
  • But they remain the same distance apart in the
    original x dimension

Galilean boostby velocity 1/4
Why Galilean Coordinate Transformations Dont Work
  • Under the Galilean transformation, if some entity
    travels at a constant velocity (e.g., 1 space
    unit per time unit) in the original frame, then
    it will not do so in the new (relatively moving)
  • E.g., in the figure below, the green trajectory
    has speed 1 in the old coordinate system, and ¾
    in the new one while the purple one goes from
    speed -1 to -5/4.
  • Lorentz, Poincaré, and Einstein asked, how can we
    modify the Galilean transformation in a way that
    will fix this?
  • So that a certain speed (namely, c) will remain
    the same in all reference frames.

Galilean boostby velocity 1/4
Fixing the Problem
  • Clearly, the only way to fix the problem is to
    skew the isochrones also.
  • Like collapsing an egg crate or dish barrel
    dividers ?
  • It turns out that this is a good analogy, b/c the
    planes also get compressed closer together as the
    angles are skewed
  • In the figure on the right, notice that the green
    and purple trajectories still have speeds of 1
    and -1 in the skewed system.
  • Since the isochrones must be skewed, events that
    are simultaneous in a moving coordinate system
    (i.e., on the same isochrone) are NOT
    simultaneous from a stationary observers point
    of view, and vice-versa.
  • This is called the relativity of simultaneity.

Planes for increasingtime (t) coordinates
Lorentz boostby velocity 1/4
Planes for increasingspace (x) coordinates
The Lorentz Transformation
Usually credited to Lorentz (1904), but actually
it was written down earlier e.g., Larmor
(1897), and a variant form by Voigt (1887)
  • Lorentz, Poincaré Maxwells laws remain
    unchanged in the reference frame (x',t') of an
    object moving with constant velocity v ?x/?t in
    another reference frame (x,t), if we postulate
    the following transformation between the
    coordinate systems

Note Our ? symbol in these slides denotes the
reciprocal of the quantity thats called ? by
most authors. We do this so that we can write ß2
?2 1.
Some Consequences of the Lorentz Transform
  • Length contraction (Fitzgerald 1889, Lorentz
  • An object having length ? in its rest frame
    appears, when measured in a relatively moving
    frame, to have the (shorter) length ??.
  • For lengths that are parallel to the direction of
  • Time dilation (Larmor 1897, Poincaré 1898)
  • If time interval t is measured between two
    co-located events in a given frame, a (larger)
    time t t/? will be measured between those same
    two events in a relatively moving frame.
  • Mass expansion (Einsteins fix for Newtons
  • If an object has mass m0gt0 in its rest frame,
    then it is seen to have the (larger) mass m
    m0/? in a relatively moving frame.

Lorentz-Fitzgerald Length Contraction
  • Consider a limousine moving at 3/5 lightspeed!
  • Galileo Lorentz

v 0.6 c
Length in own frame still 10 units
In a snapshot, theback of the limoappears
slightlyolder than the front!
Time ?
Time ?
Apparent length in ground frame 8 units
Length 10 units
A Cool View of Time Dilation
  • The time dilation law can be rewritten in the
  • ?x/?t (or v ßc) is the rate at which the moving
    object covers distance through space
  • c?t'/?t (or ?c) is the rate at which the object
    traverses a distance of c?t' along its own
    personal time dimension t'
  • c?t/?t c is the rate at which distance through
    real time is covered.
  • Thus, we can say, we always travel at the speed
    of light, when all travel is counted.
  • Normally, all of this travel is through time,
    which is why we age at one year per year.
  • But, if some of our travel is through space, then
    the portion of our travel that takes us along our
    personal time dimension is lowered
  • Its exactly as if personal time we experience is
    a dimension thats perpendicular to the space
    that we move through, and the total distance
    traveled is given by the Pythagorean theorem!

Or, dividing through by c2,
1 total rate of travel (Speed of Light,
? rate of travel through movers
personal time
ß rate of travel through space
Lorentz Transform Visualization
New x',t'(moving) frame
Line colors
Original x,t(rest) frame
In this example v ?x/?t 3/5? ?t'/?t
4/5vT v/? ?x/?t' 3/4
t 0
The tourists velocity.
Lorentz Transform Animation
  • In this animation,
  • We see the instantaneous coor-dinate system of
    an observer moving along a non-uniform
  • Small dots are events
  • E.g., supernova explosions
  • Large dots are events that the traveler
    experiences in equal amounts of his own time.
  • E.g., birthday parties he has, each time hes
    aged a year
  • Note that dots on fast-moving parts of the
    trajectory seem farther apart until he matches
  • This is due to the time dilation effect

Future lightcone
Increasing t' coordinates
Past light cone
Increasing x' coordinates
The Twin Paradox
?x 4 lyr
  • One of the many relativistic effects that appears
    paradoxical at first
  • but really isnt.
  • Suppose I get in a rocket fly to a star 4
    light-years away with v 4/5 c.
  • Then I turn around and return at v 4/5 c.
  • Each way takes 5 years, so 10 years go by back on
  • But since ? 3/5, the traveler only ages 6
  • The paradox asks
  • Since we can also say that it is the Earth that
    is moving at 4/5 c relative to the traveler, why
    is it the traveler that ages less?

