Title: Tabetha Sparks and Amanda Schmitt
1Kangaroo Island
- By
- Tabetha Sparks and Amanda Schmitt
2Citations Page
Slide 3 map- http//www.australienguiden.se/kan
garoo.php Slide 4 background picture-
http//www.australienguiden.se/kangaroo.php Slide
5 sheep- http//www.nataliedee.com/desktops.php
salt- http//um-jmh.org/body.cfm?id1435 gypsum-
http//www.mii.org/Minerals/Minpics1/ barley-
q3Dbarley26svnum3D1026hl3Den26lr3D eucalyp
tus oil- http//www.amazon.com/gp/browse.html/002-
5221371-8766465?node13668251 Slide 6
background picture- http//www.georgiabyte.com/ar
chives/winners/win1/win15.htm Slide 7 island-
http//www.kingscotetouristpark.com.au/ Slide 8
kangaroo- http//www.geocities.jp/walljp2005/anim
al-1.html koalas, tammar wallaby, glossy black
cockatoo, echidna- http//www.kangaroo-island-au.c
om/index_eng_fr.html Slide 9 soccer ball,
football, tennis ball, golf ball-
ml baseball- http//www.baseball-pitching-machine
-guide.com/ Slide 10 joey- http//www.worldwidewa
3Kangaroo Island
Is a small island in South Australia at the
entrance to Gulf St. Vincent.
Map of the Island
4Kangaroo Island is Australias third largest
island measuring 96 miles from east to west.
The coastline measures 318.2 miles and the
population was 4237 In 2001.
Kangaroo Island Shore
55 Major Products
Eucalyptus Oil
6Kangaroo Island has a temperate climate. Its
average temperatures are 78F in the summer and
54F in the winter.
Kangaroo Island Shoreline
7The History
Kangaroo Island
In 1804, Kangaroo Island was nearly claimed by
the French. During the 19th century, many
productive establishments of industry were
attempted on the island. When the 20th century
began, tourism became an important part of the
islands economy. The islands agriculture has
adapted to the poor soil and forestry.
On the island, there are 18 animals native to the
area. Some of which include Tammar Wallabies,
Kangaroos (from which the island gets its name),
Echidna, Koalas, and Glossy Black Cockatoos.
9- Some of the major sports include
- Baseball
- Football
- Soccer
- Tennis
- Golf
- Archery
10Here are a few insights about Kangaroo Island, we
hope you learned something from this. Weve told
you about everything from the location to what
kinds of sports they play on the island.
Cute Lil Joey