Title: EMR Tools to Support the Planned Care Model
1EMR Tools to Support the Planned Care Model
- Jeffrey Hummel, MD, MPH
- Qualis Health Medical Director for Clinical
Informatics - Director for Clinical Improvement, UW Medicine
- Neighborhood Clinics
- March 26, 2007
2Health System
Health Care Organization
Resources and Policies
DeliverySystem Design
Decision Support
Self-Management Support
Prepared, Proactive Practice Team
Informed, Activated Patient
Productive Interactions
Improved Outcomes
3The Big Question
- We did what Don Berwick told us to do, Dont
wait for the technology. - We built stand alone registries to support
chronic illness care - Now the technology is here, and were installing
1st generation EMRs - Designed for acute episodic care
- Few specific tools for chronic illness care
- Double entry is unsustainable
- So, what happens to the registry?
4We Thought a Registry was a Thing
- Thing 1 1995 GHC - spreadsheet
- Thing 2 2000 CDEMS - Access Database
- The planned care model said Clinical information
systems - Think of registry functionality, as a set of
reporting and information display tools - Disease/risk dashboard for individual patient
- Assorted tools for improving quality
- Population dashboard for a practice
- Reporting dashboard for outcomes monitoring
5Information Management
- In paper record - not enough information
- In EMR - too much information
- Information organization is the challenge
- Just the important information
- All the important information
- Physicians are trying to do the right thing
- Present the information so the answer to, What
do I do? is obvious - Push a button to make the right thing happen
- No booby traps
6Mission Stop flying blind by
7 adding data-driven guidance
8EMR tools to support QI workflow
- Individual Patient Care Tools
- Overdue results
- Custom data entry forms
- Embedded Decision Support
- Chart note templates
- Order sets
- Health maintenance reminders
- Med-Med/Med-Allergy Alerts
- Flow sheets
- Patient Dashboards
- Population Care Tools
- Registry Functionality
- Back end reporting
- EMR production reporting functionality
9Over-due Results
- Electronic tickler file
- Message sent when an ordered test has no result
after specified time interval to - Ordering provider
- Designated support staff
- If there is no associated workflow, ODRs become
cluttered with tests of limited importance
10Overdue Results Folder
11Custom Data Entry Forms
- EMRs have a limited number of places for entering
data in categorical format, e.g. Foot exam - Some useful data like PHQ-9 or asthma symptom
severity score, etc, may not have a place to be
entered - Data entered into progress notes cannot be
searched - Custom forms allow providers to enter data in a
format that can be stored and used for reporting
or presented in a useful format such as in flow
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13Order Sets
- Mechanism for visually organizing orders
pertaining to specific situations - Diseases e.g. diabetes,
- Types of visits e.g. physical examinations
- Types of intervention e.g. immunizations
- Decision support
- Specific treatments e.g. helicobacter pylori
- Complex changing therapy e.g HIV
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16Embedded Decision Support
- Directions for complex orders
- Useful for consultation
- Make sure ordering provider includes relevant
information for consultant - Make sure ordering provider gets needed tests
prior to patient seeing consultant - Useful for imaging
- Prompt for recent creatinine when ordering tests
that may include contrast
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19Health Maintenance Reminders
- Alerts for tests or interventions that need to be
done at intervals - Screening tests pap smears, CRC
- Immunizations
- Alerts visible when chart is opened
- List of HM reminders set to be delivered
- to in-basket of provider
- Delegated support staff
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22Pop-up Med-interactions Allergy Alerts
- These are the only pop-ups that always arrive at
the right time - Need to balance severity of reaction against
alert fatigue - If sensitivity is set correctly they can prevent
serious patient safety errors - If set wrong they are frequently over-ridden by
23Med-Med Med-Allergy Interaction
- A way of presenting data on one or more
parameters for a single patient to enhance
informational content - Trends
- Presenting information to patients BP, Wt, LDL
- Seeing pattern in subtle change Creatinine
- Getting all the information in one place anemia
work-up, hypercalcemia workup
25Flow Sheets
26Flow sheet Graphs
27Chart Note Templates
- Mechanism for embedding decision support
- reminding provider to include specific elements
in Hx and Exam - Standardizing workflow for specific intervention
- Can be versatile
- E.g. modular soap note
- Disease specific
- Anticoagulation visit
- Planned diabetes visit
- Low back pain evalaluation
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30Patient Lists
- Set criteria for inclusion of patients in a
registry - Problem list,
- Set of other criteria including meds ordered and
lab tests ordered - Must have way of removing people from registry
- No longer a patient here
- Receives care for this problem elsewhere
- Display set of data fields with each patient
- Date e.g. date of last lab test, last BP, last
visit - Value value of last lab or last BP
- Medication Active rx by pharmacologic sub class
e.g. inhaled corticosteroids - Status e.g. smoking status
31Patient List Registry in Production
32Backend Reporting
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- We are quickly moving to the age of EHRs
- 1st Generation EHRs have tools to support chronic
illness care - But you have to find them
- And they are improving
- On the Horizon Real-time applications for
decision support - longitudinally,
- including population management,
- across the range of complex situations