Sensory and Motor Mechanisms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sensory and Motor Mechanisms


The detection and processing of sensory information and the generation of motor ... Cockroach escape response! Figure 49.7. 1 mm. Tympanic. membrane ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sensory and Motor Mechanisms

Chapter 49
  • Sensory and Motor Mechanisms
  • (pp 1045-1062)

Sensory input, motor output and behavior!
  • The detection and processing of sensory
    information and the generation of motor output is
    the physiological basis for all animal behavior.
    Behavior is not a linear sequence of sensing,
    brain analysis and action, but rather a
    continuing process. As animals move they are
    probing the environment through that movement,
    sensing changes and using the information to
    generate the next action. It is a continuous

An example of sensing and acting
  • Bats use sonar to detect their prey
  • Moths, a common prey for bats can detect the
    bats sonar with sensory hairs in the abdomen and
    attempt to escape by diving in a spiral pattern
    towards the ground.
  • Both of these organisms have complex sensory
    systems that facilitate their survival.

Figure 49.1
  • The sensory and effector structures that make up
    these systems have been transformed by evolution
    into diverse mechanisms that sense various
    stimuli and generate the appropriate physical

  • The first step is converting the stimulus into
    another form. Sensory receptors transduce
    stimulus energy to electrical signals. The
    electrical signals are transformed into action
    potentials and travel to the the brain via
    sensory neurons
  • And the brain interprets them as a perception of
    the stimuli and generates an appropriate
    response. (Cross talksome people see colors when
    they hear music!What is going on?) Action
    potentials going from ear to visual center????

  • Sensations begin with the detection of stimuli by
    sensory receptors
  • There are many kinds of receptors heat, cold,
    pain, pressure, light, hearing, osmotic, oxygen
    etc. Some are located in the surface tissues of
    the body and others within the brain, circulatory
    system and visceral organs.
  • Locations
  • Exteroreceptors
  • Detect stimuli coming from the outside of the
    body such as pressure waves, light and heat/cold.
  • Interoreceptors
  • Detect internal stimuli chemoreceptors,
    osmoreceptors, pressure etc.

Functions Performed by Sensory Receptors
  • All stimuli represent forms of energy
  • Sensation involves converting this energy into a
    change in the membrane potential of sensory

  • Sensory receptors perform four functions in this
  • Sensory transduction, amplification,
    transmission, and integration
  • The stretch receptor and hair receptor represent
    these processes.

  • Two types of sensory receptors exhibit these
  • A stretch receptor in a crayfish

Action potential has much more energy than a
decrease in receptor potential! An example of an
  • A hair cell found in vertebrates

Hyperpolarization of hair cell. Less likely to
generate an action potential!
Depolarization of hair cell!
of action potentials in the sensory neuron.
Bending in the other direction has the opposite
effects. Thus, hair cells respond to the
direction of motion as well as to its strength
and speed.s
Use of a neurotransmitter step and amplification
Sensory Transduction
  • Sensory transduction is the conversion of
    stimulus energy into a change in the membrane
    potential of a sensory receptor
  • This change in the membrane potential is known as
    a receptor potential (resting potential changes
    from -70 to -60)

  • Many sensory receptors are extremely sensitive
  • With the ability to detect the smallest physical
    unit of stimulus possible

  • After energy in a stimulus has been transduced
    into a receptor potential
  • Some sensory cells generate action potentials,
    which are transmitted to the CNS

  • Sensory cells without axons
  • Release neurotransmitters at synapses with
    sensory neurons

  • The integration of sensory information
  • Begins as soon as the information is received
  • Occurs at all levels of the nervous system

  • The integration of sensory information begins as
    soon as the information is received. It occurs at
    all levels of the nervous system
  • Some receptor potentials are amplified through
  • Some receptor potentials are decreased
    (attenuated) with repeated stimulation. This is
    called sensory adaptation.
  • Both of these responses can be viewed as
    integration at the receptor level.

Types of Sensory Receptors
  • Based on the energy they transduce, sensory
    receptors fall into five categories
  • Mechanoreceptors
  • Chemoreceptors
  • Photoreceptors
  • Thermoreceptors
  • Pain receptors
  • Electromagnetic receptors includes (photo,
    electrical and magnetism)

  • Mechanoreceptors sense physical deformation
  • Caused by stimuli such as pressure, stretch,
    motion, and sound

  • The mammalian sense of touch relies on
    mechanoreceptors that are the dendrites of
    sensory neurons. These are naked nerves and
    depolarization of the endings leads to an action

Figure 49.3
Pain Receptors
  • In humans, pain receptors, also called
  • Are a class of naked dendrites in the epidermis
  • Respond to excess heat, pressure, or specific
    classes of chemicals released from damaged or
    inflamed tissues

  • Chemoreceptors include
  • General receptors that transmit information about
    the total solute concentration of a solution
  • Specific receptors that respond to individual
    kinds of molecules. Best example is that of a
    male moths antennae sensing pheromone
    (bombykol) put out by female moth a mile
    upwind. Male responds when only 40 receptors
    bind compound / sec out of 20,000 receptors.

