Title: Expression Variation
1Association Mapping of Regulatory Variation in
Arabidopsis thaliana
Andrew Cal Borevitz Group
- Genetic Variation
- Maintenance and adaptation to environment
- Cellular molecular phenotype
- Transcription
- Arabidopsis Reference Accessions
- Hap Map
- eQTLs
- Genetic architecture
- Candidate genes, and their regulated pathways
3Geographical/Ecologically Diverse
4Phenotypic Genetic Variation
Flowering time variation controls life history
5Genetically Diverse
- Short-read sequencing
- (Ossowski et al 2008)
- 0.005 SNPs/non-redundant bp
6Phenotypic Variation by Regulatory Variation
7DNA Microarrays
Quantitative Measure of Transcript
Level Parallel measurement thousands of genes
8Transcriptional Diversity
Vuylsteke et al 2005 Genetics
Zhang et al 2008 Genome Biology
9Genetic Architecture of Transcriptional Variation
- Where are the genetic variants that control
transcription - Local vs Distant regulation
- How many loci?
- What is the size of their effects
- Pleiotropy
- Many small mutations, and/or master regulators
10Linkage Mapping
11Expression QTL (eQTL) Mapping
- Map gt1000s Molecular phenotypes
- Where in the genome is transcriptional
polymorphism?? - West et al. 2007 Genetics
12Association Mapping
- Resolution depends on LD
- Capture common polymorphism
13 5707 lines at 139 SNPs
Yan Li
Arabidopsis HAPMAP
Population structure
14Experimental Design
F1 hybrids Gene/exon expression
Association mapping
15Arabidopsis SNP/tiling array
Tiling Array- 1.6M probes,, unbiased
placementSNP probes- 4 probes/SNP, 240,000 SNPs
16Genetic Variation Controlling Transcriptional
- WHERE are the polymorphisms affecting
transcription? - HOW is transcriptional variation inherited?
- Additive
- Dominant
- Over-dominant
17Genetics of Associations
Non-additive dominant
18Inheritance Patterns of Gene Expression Variation
Swanson-Wagner et al 2006 PNAS
19Genetic Variation regulating pathways
- WHERE are the polymorphisms affecting
transcription? - HOW is transcriptional variation inherited?
- WHAT can we learn about pathway regulation as the
biological function of master regulatory QTL?
Yvert et al. 2003 Nat Gen
21Data and Results
- 52 F1 lines, 103 parents
- Expression measured on SNP/Tiling array
Association mapping across 217,000 SNPs
22Leaf tissue extracted prior to flowering
- Single gene- ACD6 (example)
- Characterization of Local regulatory Polymorphism
- cis SNP scan
- Global Transcriptome mapping
- Position, local/distant
- Relative effect size distribution
24Genome-Wide Association Studies
25G -gt C nucleotide R -gt S coding
26 G/G G/C C/C
27ACD6 Allele Specific Expression
Ratio AB
28 Local eQTL Positions
29(No Transcript)
30Effect Size
31Results 2
- Inheritance
- Additive
- Dominance (local eQTLs)
- Over-dominance
- mapping
- trans Regulatory HotSpots
- Gene Ontology
- Candidate genes and pathways
32(No Transcript)
33(No Transcript)
34(No Transcript)
35 Trans-eQTL Hotspots
Genome Position
37Trans SNP 5_4991895_A_G
- GO enrichment Structural constituent of the
Ribosome, translation - Associated locally with Amino Acid Permease 6
- High affinity amino acid transporter
- Only AAP transports E
38SNP 3_19838778_C_T
- GO enrichment defense response, systemic
acquired resistance, salicylic acid
biosynthetic process, protein phosph. - 3 kb from RSZ32- SR Splicing factor
- SNP Associated with altered level of
RSZ32 3rd exon (p lt 0.004)
- RSZ32 is has many spliceforms
- Heat induced spliceform change
22 38
Palusa, Ali, and Reddy 2007 Plant J
40Alternate splicing in Defense
41Results 3 (Splicing)
- Splicing index (exon/gene)
- Global patterns
- Local patterns
- Effect size by position
- trans bands
- Hotspot characterization
42Alternative Splicing
43Alternate Splice-form QTL mapping
44Local Splice-form Regulation
45Alternate Splice-form Effect Size
46Alternate Splice-form hotspots
47AS hotspots GO enrichment
48Master Splicing SNP trans (AS-SNP 2_2309060_G_C)
- Gene Set Enrichment (GO terms)
- jasmonic acid biosynthetic process
- jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway
- response to ethylene stimulus
- induced systemic resistance
- 50 kb from OPR3, essential biosynthesis of JA
- Associated with OPR3 expression (p lt 3x10-5)
- Balancing ODPA and JA response?
- Regulation acts extremely locally around gene
- Our LD mapping panel need to see this
- Different architectures between expression and
spliceform regulation - Our tiling arrays needed to see this
- Effect sizes
- Local vs. trans
- Expression inheritance largely additive
- Over-dominance in trans
- Genomic data identifies candidate genes and
pathways - hypothesis generation
50Buffering vs Evolve-ability
- Why dont we confirm more HOT SPOTS?
- Lack of master regulators- Buffered networks?
- Breitling et al. 2008 PLoS Gen
- Shown that pathways related to defense response
- Bergman and Siegal 2003 Nature
- Highly evolvable processes sexual selection and
pathogen interaction - GPA1 pheromone hotspot
- Yvert et al. 2003 Nat Gen
51Thank you!!!! Justin Borevitz Committee Borevit
z Lab Bob Haselkorn Xu Zhang
Dave Kovar Jocelyn Malamy Preuss
Lab Plant Group GR training grant greenhouse
staff Kristine Gaston Sue Levison
52- Human study
- gtgt exon/intron enrichment
- -Veyrieras et al. 2008 PLoS Gen
- Intron Size?
- Human 28 kb
- Arabidopsis 0.2 kb
- Unspliced Low
53Jacob and Monod 1961
Lac Operon