Title: LBNL Superconducting Magnet Program
1- LBNL Superconducting Magnet Program
- Stephen A. Gourlay
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- DOE HEP Review
- February 18, 2004
2LBNL Superconducting Magnet Program A Unique
Technology Asset
- Why does DOE need LBNL?
- Leadership in High Field Magnet Technology for
HEP - This Years Highlights
- Dramatic recent success in magnet technology
development - HD-1 (16 T, a new dipole record)
- Conductor Development Program
- LHC Accelerator Research Program
- Base Program
- Moving ahead
- Test Facility Upgrade Plans
3Why does HEP need the LBNL Superconducting Magnet
- The LBNL Superconducting Magnet Program has
achieved outstanding success in the development
of the enabling technology essential for
expanding the high energy frontier - LHC luminosity upgrade
- LHC energy upgrade
- Continuity and diversity
- Core technical resource for LBNL and other
laboratories - A real RD program not subject to laboratory
priorities - Materials (DOE conductor development program)
- Accelerator magnet technology
Our peers think we have done an excellent job in
developing a vital community asset
4Peers and Competitors
- Philippe Lebrun, head of CERN Accelerator
Technology Division - Congratulations to the Berkeley Magnet Group for
this achievement! An important milestone in the
difficult path to higher field accelerator
magnets, it surely contributes to rendering an
energy upgrade of the LHC less hypothetical. - Ramesh Gupta, BNL magnet program
- If the community had to evaluate progress in
Nb3Sn magnet development without the results of
the LBNL program, we would probably decide to
abandon it. - Lucio Rossi, head of CERN Magnet Division
- Very good results. You'll have something very
interesting to say in Japan (somebody else will
We have created one of DOEs most successful
52001 HEPAP Recommendations
- LBNL has been developing enabling technology for
HEP for over 20 years - LBNL has produced record breaking fields in three
different geometries - No program has built more magnets with fields
exceeding 10 Tesla - LBNL leadership of the LARP Magnet Program (S.
Gourlay) - LBNL leadership of the DOE/HEP Conductor
Development Program (R. Scanlan)
. . . high priority to accelerator RD because
it is absolutely critical to the future of our
field. . . High-field magnet research is
particularly important
6World-Record Fields in 3 Geometries
1 . .
2 . .
D20 Cosine-theta 50 mm bore 13.5 Tesla (3 X
RD-3b - Common-Coil Dual-bore 14.5 Tesla
Are these geometries suitable for the highest
7and 3 . . .
- HD-1 Simple block coils for the highest fields
- Single-bore
- (Dual-bore side-by-side)
- 16 Tesla (LHC Energy doubler)
- Challenges
- Stress gt 150 MPa
- 3D coil support
- High field in the ends
8HD-1 Demonstrates the Viability of a New
Technological Tool
- HD-1 Objectives
- Push limit on dipole fields and stresses
- Study the properties of block-coil designs
- Suitable for very high field accelerator dipoles
- Efficient technology RD
- Success based on
- Improved conductor
- Integrated design approach
- Fabrication techniques
- 16 Tesla max field is 4.5 Tesla higher than
closest competitor
Test at 1.8 K could exceed 17 Tesla
9Block Coil Advantages
G.L. Sabbi
10Contributions to HD-1 Success
- Improved conductor
- Fabrication experience
- Systematic, structured development using the
latest design and analysis techniques
New Design
S. Caspi
11Training Tests and Studies
Scaled version of main magnet Simple
fabrication, simple testing Field range of 9
12 Tesla
Sub-scale coil with surface-mounted strain gauges
12LBNL Leadership Laid the Foundation for LHC
LHC Upgrades
HD-1 (1.8K) X
Performance Evaluation
B (Tesla)
0 Conductor Utilization (
conductor limit) 100
13 Collaborations and Community Service
- Undisputed leadership in Rutherford-style cable
technology - DOE/HEP Conductor Development Program
- The only successful production of HTS Rutherford
cable - Furnish cabling services to FNAL, BNL, Texas AM
- Tech Transfer
- Sub-scale coil for FNAL
- Furnished complete coil kit to FNAL
- Leadership of LARP magnet program
We contributed more than 300k in services to
other programs last year
14DOE Conductor Development Program
Started in 2000 Phase I improve
performance Phase II Scale-up, cost issues
Project Management
Advisory Group
World record Jc achieved by Oxford Instruments
Superconducting Technology Jc at 12 T, 4.2 K gt
3,000 A/mm2 50 Increase
15- LHC Accelerator Research Program
- (LARP)
16 More HEPAP Recommendations
- High Priority of RD for LHC Upgrades Recognized
by HEPAP (Facilities Report) - HEPAP has set its highest priority on RD for a
luminosity upgrade - The science of extending exploration of the
energy frontier with the LHC accelerator and
detector luminosity upgrades is absolutely
central. The RD phase for these will need to
start soon if the upgrades are to be finished by
the present target date of 2014. - HEPAP has set lower priority on an energy
upgrade - It is possible that the physics found in the next
decade at the LHC will be such that it will
demand such an upgrade, but at this point we
dont know enough yet either about the science or
about the specifics of the facility that might be
proposed. It will require an extensive RD phase.