  • The most sensitive and specific chemoreceptors
    known is present in the antennae of the male
    silkworm moth

Figure 49.4
Electromagnetic Receptors
  • Electromagnetic receptors detect various forms of
    electromagnetic energy
  • Such as visible light, electricity, and magnetism

  • Many mammals appear to use the Earths magnetic
    field lines to orient themselves as they migrate.
    There is also good evidence that birds use
    magnetic field lines during long migrations.

Figure 49.5b
(b) Some migrating animals, such as these beluga
whales, apparentlysense Earths magnetic field
and use the information, along with other cues,
for orientation.
  • Thermoreceptors, which respond to heat or cold
  • Help regulate body temperature by signaling both
    surface and body core temperature.
  • Infrared reception in pit vipers (rattlesnakes).

Pit Vipers (rattlesnakes) have infrared receptors.
  • Some snakes have very sensitive infrared
  • That detect body heat of prey against a colder

Snake can detect .002C temp change within the
pit. Can sense a rat 40 cm away if its body temp
10C above the environmental. Receptor just
branched ending of the sensory axon.
Pits below eyes.
Can also sense direction because of depth of pit!
Figure 49.5a
(a) This rattlesnake and other pit vipers have a
pair of infrared receptors,one between each eye
and nostril. The organs are sensitive enoughto
detect the infrared radiation emitted by a warm
mouse a meter away. The snake moves its head
from side to side until the radiation is detected
equally by the two receptors, indicating that
the mouse is straight ahead.
  • Concept 49.2 The mechanoreceptors involved with
    hearing and equilibrium detect settling particles
    or moving fluid
  • Hearing and the perception of body equilibrium
  • Are related in most animals

Sensing Gravity and Sound in Invertebrates
  • Most invertebrates have sensory organs called
  • That contain mechanoreceptors and function in
    their sense of equilibrium

Statolith is a secretion of protein and calcium
carbonate! In fish they increase in size as the
fish grows and can be used to age fish by
counting the annual rings!
Figure 49.6
  • Many arthropods sense sounds with body hairs that
    vibrate or with localized ears consisting of a
    tympanic membrane and receptor cells. Cockroach
    escape response!

Figure 49.7
Sensory Perception in Aquatic Vertebrates
  • The lateral line system of fishes and tadpoles
    contains mechanoreceptors
  • With hair cells that respond to water movement

Water flows through the channel and deforms the
cupula. Also pressure waves in the water deform
Neuromast includes the gelatinous cupula, sensory
hairs and hair cells!
Figure 49.12
Hearing and Equilibrium in Vertebrates.
  • In most terrestrial vertebrates
  • The sensory organs for hearing and equilibrium
    are closely associated in the ear

Deformation of hair cells basis for hearing in
3 chambers!
Figure 49.8
  • Vibrating objects create percussion waves in the
  • That cause the tympanic membrane (ear drum) to
  • The three bones of the middle ear
  • Transmit the vibrations to the oval window on the
    cochlea to the fluid of the inner ear.

  • These vibrations create pressure waves in the
    fluid in the cochlea
  • That travel through the vestibular canal and into
    the tympanic canal. They ultimately strike the
    round window where they are dissipated.

Figure 49.9
  • The pressure waves in the vestibular canal
  • Cause the basilar membrane to vibrate up and down
    causing its hair cells to bend
  • The bending of the hair cells depolarizes their
  • Sending action potentials that travel via the
    auditory nerve to the brain

  • The cochlea can distinguish pitch
  • Because the basilar membrane is not uniform along
    its length (thinner at one end), it vibrates more
    vigorously at a certain frequency! Louder
    greater amplitude deforms hair more.

Receptor potential causes influx of Ca which
in turn causes release of transmitter and action
Figure 49.10
  • Several of the organs of the inner ear
  • Detect body position and balance

  • The utricle, saccule, and semicircular canals in
    the inner ear function in balance and equilibrium

Figure 49.11
Hearing and Equilibrium in Other Vertebrates
  • Like other vertebrates, fishes and amphibians
  • Also have inner ears located near the brain

  • Concept 49.3 The senses of taste and smell are
    closely related in most animals
  • The perceptions of gustation (taste) and
    olfaction (smell)
  • Are both dependent on chemoreceptors that detect
    specific chemicals in the environment

  • The taste receptors of insects are located within
    sensory hairs called sensilla
  • Which are located on the feet and in mouthparts

