Title: Introduction to Biotechnology
1Introduction to Biotechnology
2What career opportunities are available?
- Graduates work in
- pharmaceutical companies and hospitals (e.g
diagnostics) - medical Lab (e.g insulin, cloning)
- agricultural industries and dept of Agriculture
(crops and animals eg the broccoflower, Dolly the
sheep, cloning) - in beverage and food production ( wine and dairy
products) - in a range of public and private diagnostic,
research laboratories covering - microbiology, hematology, bioremediation,
- immunology, forensic science (suspect in crime
scenes) - crop development, pest control (Biological
control) - animal production, veterinary services,
- molecular biology and protein engineering (e.g
insulin, yeast for fermentation))
3What career opportunities are available?
- The career options are expanding rapidly.
- Advances in
- genetic engineering,
- protein engineering,
- cell culture and
- molecular biology have generated a virtually
unlimited potential for altering the capabilities
of living systems.
4What is Biotechnology?
- Biotechnology is essentially
- the use of living organisms (often minute
microorganisms) and their products - for health, social or economic purposes.
- Biotechnology is widely considered to be the
growth technology of the 21st Century and this
will lead to huge growth in the Biotechnology
industry and exciting opportunities for
graduates. -
5.. What is Biotechnology?
- Applications of biotechnology are widespread,
including the following - diagnosis and treatment of human diseases.
- improved production of therapeutic agents.
- development of improved crop plant species.
- development of improved pest/pathogen control
6.. What is Biotechnology?
- development of biosensors for environmental
pollutants. - development of improved waste treatment processes
and methods for remediation contaminated sites. - production of transgenic organisms for production
of new drugs, improved transplantation success
and improved animal and plant
7.. What is Biotechnology?
- According to the Academic Standards for Science
and Technology, Biotechnology is the ways that
humans apply biological concepts to produce
products and provide services.
8.. What is Biotechnology?
- Long before the term "biotechnology" was coined
for the process of using living organisms to
produce improved commodities, people were
utilizing living micro-organisms to produce
valuable products. - History of Biotechnology (Refer pg 2 text bk.).
- Our ancestors used microorganisms and used
fermentation to make bread, cheeses, yogurt,
alcoholic beverages etc.
9.. What is Biotechnology?
- One of the most widespread and commonly
understood applications of Biotechnology is the
use of antibiotic Penicillin from the mold
Penicillium (A.Flemming, 1928). - In 1940, penicillin became widely a available,
scale-up and commercial production of antibiotics
such as penicillin occurred.
10.. What is Biotechnology?
- About two decades ago, biotechnology became much
more of a science (rather than an art). - Since 1960, rapid development of our
understanding of genetics and molecular biology
has led to exciting new innovations and
applications in Biotechnology.
11.. What is Biotechnology?
- The secrets of DNA structure and functions have
led to gene cloning and genetic engineering,
manipulating the DNA of an organism. - Regions of DNA (called genes) were found to
contain information that would lead to synthesis
of specific proteins
12.. What is Biotechnology?
- A natural gene in simple bacteria such as
Escherichia coli (E. coli), a bacterium living in
intestines that has become the model organism for
much of biotechnology, if found in this
bacterium, scientist can have this bacterium
make a lot of the protein coded for by the gene,
regardless its source.
13.. What is Biotechnology?
- Through genetic engineering scientists can
combine DNA from different sources and this
process is called recombinant DNA technology
(Chapter 3).
14.. What is Biotechnology?
- Recombinant DNA technology has led to hundreds of
applications including development of disease
resistant crops with greater yield and nutrient
value or genetically engineered bacteria able to
degrade environmental pollutant (Discussed under
15.. What is Biotechnology?
- Hence the mid-eighties and early-nineties, it
became possible to transform (genetically modify)
plants and animals that are important for food
production. "Transgenic" animals and plants,
including cows, sheep, tomatoes, tobacco, potato,
and cotton have now been obtained.
16.. What is Biotechnology?
