Title: Using standard Web technologies to share GIS data online
1Using standard Web technologies to share (GIS)
data online
Maurits van der Vlugt Jonathan Doig OpenGIS
Suppliers ESRI, Xmarc, Social Change Online,
MapInfo, Intergraph
2Agenda (1st half)
- 1pm Welcome agenda Why open standards?
- Technical Overview
- 110 OpenGIS architecture
- 115 The OpenGIS web mapping specifications
- 125 Standards-based implementations over NSW
- Getting your data online
- 135 1. steps options
- 145 2. freeware case study
3Agenda (2nd half)
- OpenGIS-compliant products/services
- 230 ESRI Quill Williams
- 250 Xmarc (formerly Formida) Robert Christie/Roy
Hill - 310 Social Change Online Maurits van der Vlugt
- 330 MapInfo Ashley Crane
- 350 Intergraph Norah Boyle
- 4pm Close
4Why open standards?
- Value of the network
- Use each other's data in situ
- Seamlessly integrate link our information
products - Avoid the need to centralise, so we can control
our own data for security, Quality Control and
5Technical Overview
- The OpenGIS Architecture
- OpenGIS Webmapping Specifications
- www.opengis.org
6The OpenGIS Architecture
- From systems to services
- ACORN Services (network addressable components)
- Applications, Catalogs, Operators, Repositories,
Network - Agreements (standards)
- Protocols (HTML, XML, )
- Component interfaces (OGC)
- Semantics (Metadata schemas, Controlled
Vocabularies, Business rules, etc.)
Repositories - Data storage and access. Catalogs
and Brokers - Elements that find and access
resources on a distributed network. Operator and
Models - Processes that operate on information,
also methods to describe these processes. Applicat
ions Shared components such as viewers,
editors, discovery clients and others.
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9How does it work?
Interfaces based on the OpenGIS Specification
10How does it work?
- The buzzwords (TLAs)
- WMS (Web Map Server)
- WFS (Web Feature Server)
- G3 (Geoparser, Gazetteer, Geocoder)
- LOF (Location Organising Folder)
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- GML (Geographic Markup Language)
11OGC Specifications (1)
- WebMap Specifications released (XML, CGI)
- (see http//www.opengis.org/techno/specs.htm)
- Catalog Interface
- Web Map Server (WMS)
- Geography Markup Language (GML)
- Other (non-webmap CORBA, SQL, etc.)
- Simple Features
- Grid Coverages
- Coordinate Transformation Service
12OGC Specifications (2)
- Current work (Webmapping)
- Web Feature Server (WFS)
- GML 3
- 3G Gazetteer, Geocoder, Geoparser
- Location Organiser Folder (LOF)
13NSW OpenGIS services CANRI architecture
Applications SGUI app-builder
Operators broker, renderer, reprojection
Catalog exploring OpenGIS standard
Free data Repositories DSLITE, MapServ
14NSW OpenGIS services CANRI data suppliers
- Australian Museum
- Dept of Information Technology Management
- Dept of Land Water Conservation
- Dept of Mineral Resources
- Dept of Urban Affairs Planning
- Environment Protection Authority
- National Parks Wildlife Service
- NSW Agriculture
- NSW Fisheries
- Royal Botanic Gardens
- State Forests of NSW
- and many more
gt80 datasets and growing...
15NSW OpenGIS services CANRI base maps
- Now
- AUSLIG scanned topographic maps 1250k, 1100k
- Limited topographic vector layers
- Soon
- Landsat7 satellite imagery
- LPI scanned topographic maps 150k and 125k
16NSW OpenGIS services (Inter)national
- US-based
- NASA, Digital Earth, Geography Network, FGDC
- Australian
- CSIRO Division of Exploration Mining
- Commonwealth pilot, ASDI Technical WG
17NSW standard catalog services ASDD
- Interoperable network of data directories
- Uses ANZLIC metadata standard
- gt25000 records in 22 nodes
- Natural Resources Data Directory (NRDD) in NSW
- Will adopt ISO 19115 standard
- ASDI TWG to consider OGC catalog support?
18Getting your data online
- Steps and Options
- Serving your data
- Making it discoverable
- Creating metadata
- Registration
- View and add value!
- Case study
19My Organisation
20Step 1 Serving your data
- Install data server
- Instructionshttp//www.canri.nsw.gov.au/tech/inde
x.html - Free data server DSLITE or MapServ/MapWrap
- (Free) WMS wrappers for ESRI, MapInfo, SICAD,
Intergraph, GE-Smallworld, - (see OGC installation overview
21Step 2 Make it discoverable
- Register with NRDD (get ANZLIC ID)
- Create metadata record online
- Register with CANRI
22Step 3 View and add Value
- View your data using the NRA (or local
application) - Find other data sources
- Add them to your view!
23Case study DLWC Regions
24My Organisation
25Serve the data to the web
- Shapefiles (ArcExplorer)
- Serve up using MapServ/Mapwrap
- Download from http//webmap.socialchange.net.au/pr
oducts/freeware.html - Result network addressable WMShttp//is.dlwc.ns
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28My Organisation
29Make it discoverable
- NRDD (part of ASDI/ASDD)
- http//www.nrims.nsw.gov.au/nrdd/index.html
- Generate ANZLIC metadata record (METOnline)
- Look like this
- Generate CANRI specific metadata online
- Get access from DLWC administrator
- Register online metadata using the metadata
manager http//is.dlwc.nsw.gov.au/icmiss/manage/l
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31Search Discover!
- Go to the Natural Resource Atlas (CANRI) and
view your data in combination with others !!
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33Teatime, any questions?
- Please visit http//canri.nsw.gov.au
- for more information and examples.
- Or contact us at
- webmap_at_socialchange.net.au