Title: Multiple Component Pricing
1Wheres The Milk?
Craig Alexander Cornell Program on Dairy Markets
and Policy Cornell Conference on Dairy
Market and Product Research March 2000
- National trends
- State and Regional
- Farm Structure
- Costs, Prices, Returns
- Issues
3US Production Consumption
41999 Milk Production
5 Change since 1998
6Top 10 States (1999)Change since 1998
7Change since 1994 Total Pounds
8Percent Change 1994-1999
9Top 10 States (1999)Change since 1994
101999 Production Per Cow Annual Average
11Top 10 Production StatesMilk/cow
12U.S. County Milk Production
13Milk Supply by Supply Locations (240 supply
points - 1995)
14Western States Production
15Western States Production California
16Upper Midwest and Northeast
17New York Milk Production
18Pennsylvania Milk Production
19NY Change by County1993-1998
20PA Change by County1993-1998
21NY Change by County1993-1998
22PA Change by County1993-1998
23Number of Farms in the U.S.
24Number of Cows per Farm
25New York Numbers of Dairy Farms and Milk
NY Farms - 60 US Farms - 74
26NY Farm loss by Herd Size
27NY Production Share by Herd Size
28Share of Milk ProductionIn 200 Cow Herds
29Change in Share of Production in Herds w/ 200
30Large is where the growth is
- Since 1993 US production
- UP 12.1 Billion lbs
- lt 200 cow herds lost 15.7
- gt 200 cow herds gained 27.8
31What about Costs and Returns?
Source USDA
Gross Returns 1998
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33Northeast Residual Milk Supplies(Regional
Production - Consumption)
Changing relative production and consumption can
have impacts on premiums
34Upper Midwest Residual Supplies ( Regional
Production - Consumption)
Premiums have been high in Upper Midwest markets
35Variable Costs
36Net Cash Return
37Net ReturnIncluding all Economic Costs
38So -- where are we headed?
39Movement of Centroids
Milk Production
40What about Future?
- Trends would say milk continues to move west.
- Population forecasts suggest that centroid is
starting to head south. - Major re-structuring occurring in Midwest and
Northeast - Good sales growth and good milk prices has not
significantly slowed structural change
41Farm Structure Math
42What about Future?
- West (particularly CA)
- Will costs of water and environmental compliance
slow them down - Low feed prices help them
- Huge plant expansion in cheese
- Midwest
- Relatively high pay prices but aging plants
- Lower cost of some items
- Northeast
- Higher costs but apples and apples (our large
vs. their large) cost comparison important - Benefit of order structure and large markets
43In Summary
- Open Space?
- Pace of change has seemed to quicken
- Northeast producers and handlers must keep
sharpening the saw
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