Bettoli and Michael J. Maceina
Fisheries Techniques, 3rd Edition Edited by
Alexander V. Zale, Donna L. Parrish, and Trent M.
Uses of toxicants Reclamation
projects Selective removal of target
species Whole-lake reclamation Sampling to
obtain biological statistics Types of
toxicants Lampricides Rotenone Antimycin Othe
r Sampling objectives
Sampling methodologies Cove rotenone Box
calculating the volume of rotenone to be added to
a cove Open-water enclosures Shoreline
sampling Navigation locks Streams
4Uses of toxicants
Reclamation projects To control or remove
undesirable species so that sport fishes can be
restocked Common throughout the 1950s and
1960s View of fisheries managers with two
buckets -- one with rotenone and the other with
5Uses of toxicants
Selective removal of target species To control
nuisance species Rotenone or antimycin pellets
to reduce common carp Applications of rotenone
in southern U.S. systems to reduce overabundant
centrarchids (bluegill, largemouth bass) or
gizzard shad Use of TFM or Bayluscide to reduce
larval sea lamprey populations
6Uses of toxicants
Whole-lake reclamation Severely degraded systems
or ones in which the fish assemblage has changed
significantly Removal of suckers and cyprinids
with rotenone, followed by stocking of trout,
allowed for development of substantial fisheries
in Michigan streams Removal of suckers and
yellow perch to create viable brook trout
fisheries in Adirondack ponds
7Uses of toxicants
Sampling to obtain biological statistics Annual
rotenone surveys to determine assemblage,
density, standing stock, productivity, and
population dynamics became commonplace in the
1960s Waned in the 1980s because of changes in
public opinion, technological advances
(acoustics, trawls), increased costs, and
regulatory pressures
Limited registration of compounds by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Food and
Drug Administration Only four chemicals are
currently registered as piscicides
TFM Bayluscide Rotenone Antimycin Registrat
ion is a complicated and expensive process
Lampricides Used for selectively sampling and
controlling sea lampreys
10Toxicants lampricides
TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) First used
in 1958 Mortality is induced through collapse of
the circulatory system Synthetic chemical
applied in liquid form by metering pumps or drip
systems in streams or small rivers
11Toxicants lampricides
TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) Applied at
rates ranging from 0.8 to 7.0 mg/L over an 8 to
10-hour period No effect on higher vertebrates,
but does affect some fishes (native lampreys,
sturgeons, spawning salmonids), reptiles and
amphibians, and invertebrates
12Toxicants lampricides
Bayluscide (Bayer) First used in 1963 Synthetic
molluskicide that is used in small amounts to
reduce the amount of TFM required Acts as an
irritant initially, forcing larvae out of their
burrows Toxic effect as well Similar mode of
action as TFM Used in deep-water
environments Moderately toxic to mammals and
very toxic to mollusks and aquatic annelids
Rotenone First used in 1934 Natural chemical
derived from the roots of trees in genera Derris
and Lonchocarpus in Asia and Central and South
America General fish toxicant that is extremely
toxic to fish Mortality is induced through
disruption of cellular respiration
Rotenone Concentration of 1.0 mg/L of 5
rotenone results in mortality of all but most
resistant species
Concentrations as low as 0.05 to 0.10 mg/L will
kill sensitive species
Toxic to invertebrates, some reptiles and
Rotenone Fish can detect rotenone and display
avoidance reaction
Rendered nontoxic through application of
potassium permanganate
Antimycin (Fintrol) First used in 1963 Natural
chemical derived as an antibiotic from
mold General fish toxicant that interferes with
cellular respiration More toxic than rotenone
can cause 100 mortality at 1 µg/L 5 to 10 µg/L
typically used
Antimycin (Fintrol) Liquid formulation
only Causes faster mortality than
rotenone Oxidizes faster than rotenone Detoxifie
d by potassium permanganate
Antimycin (Fintrol) Fish cannot detect and
therefore do not avoid
Not registered but effective Copper
sulfate Sodium cyanide Toxaphene Squoxin
20Sampling objectives
Standing crop and density estimation Absolute
estimates of biomass or numbers of a species in
a given area (kg/ha or number/ha) Relative
abundances (species, sizes) Assessment of
trends over time or among areas
sampled Population indices and
balance Evaluation of prey and predator
populations, usually within the context of a
balanced fishery Assemblage composition Presenc
e or absence of a given species
21Rotenone sampling methodology
Cove Rotenone Primarily in southeastern U.S.
