Title: P1252108907mVasy
1Name Ava Gardner Birth date 12/24/22 Death
date 1/25/90 Hometown Smithfield Fame
Actress Character Trait Private
Important Facts Ava Gardner was the youngest of
seven children. When growing up her mother
operated a boarding house for teachers. Ava
graduated high school in 1939 and then went to
Atlantic Christian college in Wilson, NC for a
year. While visiting with her sister Ava had her
picture taken and displayed in a studio window.
The photograph led to her first movie contract in
1941. Throughout her career, Ava performed in
many popular movies. Avas last public
performance was in 1978. Â By Angie HuntÂ
2Animal Name Yellow-billed cuckoo Animal Group
Perching birds Habitat Moist thickets, willows,
overgrown pastures and orchards. Family Cuckoos,
Roadrunners, Anis Range Breeds from central
California, Minnesota, and Southern New Brunswick
southward. Winters in South America. Description
Size Jay-sized Color Brown and white.
Yellow lower mandible By Cathy Spencer