Title: Wairarapa Moana Incorporation
1Wairarapa Moana Incorporation
2,700 shareholders 125m total assets Exchange
for Lake Wairarapa 10,695 hectares land base
Sheep Beef Unit 1,325 hectares Dairy Unit
2,870 hectares Forestry Block 6,500 hectares
Total 10,695 hectares
Total Assets 125m
Asset Portfolio Mix
5Key Drivers
- Leadership at all levels
- Strategic and Operational Direction
- Strong commercial performance, utilises
sustainable practices - Shareholder pride
- Develop social capital and distribute social
dividend - Farm Development - flexible sustainable Farming
Models - Sheep Beef Intensification - Maori Farmer of
Year - Dairy Development Direct Milking
- Benchmarking
- Enterprise Award
- Comprehensive Benchmarking (top to bottom)
- Showcased for governance excellence
- Dairy recognised as one of leading corporate
farmers by peers - Engaging collaborative RD
- Internationalisation (eg Western Australia)
6Strategic Plan 2005
- Implemented SBU intensification Plan
- Water and fencing completed
- Farm data-base designed
- Dairy
- Focused on Milksolids cost of production
- Implemented SM contract changes
- Prepared for Owner-operator model
- Achieve profit targets(EFS/ha)
- Achieve capital/equity growth targets
- A regular and growing annual dividend
Pay a Dividend
- Net wealth of shareholders improved
- Return on Capital targets reached
- Debt/Equity ratio achieved
- Investment opportunities developed
Growth Beyond Current Asset
Tasks 04/05
- Continue regrassing/cropping programs
- Input into training/education programs
- Fully analyse stock health program
- Monitor trial crops -
- Dairy
- Implement CMR program for Dairy Farms
- Farm One Owner-operator commissioned
- Prepare for irrigation Farm One
- Undertake 2nd Stage water-consent
- Benchmarking against peers
- Preferred employer
- Industry recognition
- JV/Partnerships identified
Industry Leader
- Environmental plan developed
- Land-use investment prioritised
- Achieve regulatory standards
Protect and Enhance the Land Asset
Shareholder Pride
- Shareholder survey undertaken
- Bi-annual reports to shareholders
- Increasing attending AGM
Communicationand Information
On-going Enterprise Analysis
Seek Competitive Advantage
Integrated Management Team
Enterprise Business Plans
Training Development
Manage Threats and Opportunities
7Leadership Direction
Vision Statement To create a unique identity of
culture, leadership innovation
Wairarapa MoanaLeadership Plan
Other Investmentse.g. LACTANZ
8Leadership Direction
Vision Statement To create a unique identity of
culture, leadership innovation
Environmental Care Plantings, Wetlands, Water
quality protection Nutrient management
Quality M SystemsDairy /Market Focused QA SBU
/QMHealth Safety program(OSH approved)
Te Pouakani Farms Leadership Plan
Database Farm mapping Farm x farm
Physical/financial details
Education/ TrainingOn-farm coursesScholarships
Business Success ethical practices profitable/inno
vative people focused
Tourism Farm experienceRiver jets, fishingBush
Farm Business Dairy, Sheef, Beef,
9Pouakani Farms
Sheep Beef Unit 1,325 hectares Dairy Unit
2,870 hectares Forestry Block 6,500 hectares
Total 10,695 hectares
10Pouakani Dairy Development
Sheep Beef Unit 1,325 hectares Dairy Unit
2,870 hectares Forestry Block 6,500 hectares
Total 10,695 hectares
11Pouakani Dairy Development
- Employ top-class Manager (highly skilled)
- Aim for 3 herds of 750 cows
- Add up to two new Rotary cowsheds
- retain 50 aside herringbone on farm 9
- Ensure technology is future proofed at
- set-up
12Pouakani Dairy Development
- Improves shareholder returns
- Offers real advantages of business
- synergies between dairy SBU
- - choices in breeding stock types
- - people machinery efficiency
- Offers opportunity for specialised dairy product
- Allows Pouakani Farms to support WM Trust on-farm
training objectives
13Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
14Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
15Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
16Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
17Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
18Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
19Stocking Rate
Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
20Cost of Production
Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
21Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
Gross Income,Expenses EFS
22Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
- Within The Farm
- Hi-tech software tools
- Farmax
- Resolution
- Rural Cash Manager
- Racewell electronic eye weigh scales
- Electro-quip electronic eye dip
- All waterways fenced
- Undertaken Native regeneration
- Underpass internalises stock movements
- Lane network creates efficiency
- Small stock holding yards within lanes
- Research projects running
- Created huge interest
- Shareholders
- Dexcel
- Ag ITO
23Sheep Beef Intensification Innovation
- Into The Future
- Nutrient budgeting
- Remote water monitoring
- Remote electric fence monitoring
- Security perimeter fencing
- Positioned to capture EID opportunities
- Rapid adoption of technology
Water Quality Sampling
- International
- Western Australia
- PKW, Mawhera Inc, WMI
- FoMA
- Clusters
- Members directly
28Research Development
- Collaborative
- FoMA Clusters
- Relationships with CRIs
- Tapping into commercialisation
- Leveraging up for us and our children
- Power in working together
- Value Chain positioning
- Hardwired into our nation
- Sustainable business, social and cultural
development models - In best interest of our nation
30Maori Economic Development
Awakening of the sleeping giant