lakes and reservoirs to assess reproductive
success of littoral species Conducted
traditionally in mid to late summer when
water temperatures are high (gt20 C), toxicity
is heightened, and degradation is hastened (1 to
3 days)
22Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove
23Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove Target concentration 3 mg/L
24Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove Target concentration 3 mg/L Calculate
water volume of cove
25Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove Target concentration 3 mg/L Calculate
water volume of cove 1. Construct bathymetric
map from transect surveys of cove depth
26Box 24.1
- Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove - Calculate areas associated with each depth by
planimetry - Areas associated with successive depths are
27Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove 3. Calculate volumes of 1-m depth strata
from the geometry of cones The volume
of water (V) between areas A1 and A2 (e.g.,
between depths 0 and 1 m) is V (H/3) A1 A2
(A1 A2)1/2
28Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove 3. Calculate volumes of 1-m depth strata
from the geometry of cones
29Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove 3. Calculate volumes of 1-m depth strata
from the geometry of cones
V (H/3) A1 A2 (A1 A2)1/2
30Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove 3. Calculate volumes of 1-m depth strata
from the geometry of cones
V (H/3) A1 A2 (A1 A2)1/2 Volume (V) of
water in the top 1 m (H 1 m) (1/3) 21,664
18,512 (21,664 18,512)1/2
31Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove 3. Calculate volumes of 1-m depth strata
from the geometry of cones
V (H/3) A1 A2 (A1 A2)1/2 Volume (V) of
water in the top 1 m (H 1 m) (1/3) 21,664
18,512 (21,664 18,512)1/2 20,067 m3
32Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove 3. Calculate volumes of 1-m depth strata
from the geometry of cones
33Box 24.1
Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove 3. Calculate volumes of 1-m depth strata
from the geometry of cones
34Box 24.1
- Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove - Calculate volume of rotenone needed
- Volume of cove 63, 819 m3
35Box 24.1
- Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove - Calculate volume of rotenone needed
- Volume of cove 63, 819 m3
- 3-mg/L concentration of rotenone 3 L per 1,000
m3 - (1 L 106 mg 1,000 m3 106 L)
36Box 24.1
- Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove - Calculate volume of rotenone needed
- Volume of cove 63, 819 m3
- 3-mg/L concentration of rotenone 3 L per 1,000
m3 - (1 L 106 mg 1,000 m3 106 L)
37Box 24.1
- Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove - Calculate volume of rotenone needed
- Volume of cove 63, 819 m3
- 3-mg/L concentration of rotenone 3 L per 1,000
m3 - (1 L 106 mg 1,000 m3 106 L)
X 191.5 L
38Box 24.1
- Calculating the Volume of Rotenone to be added to
a Cove - Calculate volume of rotenone needed
- Volume of cove 63, 819 m3
- 3-mg/L concentration of rotenone 3 L per 1,000
m3 - (1 L 106 mg 1,000 m3 106 L)
X 191.5 L X 50.4 gallons
39Rotenone sampling methodology
Open-water enclosures Block net
sampling Natural lakes without coves Wegener
40Rotenone sampling methodology
Shoreline sampling
41Rotenone sampling methodology
Navigation locks
42Rotenone sampling methodology
Rarely done for abundance estimation more
typically for reclamation
43Rotenone sampling methodology
Streams Requires calculation of stream discharge
to determine dispensing rate
44Rotenone sampling methodology
Streams Sentinel fish To assess toxicity To
assess detoxification
45Rotenone sampling methodology
Streams Detoxification Potassium permanganate
(1 to 2 mg/L) at downstream end of treatment reach
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