EXPERIMENT Insects taste using gustatory
sensilla (hairs) on their feet and mouthparts.
Each sensillum contains four chemoreceptors with
dendrites that extend to a pore at the tip of the
sensillum. To study the sensitivity of each
chemoreceptor, researchers immobilized a blowfly
(Phormia regina) by attaching it to a rod with
wax. They then inserted the tip of a
microelectrode into one sensillum to record
action potentials in the chemoreceptors, while
they used a pipette to touch the pore with
various test substances.
To brain
To voltagerecorder
RESULTS Each chemoreceptor is especially
sensitive to a particular class of substance, but
this specificity is relative each cell can
respond to some extent to a broad range of
different chemical stimuli.
Pore at tip
Pipette containingtest substance
Number of action potentials in first second of
CONCLUSION Any natural food probably stimulates
multiple chemoreceptors. By integrating
sensations, the insects brain can apparently
distinguish a very large number of tastes.
0.5 MSucrose
0.5 MNaCl
Figure 49.13
  • The receptor cells for taste in humans are
    modified epithelial cells organized into taste
  • Five taste perceptions involve several signal
    transduction mechanisms
  • Sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami (elicited
    by glutamate)
  • Transduction in taste receptors
  • Occurs by several mechanisms
  • Na and H (sour) diffuse through channels on the
    taste receptor depolarizing it. Glutmate binds to
    Na channel opening it. Quinine (bitter) binds to
    K channels and closes them (depolarizing). All
    generate action potential. Sweetness next slide!

  • Sensing sweetness

Cell depolarizes because K builds up in the cell
from the Na/K ATPase pump.
Figure 49.14
Smell in Humans
  • Olfactory receptor cells
  • Are neurons that line the upper portion of the
    nasal cavity

  • When odorant molecules bind to specific receptors
  • A signal transduction pathway is triggered,
    sending action potentials to the brain

1000 ordorant receptors in humans. Represents 3
of human genes! Probably dont use them all
  • Concept 49.4 Similar mechanisms underlie vision
    throughout the animal kingdom
  • Many types of light detectors
  • Have evolved in the animal kingdom and may be

Vision in Invertebrates
  • Most invertebrates
  • Have some sort of light-detecting organ.
    Flatworms, some jelly fish, scallops (molluscs),
    crustaceans and insects.

  • One of the simplest is the eye cup of planarians
  • Which provides information about light intensity
    and direction but does not form images

Eyes positioned so that light coming from one
side does not illuminate eye on opposite side.
Figure 49.16
  • Two major types of image-forming eyes have
    evolved in invertebrates
  • The compound eye and the single-lens eye

Compound Eyes
  • Compound eyes are found in insects and
    crustaceans and consist of up to several thousand
    light detectors called ommatidia

Figure 49.17ab
  • Single-lens eyes
  • Are found in some jellies, polychaetes, spiders,
    and many molluscs
  • Work on a camera-like principle

The Vertebrate Visual System
  • The eyes of vertebrates are camera-like
  • But they evolved independently and differ from
    the single-lens eyes of invertebrates

Structure of the Eye
  • The main parts of the vertebrate eye are
  • The sclera, which includes the cornea
  • The choroid, a pigmented layer
  • The conjunctiva, that covers the outer surface of
    the sclera

  • The iris, which regulates the pupil
  • The retina, which contains photoreceptors
  • The lens, which focuses light on the retina

  • The structure of the vertebrate eye

Figure 49.18
  • Humans and other mammals
  • Focus light by changing the shape of the lens

Figure 49.19ab
  • The human retina contains two types of
  • Rods are sensitive to light but do not
    distinguish colors
  • Cones distinguish colors but are not as sensitive

Sensory Transduction in the Eye
  • Each rod or cone in the vertebrate retina
  • Contains visual pigments that consist of a
    light-absorbing molecule called retinal bonded to
    a protein called opsin

  • Rods contain the pigment rhodopsin
  • Which changes shape when it absorbs light

Processing Visual Information
  • The processing of visual information begins in
    the retina itself. This is accomplished by the
    interconnections with three types of cells before
    an action potential is transmitted to the brain
    via the optic nerve. Some of these connections
    are inhibitory while others are stimulatory.

  • Absorption of light by retinal
  • Triggers a signal transduction pathway

Figure 49.21
  • In the dark, both rods and cones
  • Release the neurotransmitter glutamate into the
    synapses with neurons called bipolar cells, which
    are either hyperpolarized or depolarized

  • In the light, rods and cones hyperpolarize
  • Shutting off their release of glutamate
  • The bipolar cells
  • Are then either depolarized or hyperpolarized

Figure 49.22
  • Three other types of neurons contribute to
    information processing in the retina
  • Ganglion cells, horizontal cells, and amacrine

Figure 49.23
  • Signals from rods and cones
  • Travel from bipolar cells to ganglion cells
  • The axons of ganglion cells are part of the optic
  • That transmit information to the brain

Figure 49.24
  • Most ganglion cell axons lead to the lateral
    geniculate nuclei of the thalamus
  • Which relays information to the primary visual
  • Several integrating centers in the cerebral
  • Are active in creating visual perceptions
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