Title: Populations 1 Population Parameters Population growth
1Populations 1-Population ParametersPopulation
Readings Chapters 9 10 (pp 133-136 only) Krebs
2Populations 1 - Population Parameters I.
Definition of Population II. Key Population
Parameters III. Measuring Populations 1.
Density 2. Natality 3. Mortality 4.
Immigration and emigration
3I. Definition of Population
- A population is a group of organisms of the same
species that occupy a particular space at a
particular time - Deme the breeding population
4What defines a population?
5Individuals vs. Populations
Light, water, temperature
Chemical factors
Individuals - each genetically different
Natural Selection
Population range of genetic characteristics
6Phenotype (bill size)
7Populations 1 - Population Parameters I.
Definition of Population II. Key Population
Parameters III. Measuring Populations 1.
Density 2. Natality 3. Mortality 4.
Immigration and emigration
8Population Parameters
- Density Number of organisms per unit space
(area or volume) - Natality the reproductive output of a
population per unit time - Mortality the number of deaths in a population
per unit time - Immigration the number of individuals moving
into the area occupied by the population per
unit time - Emigration the number of individuals moving
out of the area occupied by the population per
unit time
9II. Key Population Parameters
Births (Natality)
Density (individuals per unit area)
Deaths (mortality
10Population Equation
- Change in Population (Density) in a stated time
- (Natality Immigration) Per unit time
- -
- (Mortality Emigration) Per unit time
11Populations 1 - Population Parameters I.
Definition of Population II. Key Population
Parameters III. Measuring Populations 1.
Density 2. Natality 3. Mortality 4.
Immigration and emigration
121. Density
- Unitary versus modular organisms
- Modular organisms
- Some modular organisms are part of a single
organism unit, others are not - Ramets modular organisms that can exist
independent of a modular form - Genets individuals that are represented by
original zygotes have the same genetic
13Porcupine Caribou Herd
Population of unitary organisms
14Modular organisms
15Modular animals
16Aspen (Populus tremeloides) in boreal forest
17Aspen (Populus tremeloides) in boreal forest
18Counting Populations
- Total counts
- Sampling methods
- Use of quadrats
- Catch and release
19Issues in using quadrats
- Individuals vs. modules
- Distribution of populations and individuals
- Adequate quadrat size
- Adequate sample size
- Random sampling
- Studying populations over time
20Quadrat sampling of grassland
21Point quadrat sampling of grassland
22Quadrat sampling of grassland
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24 Mean Standard Deviation Chestnut
oak 1000 241 Sugar maple 242
69 American beech 667 69
25Catch and Release Approach
26Catch and Release Approach
27Estimating Population Sizethrough
- N actual size of the study population
- M total number of individuals caught in the
first capture, marked and released - n total number of individuals in the second
capture - m total number of marked individuals in the
second capture - M/N m/n or N Mn/m
28Capture/Recapture Example
- Sampling of trout in small lakes
- Can mark trout by clipping a fin
- M 109 fish caught in first sample and marked
- n 177 caught in second sample
- M 57 marked fish in second sample
- N Mn/m 109177/57 338 trout
29Northern Humpback Whale
- N actual size of the study population
- M total number of individuals caught in the
first capture, marked and released - n total number of individuals in the second
capture - m total number of marked individuals in the
second capture - M/N m/n or N Mn/m
- Whale studies in Frederick Sound, Alaska
- Two sample periods July 31 to August 3 1986 and
August 29 to September 1 1986 - M 72, n 78, m 22
- N 7278/22 255
30Assumptions for Capture/Recapture Models
- Marked and unmarked animals are captured randomly
- Marked animals are subject to the same mortality
as unmarked animals (Petersen model assumes no
mortality between samples) - Marked animals are neither lost nor overlooked
31Relative Density Indices
- Traps number of individuals caught in a trap
per day - Fecal pellets know number of pellets produced
per individual per day - Vocalization frequency used for birds
- Pelt records population size changes in animals
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33Relative Density Indices
- Catch per unit fishing effort
- Number of artifacts e.g., number of nests, egg
shells, etc. - Questionaires
- Relative plant cover
- Feeding capacity consumption of bait
- Roadside counts common for birds
- Sightings
- Vovalization
- Faecal counts
- Tracks
34Populations 1 - Population Parameters I.
Definition of Population II. Key Population
Parameters III. Measuring Populations 1.
Density 2. Natality 3. Mortality 4.
Immigration and emigration
352. Natality
- Natality refers to the production of new
individuals - birth, hatching, germination, or fission
- Fecundity and fertility are important aspects of
363. Mortality
- Rate at which individual organisms die
- Issues with respect to mortality
- Why do individuals die?
- Why do individuals die at different ages?
- What influences longevity?
37Measuring mortality
- Direct Monitor the death rates of actual
individuals through direct observation or
capture/recapture methods - Indirect monitor the abundance of successive
age groups
384. Immigration/Emigration
- In most populations studies, it is assumed that
immigration emigration
39Important characteristics of populations
- In addition to counting numbers of individuals,
population studies also look at characteristics
of the individuals - Most common are age, size, and sex of individuals
- Other characteristics are often measured as well
40Populations 1 - Population Parameters I.
Definition of Population II. Key Population
Parameters III. Measuring Populations 1.
Density 2. Natality 3. Mortality 4.
Immigration and emigration IV. Life Tables 1.
Diagrammatic and tabular 2. Static and cohort
life tables 3. Dynamic population parameters
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46 Life Tables Reading Chapter 10, Krebs.
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49Number of individuals dying
- dx the number of individuals dying during the
age interval from x to x1 - dx nx nx1
50Example cohort life table sparrows
51Mortality rate
- qx per capita rate of mortality during the age
interval of x to x1 - qx dx / nx
52Example cohort life table sparrows
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54Patterns of survivorship
- Pearl was the ecologist who introduced life
tables to ecology - Showed three patterns of mortality
- 1. Low early in life, high later in life
- 2. Constant mortality
- 3. High early in life, low later in life
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56Static Life Table
- Another form of a life table is the static life
table - In this case, a group of cohorts is not sampled,
but instead a life table is created by sampling a
population for number of individuals in each age
group (nx) and the deaths in each age group (dx) - Use these data to estimate mortality rate (qx)
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58Why use a static life table?
- It is not always possible to follow a population
of cohorts throughout their entire lifetime - Examples
- migrating fish (salmon)
- humans
59Do cohort and static life tables give the same
- Only if the conditions to which the population is
exposed that influence mortality and survivorship
stay constant