?t 10 yr
v 4/5 c
v 4/5 c
Resolution of the Paradox
  • The reason for the asymmetry is that
  • the traveler is the one who has changed between
    coordinate systems!
  • when he turned around!
  • Remember the skewed isochrones in the moving
  • During our 3-year outbound trip,
  • we consider only 3? 9/5 1.8 years to go by
    back on Earth.
  • Yes, Earth is also time-dilated relative to the
  • Similarly, during our 3-year return trip,
  • we only see another 1.8 years go by on Earth.
  • But, when we turn around to head back,
  • we change reference frames,
  • The change in reference frame means that whenwe
    go to the new frame, we suddenly consider a date
    on Earth thats 10 - 3.6 6.4 years later than
    before to be now.
  • Another example of this
  • If I walk at 3 m/s towards a galaxy 100 million
    light-years away, the points I label now in
    that galaxy suddenly are points a year later in
    the galaxys history
  • If I walk in the other direction, my now shifts
    to points a year earlier.

Mixed-Frame Version of Lorentz Transformation
  • Usual version (with c1)
  • Letting (xA,tA)(x, t') and (xB,tB)(x', t),
    andsolving for (xA,tA), we get
  • Or, in matrix form
  • The Lorentz transform is thus revealed as a
    simple rotation of the mixed-frame coordinates by
    angle ?!

(Where ? arctan vT)
Visualization of the Mixed Frame Perspective
StandardFrame 1
MixedFrame 1
In this example v ?x/?t 3/5 vT ?x/?t'
3/4 ? ?t' /?t 4/5 Note that (?t)2 (?x)2
(?t')2by the PythagoreanTheorem!
Rememberthe slogan My space isperpendicularto
your time.
World-line of stationary object, x 0
StandardFrame 2
MixedFrame 2
Note the obvious complete symmetryin the
relation between the two mixed frames!
Lightlike trajectories
Relativistic Kinetic Energy
  • Total relativistic energy E of any object is E
  • For an object at rest with mass m0, Erest
  • For a moving object, m m0/?
  • Where m0 is the objects mass in its rest frame.
  • Energy of the moving object is thus Emoving
  • Kinetic energy Ekin Emoving - Erest
    m0c2/? - m0c2 Erest(1/? - 1)
  • Substituting ? (1-ß2)1/2 and Taylor-expanding

Higher-orderrelativistic corrections
Pre-relativistic kinetic energy ½ m0v2
Spacetime Intervals
  • Note that the lengths and times between two
    events are not invariant under Lorentz
  • However, the following quantity is a Lorentz
    invariant The spacetime interval s, where
  • s2 (ct)2 - xi2
  • The value of s is also the proper time t
  • The elapsed time in rest frame of object
    traveling on a straight line between the two
    events. (Same as what we were calling t'
  • The sign of s2 has a particular significance
  • s2 gt 0 - Events are timelike separated (s is
    real) The events may be causally connected.
  • s2 0 - Events are lightlike separated (s
    is 0) Only 0-rest-mass signals may connect
  • s2 lt 0 - Events are spacelike separated (s
    is imaginary) The events are not causally
    connected at all.

Relativistic Momentum
  • The relativistic momentum p mv
  • Same as classical momentum, except that m m0/?.
  • Relativistic energy-momentum-rest-mass
    relation E2 (pc)2 (m0c2)2If we use units
    where c 1, this simplifies to just E2 p2
  • Note that if we solve this for m02, we get
  • m02 E2 - p2
  • Thus, E2 - p2 is another relativistic invariant!
  • Later we will show how it relates to the
    spacetime interval s2 t2 - x2, and to a
    computational interpretation of relativistic

Topics not yet Covered
  • Other topics to be added to special relativity
    section, eventually
  • Mathematical conveniences
  • Tensors.
  • Index notation.
  • Covariant and contravariant tensors.
  • 4-vectors.
  • Spacetime metrics.
  • Momenergy
  • (or, the relativistic energy-momentum 4-vector)

Subsection II.B.3.bSome Tidbits on General
  • Equivalence Principle, Curved Spacetime, Black

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