Title: Applying Environmental Forecasting to Environmental Decisionmaking
1Applying Environmental Forecasting to
Environmental Decision-making
- The Role of Scenarios and
- International Science Assessments
- Walt Reid
- Director
- Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
- Scenarios are important and underutilized tools
for communicating long-range forecasting
information to decision-makers - Provide valuable means of engaging
decision-makers - Still major hurdles in building ecology into
global scenarios - Global scientific assessments can be powerful
mechanisms for bringing forecasting information
to bear on decision needs. - Most effective if they function as a dialogue
between scientists and decision-makers. - Model has considerable application at national
and local levels
3What is the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment?
- Modeled on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) - Assessing the consequences of ecosystem change
for human well-being. - Launched by Kofi Annan in 2001, authorized by
CBD, UNCCD, Ramsar Convention, CMS. - Approximately 1300 experts from 95 countries
Stay Tuned Findings will be announced on March
30, 2005
4Over the past 50 years, humans have changed
ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than at
any time in human history.
- E.g., Flows of reactive nitrogen in terrestrial
ecosystems doubled since 1960. More than half of
all the synthetic nitrogen fertilizer ever used
on the planet has been used since 1985 - Flows of phosphorus tripled since 1960
5The changes made to ecosystems have contributed
to substantial net gains in human well-being and
economic development, but these gains are being
achieved at growing costs in the form of
61. Degradation and Unsustainable Use of Ecosystem
- More than 60 percent of the ecosystem services
evaluated are being degraded or used
unsustainably - Regulating services
72. Increased likelihood of large magnitude,
non-linear (stepped) and potentially abrupt
changes in ecosystems.
83. Exacerbation of poverty for some groups of
people and contributions to growing inequities
and disparities
- E.g., rate of population growth now highest in
least productive ecosystems
9(No Transcript)
10Scenarios are..
- Structured accounts of possible futures
- Often combine quantitative modeling with
qualitative analysis - Not forecasts or predictions but make use of many
forecasting methods and models
11Climate Scenarios
- 1000 to 1861, N. Hemisphere, proxy data
- 1861 to 2000 Global, Instrumental
- 2000 to 2100, SRES projections
12Stratospheric Ozone Scenarios
13Use in decision-making
- Allow exploration of the consequences of
decisions made today on future outcomes. - Widen perspectives, public education
- Allow testing of strategies and plans under
different futures - Provide an unmatched opportunity to directly
engage decision-makers in discussion and
consideration of scientific findings.
14MA Scenarios
15MA Scenarios Habitat change to 1950, 1950-1990,
Scenario for change through 2050.
16The harmful consequences of ecosystem changes
could grow significantly worse during the first
half of the century. However, three of the
four MA scenarios show that significant changes
in policy can mitigate many of the negative
consequences of growing pressures on ecosystems,
although the changes required are large and not
currently underway.
17Major barriers still exist in developing global
ecosystem service scenarios
- Availability of models
- many ecological forecasting models are
local/regional - dont exist for many services
- Linkage of models relatively few coupled with
global models - Thresholds and discontinuities are often the most
important issues involved. Extremely difficult
to incorporate these types of surprise events in
18Science Assessment
- A social process to bring the findings of science
to bear on the needs of decision-makers
19Lessons from other assessments
- ? Political Legitimacy
- ? Scientific Credibility
- ? Focus on User Needs
20Role of intermediaries
Personal Actions Voting Grassroots
Organizing Lobbying
Private Sector
Intermediaries Press, Media NGOs, Civil
Society Documentaries Opinion leaders
- Science Assessment
- Authoritative
- Policy relevant, not policy prescriptive
- Non-political
- All governments own the findings
- Scientific community stands behind the findings
21Key Features
- Most successful when process allows a dialogue
between users and scientists - Seek to establish areas of scientific consensus
- But present all credible points of view or
scientific results and identify areas of
scientific disagreement. - Identify where insufficient knowledge exists to
answer a policy-relevant question - Apply judgment of scientists but explicitly state
the level of certainty concerning conclusions - Policy relevant but not policy prescriptive