17US LHC Accelerator Research Program (Berkeley,
Brookhaven, Fermilab)
- The program is organized into four areas of
research - Commissioning our hardware for the LHC
- Accelerator physics experiments and calculations
- Understanding performance limitations of current
IRs and developing new designs - Participation in the sector test and machine
start-up - Beam dynamics calculations and experiments
- Developing advanced beam diagnostics and
instrumentation - Developing high performance magnets for new
higher luminosity IRs - Large-aperture, high gradient quadrupoles using
Nb3Sn. - High-field beam separation dipoles
18LARP Organization
19US LARP Magnet Program
- Develop Magnet Technology for LHC Luminosity
Upgrade - Enhance physics opportunities at the LHC
- Provide tools to AP for optimal IR design
- Represents the first large-scale use of Nb3Sn in
an accelerator - Advances the enabling technology for the next
generation of hadron colliders - Extend collaborative environment between national
lab programs - Develop world-wide collaboration on
high-performance magnets - CERN, ESGARD, KEK, EU, etc.
- Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Magnets (WAAM)
20Fundamental Requirements and Issues
- High fields/gradients
- Large aperture/optimized FQ
- High radiation environment
- Program must address
- Technology development/fabrication techniques
- Field reproducibility
- Length issues
- Field quality reproducibility
Issues derived from requirements
Mechanical support structures Coil
geometries Quench protection
Heat transfer Materials Optimal IR
21Program Strategy and Structure
- 2003 05
- Technology, simple models
- 2006 09
- More complex models ( 3/yr)
- 2010 12
- Accelerator-ready prototype
- Extend and quantify limits on key performance
parameters - Develop an enabling technology base for LHC
Technology Development LBNL Quadrupoles FNAL,
LARP success depends on a healthy base program
22FY04 Program
- Quadrupoles
- Support structures
- Geometry Options
- Cos-theta
- Non-parallel axis
- Racetrack
- Dipoles
- Open mid-plane
- Mechanical design
- Heat transfer
- Modeling
- Studies
- Materials and cable characterization
23US LARP Magnet Funding
24 25Combined Consequences ofInnovation and Flat-Flat
Tests per Year
26Moving Ahead
- Big vs Small Magnets
- LBNL approach is to focus on a few parameters
- Most can be studied with short magnets, some even
with sub-scale magnets - e.g., length issues can be studied using single
sub-scale coil ( 3m) - Very productive
- Established feasibility of three geometries
- Evaluate further by progressing to more
sophisticated implementation - Requires infrastructure improvements
- FY04 Plans
- Analysis of HD-1, reconfigure and retest to
increase field - Sub-scale training test
- HD-2 design
- Test HD-1 at 1.8K ( gt17 Tesla?)
- HD-2 Large bore, high field
- Large bore dipole 15 Tesla
- Next step in sophistication
- Dual use cable test facility
- Long sub-scale coil
27Applications Supported by LDRD
Exploring the limits of technology for new
- Ex-Situ MRI
- NMR and MRI outside the magnet
- Superconducting Undulator
- Continued advances require high fields and short
28Test Facility Upgrade Plans
- Upgrade 20 year-old infrastructure
- Enhanced capabilities to support further progress
- Increase efficiency while maintaining operational
safety - Staged project
- Approximately 500 750k/year (Total 2M)
- Includes
- Vertical dewar with crane coverage and 1.8 K
capability - Power supplies, interlocks, extraction and
control system - Data Acquisition System
- Refrigeration Upgrades
- Majority of near-term HEP magnet applications
require the highest possible fields ( gt 17 T) - Success of the LBNL Magnet Program has
demonstrated the feasibility of accelerator
magnets with operating fields in the 16 T range - The LBNL Magnet Group is ready to lead DOE
- development of this new technology
3024 Reasons for Success
- Technicians
- P. Bish
- R. Hannaford Magnet Fabrication
- H. Higley
- B. Lau
- N. Liggins
- J. Swanson
- M. Goli
- Engineering/Design Staff
- S. Bartlett (ME)
- S. Caspi (ME) Magnet Design
- P. Ferracin (ME Post-Doc)
- R. Hafalia (ME)
- R. Hinkins (Retiree)
- M. Nyman (EE)
- Scientific Staff
- D. Dietderich
- A. Lietzke Test Facility
- S. Mattafirri
- A. McInturff (1/2)
- G. Sabbi (1/2) Magnet Program
- R. Scanlan (1/5)
- Administrative Support
- M. Barry (1/8)
- S. Buckley (1/8)
- J. Smithwick (1/4)
- K. Weber
- Students/Guest Scientists
- D. Faessler (UCB)
31Schedule for LHC Upgrade