Title: BigBen and the TeraGrid
1BigBen and the TeraGrid
- Derek Simmellt dsimmel_at_psc.edu gt
- Raghu Reddylt rreddy_at_psc.edu gt
- Teragrid _at_ PSC
- Motivation BigBen TeraGrid ???
- portal.teragrid.org
- User Authentication / Proxy Certificates
- PSC grid-mapfile Web Interface
- Examples
- globus-url-copy
- Globus job submission
3TeraGrid _at_ PSC
PSC is a TeraGrid Resource Provider (RP),
specializingin large HPC systems including
BigBen, LeMieux andRachel. PSC also provides
data staging on Linux CacheNodes (LCNs) and
archival data storage via Slash/DMF.
4MotivationBigBen TeraGrid ???
- Computational Workflows
- TeraGrid sites host a variety of resources
including databases and computing systems suited
to different kinds of computation - Clusters, SMPs, MPPs, graphics/vis engines
- TeraGrid sites are connected via large-capacity
networks - Data copying / relocation / remote access
- Single Sign-On (with a some effort)
- Common grid software among systems
- Common environment variables among systems
- Science Gateways
- Discipline- or application-specific web portals
- Emerging Web Services
- Information, data indexing and resource matching,
6Accounts Alloc Usage
7TG Resource Status
8TG User Documentation
9TG Help Desk
11TeraGrid User Portal
- Single login username and password
- Unique user principal in .TERAGRID.ORG domain
- Used for both User Portal and myproxy server
access - Generates a short term NCSA CA user certificate
upon login - Stored in myproxy.teragrid.org for later
retrieval - Saves users from having to maintain a long-term
certificate - Future enhancement
- Single point of user certificate DN management
for all TeraGrid resources
12User Authentication /Proxy Certificates
- Globus, GSISSH and other GSI-enabled software
rely on X.509 certificates for user, host and
service authentication - User certificate management hassle
- Avoid long-term user certificates!!
- Use short term PSC KCA or TeraGrid Portal (NCSA)
certificates - User certificate Distinguished Names (DNs) need
to be installed in target hosts
/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile ( - NCSA CA certificate DNs distributed by default
for all TG users - PSC KCA certificate DNs deployed on all PSC
systems - Ways to generate a certificate proxy for
authentication - grid-proxy-init (for long-term user certs -
yuck!) - PSC KCA kinit PSCuser_at_PSC.EDU kx509 kxlist -p
- myproxy-get-delegation -L TUPuser -s
13Adding a certificate DN toTeraGrid host
- For now, at most other TeraGrid sites, users must
log into each system and execute gx-map -i to
enter their certificate DN (a.k.a. Subject) into
the/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile on that
system - PSC and Purdue do NOT support gx-map
- Ways to find out your user certificate DN
(Subject) - grid-cert-info -subject -file usercert.pem
- openssl x509 -in usercert.pem -subject -noout
- (for PSC or USC KCA certificates only) kxlist
14PSC grid-mapfileWeb Interface
15Adding a DN toPSC grid-mapfiles
16Adding a DN toPSC grid-mapfiles
17Adding a DN toPSC grid-mapfiles
18Adding a DN toPSC grid-mapfiles
19Adding a DN toPSC grid-mapfiles
20Checking DN entries
- grep username /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
dsimmel_at_tg-login2gt grep dsimmel
/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile "/CUS/ONational
Center for Supercomputing Applications/CNDerek
Simmel" dsimmel "/CUS/OPittsburgh
Supercomputing Center/OUPSC Kerberos
Certification Authority/CNdsimmel/UIDdsimmel/em
ailAddressdsimmel_at_PSC.EDU" dsimmel "/CUS/OPitt
sburgh Supercomputing Center/OUPSC Kerberos
Certification Authority/CNdsimmel/USERIDdsimmel
/Emaildsimmel_at_PSC.EDU dsimmel "/CUS/OSDSC/OU
SDSC/CNDerek Simmel/UIDux454184"
dsimmel dsimmel_at_tg-login2gt
- Using Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)-based
tools - Start by generating/obtaining a (proxy)
certificate - Use GSI-based clients with GSI-based services
- globus-url-copy, tgcp,
- globus-job-run, globusrun, condor
- Finish by destroying (proxy) certificate
- grid-proxy-destroy
- Short-term (proxy) certificates will expire on
their own
22Getting a (proxy)certificate on BigBen
- PSC KCA short term user certificates
- Login to BigBen and execute
- kinit kx509 kxlist -p
- Remote users can do the same with KCA clients
(kx509, kxlist) installed - kinit PSCuser_at_PSC.EDU kx509 kxlist -p
- TeraGrid User Portal NCSA short term cert
- Log into the TeraGrid User Portal webpage
- Login to BigBen and execute
- myproxy-get-delegation -l TUPuser \-s
myproxy.teragrid.org(note first argument is
dash ell TeraGrid-User-Portal-username)
23Getting a (proxy)certificate on BigBen
- PSC KCA certificate method
bash-2.04 kinit kx509 kxlist
-p dsimmel_at_PSC.EDU's Password Service
kx509/certificate issuer /CUS/OPittsburgh
