Title: Western States Fire Mission: A customers prospective
1Western States Fire MissionA customers
- Thomas Zajkowski, Everett Hinkley
- USDA Forest Service, Remote Sensing Applications
Center - Salt Lake City, Utah
Civilian Applications of Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (CAUAS) Boulder, CO October 1, 2007
- forest fire detection is not a simple thermal
mapping job. To be effective, this system must
find the fire targets when they are very small
and distributed over vast land areas. The fire
targets must be precisely located to be of any
use to fire suppression forces. - Airborne Infrared Forest Fire Detection System
Final Report, 1971.
- What remote sensing provides wildland fire
mapping - Fire perimeter and active fire fronts
- Problem areas hot spots outside line
- Where the fire has been
- Lines of containment
- Effectiveness of backfire operations
- Hot-spots during the mop-up phase
- Post-fire burn severity
4USFS UAV Strategy
- Work with partners to identify niche applications
that are underserved by current technology, - Keep the approach simple work on doing one thing
well before adding additional capabilities, - Provide unified systems that are affordable.
5Wildfire Research and Applications Partnership
2003 2007 (5 Year Effort) Funded By NASA
Sun-Earth Systems Directorate, Applied Sciences
NASA-Ames Research Center (ARC) Ecosystems
Science and Technology Branch Airborne Sensor
Facility Computational Sciences
Division Intelligent Systems Division (Aero
Projects and Programs) USDA Forest
Service Remote Sensing Applications Center
(RSAC) National Interagency Fire Center
(NIFC) UAV Applications Center NASA Research
6Partnering to Enhance Technologies
- Objective
- Provide mechanism for defining requirements for
improving wildfire imaging - R D of those required technologies
- Demonstration and validation of those
technologies - Technology transfer and training.
- To
- Increase information content
- Reduce information delivery time
- Simplify data integration processes.
7What is the WRAP Western States Mission?
A demonstration of large-payload HALE UAV
(IKHANA) capabilities, coupled with
NASA-developed technologies in sensors, data
telemetry, information processing, and
intelligent mission management to acquire
pertinent scientific and disaster management data
over wildfires spread throughout the western US
during a 24-hour period.
8Western States UAS Fire Mission
- Objectives
- Demonstrate capabilities of Ikhana to overfly
and collect sensor data on widespread fires
throughout Western US. - Demonstrate long-endurance mission capabilities
(gt20-hours). - Image multiple fires (greater than 4 fires per
mission), to showcase extendable mission
configuration and ability to either linger over
key fires or station over disparate regional
fires. - Demonstrate new UAV-compatible, autonomous
sensor for improved thermal characterization of
fires. - Provide automated, on-board, terrain and
geo-rectified sensor imagery over OTH satcom
links to National fire personnel and Incident
commanders. - Deliver real-time imagery (within 10-minutes of
acquisition. - Demonstrate capabilities of OTS technologies
(GoogleEarth) to serve and display
mission-critical sensor data, coincident with
other pertinent data elements to facilitate
information processing (WX data, ground asset
data, other satellite data, R/T video, flight
track info, etc).
9UAS Autonomous Modular Sensor System
Configuration WILDFIRE
Total Field of View 42.5 or 85.9 degrees
(selectable) IFOV 1.25 mrad or 2.5 mrad
(selectable) Spatial Resolution 3 50 meters
10ASM Image Products
Photo Point C
12UAV Platform Fire Imaging
COMSAT Telemetry Platform CC
Asset Tracking
Intelligent Mission Management / CDE
Wide Area Network
Tactical Fire Information DSS
Define aircraft ops
WRAP Project Webpage http//geo.arc.nasa.gov/sge/W
Tactical Fire Products
Active Fire Maps http//activefiremaps.fs.fed.us T
hree times / day
GeoTiff Perimeter File
13CDE DisplayFlight Track/Images/MODIS
14Esperanza October 2006
- Rapid deployment.
- One of the first civilian UAS flights in the NAS
- Interfaced with Incident Command
152007 WSFM
- Continuation of objectives in-place from 2006
mission. - Missions aboard the new NASA Ikhana UAS
- Ikhana is a Native-American word from the
Choctaw Nation meaning intelligent, conscious or
aware. - Missions Series
- 9 August 15 September 2007
- Mission Plan
- One LE mission / week
- 4-5 missions through summer
- Mission Durations
- 20 hours
- Flight Altitude Operations
- FL230 (23,000 feet MSL)
16Western States Fire Mission Summation Through
September 07
17Western States Fire Mission Progress Mission 1
Aug 16, 2007
- Flight profile throughout California (Route A)
- Mission endurance 10-hours, 1400 miles
- Collected and transmitted real-time fire data on
four fires spread through California (Zaca, Tar,
Colby and Yosemite Fires). - Made repeat passes over each, fire, spending most
time over Zaca
Flight Route
Zaca Fire
Zaca Fire
IR and TIR Channels
Visible Channels
Zaca Fire
Perimeter and Detected Hot Spots
18Western States Fire Mission Progress Mission 2
Aug 29-30, 2007
- Flight profile through CA, NV, UT, ID, MT, WY
(Route B) - Mission endurance 16.5-hours 2500 miles
- Real-time ATC routing around poor weather saved
the mission - Collected and transmitted real-time fire data on
eight fires spread through CA (Jackrabbit), ID
(Trapper Ridge, Castle Rock, Granite Creek, and
Hardscrabble), MT (WH Fire), and WY (Columbine
Fire). - Made repeat passes over each, spending most time
over Castle Rock Delivered real-time data to
Castle Rock - Collected coincident UAV data with a MODIS
satellite data overpass on castle Rock...major
science accomplishment - Collected coincident data with NIROP aircraft.
19Castle RockAugust 30, 2007
20Western States Fire Mission Progress Mission 3
September 7-8, 2007
- Flight profile through CA, OR, WA (Route A)
- Mission endurance 20-hours 3200 miles
- Collected and transmitted real-time fire data on
eleven fires spread through CA (Butler, North,
Fairmont, Grouse, Lick, Bald, Moonlight, Zaca),
OR (GW Big Basin Fires), and WA (Domke Lake and
South Omak Fires), - Made repeat passes over most, (total of 18 fire
visits) spending significant time over high
priority fires (Lick, Moonlight, and GW) - Delivered real-time data to Incident Command
Teams on Lick, Moonlight and GW Fires. NASA /
USFS teams on each to assist in data integration
21Large UAS Issues and Rewards
- Availability
- Performance
- Manpower
- Acquisition Cost
- Flight Costs
- New and Shiny
- Information not just Intelligence
- Persistence
- Technology
22Concluding Remarks
- NASA and the USFS will explore innovative
solutions to improving the timeliness, content,
and methods of gathering tactical information on
fire activity. - The partners are poised to ensure the delivery
of - The Right Information to the Right People, at
the Right Time
23Websites Contact Information
http//geo.arc.nasa.gov/sge/WRAP http//www.uav-a
pplications.org/ http//nirops.fs.fed.us