Title: Functions: Part 4
1Functions Part 4
- Cardinal Number
- Let S be any set
- S denotes the number of elements in the set S
- Ex 0, a 1 a, b, c 3
- Since cardinal numbers refer also to infinite
sets, we must define what it means for two sets
(finite or infinite) to have the same cardinal
number (i.e., the same number of elements) - Cardinality
- A set A has the same cardinality as a set B iff
there is a one-to-one correspondence from A to B
or A B - Remember one-to-one z maps to unique y and
onto every element in y maps to an x
3Properties of Cardinality
- Basic Properties of Cardinality
- Reflexive A has the same cardinality as A
- Symmetric If A has the same cardinality as B,
then B has the same cardinality as A - Transitive If A has the same cardinality as B,
and B has the same cardinality as C, then A has
the same cardinality as C - Countability
- A set S is finite iff it is empty, or if there is
a natural number n such that S and 1, 2, 3, ,
n have the same cardinality - A set is infinite if it is not finite
- A set S is countably infinite iff S Z
- A set S is countable iff it is finite or
countably infinite - A set is uncountable iff it is not countable
- The set of positive integers Z 1, 2, 3, is
an infinite set - A set B having the same cardinality as Z is
called countably infinite because the one-to-one
correspondence between the two sets can be used
to count the elements of B
Important Characteristic of Infinite Sets it can
have the same cardinality as a proper subset of
itself, e.g. Z Z
5Countability Example
- Show that the set Z of all integers is countable
- We need to find a function from Z to Z that is
one-to-one and onto
Start in the middle and work your way out
6Example (contd)
- A function from Z to Z that is one-to-one and
onto is - f(n) n/2 n is an even integer
- -(n-1)/2 n is an odd integer
- A (Z) B (Z)
- n1 f(n) 0
- n2 f(n) 1
- n3 f(n) -1
- n4 f(n) 2
- n5 f(n) -2
No integer is counted twice so f(n) is one-to-one
Every element in Z (co-domain) is counted
eventually, so f(n) is onto ? f(n) has a
one-to-one correspondence from Z to Z
7Final Thoughts on Example
- Even though there seems to be more integers Z
than positive integers Z, the elements of the
two sets can be paired up one-for-one - ? The sets have the same cardinality and Z is
countably infinite
8Countability Proof
- Show that the set 2Z of all even integers is
countable - Define h Z ? 2Z such that h(n) 2n
- We know that h(n) is one-to-one and onto, hence Z
has the same cardinality as 2Z - From previous example, Z has the same cardinality
as Z, so by transitivity property of cardinality - 2Z Z and Z Z ? 2Z Z
- Therefore, 2Z is countably infinite and thus
9Uncountable (Informal Proof)
- The set of all real numbers between 0 and 1 is
Any interval of real numbers can be divided into
10 equal subintervals, then the process of
obtaining additional digits in the decimal
expansion can (theoretically) be repeated
10Cardinality of the Set of all Real Numbers
- Show that the set of all real numbers has the
same cardinality as the set of real numbers
between 0 and 1 - S is the open interval of real numbers between 0
and 1 S x?R 0 lt x lt 1
Take S and bend it into a circle
11Example (contd)
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
- For each point x on the circle representing S,
draw a straight line L thru the top most point of
the circle - F(x) is the intersection of L and the number line
- Distinct point on circle goes to distinct point
on number line, so F(x) is one-to-one. - Given any y, a line can be drawn through y to the
top of the circle, thus y F(x) which is onto - Therefore, there is a one-to-one correspondence