Supercomputing Center/CNPSC Kerberos CA 1
subject /CUS/OPittsburgh Supercomputing
Center/OUPSC Kerberos Certification
mel_at_PSC.EDU serial32BE hasha31d5407 bash-2.04
grid-proxy-info subject /CUS/OPittsburgh
Supercomputing Center/OUPSC Kerberos
Certification Authority/CNdsimmel/UIDdsimmel/em
ailAddressdsimmel_at_PSC.EDU issuer
/CUS/OPittsburgh Supercomputing Center/CNPSC
Kerberos CA 1 identity /CUS/OPittsburgh
Supercomputing Center/OUPSC Kerberos
Certification Authority/CNdsimmel/UIDdsimmel/em
ailAddressdsimmel_at_PSC.EDU type end entity
credential strength 512 bits path
/usr/users/0/dsimmel/.globus/userproxy.pem timelef
t 95951
24Getting a (proxy)certificate on BigBen
- TeraGrid User Portal certificate method
- Log in to the TeraGrid User Portal website, and
then back on BigBen
bash-2.04 myproxy-get-delegation -l dsimmel -s
myproxy.teragrid.org Enter MyProxy pass phrase A
credential has been received for user dsimmel in
/usr/users/0/dsimmel/.globus/userproxy.pem. bash
-2.04 grid-proxy-info subject
/CUS/ONational Center for Supercomputing
Applications/CNDerek Simmel issuer
/CUS/ONational Center for Supercomputing
Applications/CNCertification Authority identity
/CUS/ONational Center for Supercomputing
Applications/CNDerek Simmel type end
entity credential strength 1024 bits path
/usr/users/0/dsimmel/.globus/userproxy.pem timelef
t 115953 bash-2.04
- GSISSH is an enhanced edition of OpenSSH
- Adds support for GSI (X.509) authentication
- Includes PSCs HPN-SSH
- http//www.psc.edu/networking/projects/hpn-ssh/
- No password required after proxy cert
initialization - A new proxy certificate is automatically
generated upon successful remote login on the
remote host - Continue to use GSISSH, Globus commands, etc., on
the remote host - Tip Add host aliases to your /.ssh/config to
avoid having to type in long TeraGrid hostnames
26GSISSH Example
dsimmel_at_tg-login2gt myproxy-get-delegation -l
dsimmel -s myproxy.teragrid.org Enter MyProxy
pass phrase A credential has been received for
user dsimmel in /tmp/x509up_u17780. dsimmel_at_tg-log
in2gt gsissh tg-login1.lemieux.psc.teragrid.org
Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1B (Rev. 2650) Compaq
AlphaServer SC V2.6 UK1 This system is for the
use of authorized users only. Unauthorized use
may be monitored and recorded. In the course of
such monitoring or through system maintenance,
the activities of authorized users may be
monitored. By using this system you expressly
consent to such monitoring. If there are any
problems, please contact remarks_at_psc.edu. bash-2
.04 uname -a OSF1 iam763 V5.1 2650
alpha bash-2.04 grid-proxy-info subject
/CUS/ONational Center for Supercomputing
Applications/CNDerek Simmel/CN448983302 issuer
/CUS/ONational Center for Supercomputing
Applications/CNDerek Simmel identity
/CUS/ONational Center for Supercomputing
Applications/CNDerek Simmel type Proxy
draft (pre-RFC) compliant impersonation
proxy strength 512 bits path
/usr/users/0/dsimmel/.globus/userproxy.pem timelef
t 115935
- globus-url-copy is the Globus toolkit
command-line client for GridFTP - Supports 3rd-party transfers
- Supports striped transfers with multiple servers
- TeraGrid hosts have an scp-like wrapper, tgcp,
that you can also use to copy files via GridFTP - TeraGrid configurations help to pick optimal
parameters - BigBen has two dedicated GridFTP servers, each
with 10Gb Ethernet interfaces - gsiftp//tg-gridftp.bigben.psc.teragrid.org
28globus-url-copy example
- 3rd-party transfer initiated on
lemieux,transferring 100MB file from PSC
archiverto user home directory on BigBen
bash-2.04 globus-url-copy -vb -stripe
\ gsiftp//tg-gridftp.psc.teragrid.org//100MB
\ gsiftp//tg-gridftp.bigben.psc.teragrid.org//te
st Source gsiftp//tg-gridftp.psc.teragrid.org/
/ Dest gsiftp//tg-gridftp.bigben.psc.teragrid.
org// 100MB -gt test 104857600 bytes
35.71 MB/sec avg 35.71 MB/sec
inst bash-2.04
29Globus Job Submission
- PSC operates a centralized Globus Job Submission
server - gt4-submit.psc.teragrid.org
- Jobs may be submitted to BigBen at
- gt4-submit.psc.teragrid.org/jobmanager-bigben-pbs
- Current support is for Pre-webservices GRAM
- Webservices deployment is currently under way
30Globus Job gt BigBen
- Globus GRAM Job Submission example initiated from
Lemieux to BigBen
dsimmel_at_tg-login2gt globus-job-run
\ -q debug /opt/xt-catamount/default/bin/cnos64/h
ello_qk DATE Thu Aug 24 130659 2006 PBS
/scratcha/dsimmel hello, world from node
2770, aka 0x0AD2 dsimmel_at_tg-login2gt
- When you have completed yourGSI-authenticated
tasks, its a good idea to remove your (proxy)
certificate - grid-proxy-destroy
- Feel free to contact us if you have questions
regarding BigBen and the TeraGrid - Derek Simmel lt dsimmel_at_psc.edu gt
- Raghu Reddy lt rreddy_at_psc.edu gt
- Thanks!