- Recombinant DNA technology and genetic
engineering led to release of genetically
altered organisms into the environment, this part
of biotechnology is quite strictly regulated at
government levels (Biotechnology regulation will
be discussed).
17.. What is Biotechnology?
- Completed in 2003, the Human Genome Project (HGP)
was a 13-year project coordinated by the U.S.
Department of Energy and the National Institutes
of Health. During the early years of the HGP, the
Wellcome Trust (U.K.) became a major partner
additional contributions came from Japan, France,
Germany, China, and others.
18HGP Project goals were to
- identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000
genes in human DNA, - determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical
base pairs that make up human DNA, - store this information in databases,
- improve tools for data analysis,
- transfer related technologies to the private
sector, and - address the ethical, legal, and social issues
(ELSI) that may arise from the project
- Biotechnology can be broadly defined as the
application of biological systems or processes to
the manufacturing, agricultural, health and
service industries. - Biotechnology encompasses a wide range of science
and business disciplines
20Areas of application of Biotechnology
- The following lists the main areas and
application of Biotechnology from which all
others stem -
- Fermentation Technology
- This is, historically, the most important area in
biotechnology. There has been extensive
development in progress with new products such as
medically important drugs, solvents, protein
enhanced foods, etc.
21Areas of application of Biotechnology
- Enzyme Engineering
- This area is used for the catalysis of extremely
specific chemical reactions to create specific
molecular converters (bioreactors). Products
formed include amino acids, high fructose syrup,
semi-synthetic penicillins, starch and cellulose
hydrolysis, etc.
22Areas of application of Biotechnology
- Waste Technology
- This has a long array of historical importance,
but now emphasis is on the coupling of this field
with the conservation and recycling of resources.
Examples would include foods, fertilizers, and
biological fuels.
23Areas of application of Biotechnology
- Environmental Technology
- Problems like pollution control, removing toxic
wastes, recovery of metals from mining wastes and
low grade ores, are just some of the categories
that fall under this field.
24Areas of application of Biotechnology
- Renewable Resources Technology
- The use of renewable energy sources, in
particular lignocellulose to generate new sources
of raw material and energy - ethanol, methane,
and hydrogen.
25Areas of application of Biotechnology
- Each of these fields utilizes knowledge from
Biochemistry, Genetics, Chemistry, Applied
Microbiology, Chemical and Process Engineering,
and Mathematics and Computer Technology.
26Products of Modern Biotechnology
- Insulin
- The first product of modern biotechnology made
use of insulin, a protein hormone produced in the
pancreas that the body uses to regulate the
concentration of blood sugar (glucose).
27To accomplish this, the piece of foreign DNA is
first inserted into a plasmid a small circle of
DNA which serves as a carrier. The new
"recombinant" plasmid carrying the human gene is
then reintroduced into another bacterial cell, as
shown in the figure above.
28Types of Biotechnology
- Microbial,
- Agricultural,
- Animal,
- Forensic,
- Bioremediation,
- Aquatic and
- Medical Biotechnology.
29Types of Biotechnology..
- Selective breeding
- Selective breeding for new genetic combinations
- livestock, crops,
- yogurt, cheese bread, beer.
30Types of Biotechnology..
- Genetic Engineering
- Genetic engineering makes it possible for
organisms to get genes from different species
makes products useful in agriculture
31Types of Biotechnology..
- Genetically Modified Foods
- Genetically modified foods - produce plants that
yield more food, produce new types of food,
plants prone to diseases and severe weather
increase the disease resistance, size and growth
rate of animals, in medicine and industry.
32Types of Biotechnology..
- Environmental Biotechnology
- Environment (bioremediation, heavy metal
biotechnology, species preservation). - Gene Therapy
- Gene therapy replace defective genes with
healthy ones (use of viruses).
33- Further Readings
- Pg 9-12 (Types of Biotechnology)
- Pg 17 (Jobs in Biotechnology)
- Browse Web Links pg 21