Title: How Highs the Water
1Ross Mackay Kentucky Geodetic Advisor
How Highs the Water? Elevation and Kentucky
Height Modernization
Well, the rails are washed out north of townWe
gotta head for higher groundWe can't come back
till the water comes down, Five feet high and
- Johnny Cash
2007 KAMM Conference Kentucky Dam Village State
Resort Park May 8, 2007
2National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
3National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
- Since 1807 NGS has provided a consistent
National coordinate system -
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Height
- Gravity
- Shoreline
- and how these values
- change with time
The linchpin of geographic systems in the USA
436 33 42.15986 N 105 12 15.67754 W
1855.973 m
5National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
Geodetic Datum a set of constants specifying
the coordinate system used for geodetic
control and the set of all points and lines
whose coordinates, lengths, and directions have
been determined by measurement or calculation.
Geodetic Datum a set of constants specifying
the coordinate system used for geodetic
control and the set of all points and lines
whose coordinates, lengths, and directions have
been determined by measurement or calculation.
realization of the datum
6National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
We begin with a grid, the Horizontal Datum
7National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
Whats a vertical datum?
Image credit Universität Stuttgart
8National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
Equipotential gravity field
The geoid can be as low as 106 meters (350 feet)
below the ellipsoid or as high as 85 meters (280
feet) above.
NASAs GRACE Gravity Recovery and Climate
9National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
Image credit University of Texas at Austin
10National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
Vertical Datums
- Mean Sea Level Datum Of 1929
- name changed
- National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
- - NGVD 29 (July 2, 1973)
- North American Vertical Datum of 1988
- - NAVD 88 (June 24, 1993)
- NGVD 29 NAVD 88
- Datum Definition 26 Tide Gauges in Fathers
Point - the
U.S. Canada Quebec, Canada - Bench Marks 100,000
450,000 - Leveling (Km) 102,724
1,001,500 - Geoid Fitting Distorted Fit
Best Fit
to MSL Gauges Continental Model
11National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
Declining Infrastructure
15National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
Why height matters?
NOAA Press Release Dec. 17, 2002 Recent studies
by the NOAAs NGS, in partnership with LSU,
indicate the states hurricane evacuation routes
are growing increasingly vulnerable to coastal
storm surge and flooding.
Image credit AP Photo/Rick Bowmer
16(No Transcript)
17Height Modernization
enter GPS
18Height Modernization
Topographic Surface
h Ellipsoidal Height
19Height Modernization
H Elevation (Orthometric Height)
h Ellipsoidal Height (from GPS)
N Geoid Height (from Geoid model)
Topographic Surface
h - N
20Height Modernization
- Hybrid geoid model
- Gravity
- Leveling
- best fit to NAVD 88
21Height Modernization
Geoid model in Kentucky (Geoid03)
22Height Modernization
23Height Modernization
24(No Transcript)
25Height Modernization
26Height Modernization
27Height Modernization
These look like some of the best CORS sites that
I've seen. Don Haw, NGS CORS team member
28Kentucky Height Mod Whats next?
H h - N
29Kentucky Height Mod Whats next?
30Height Modernization
31Height Modernization
LIDAR and its Products Light Detection and
32(No Transcript)
33National CORS
34National CORS
35National CORS
- Submit GPS data file to NGS website
- Processed automatically with NGS computers
software - With respect to 3 suitable CORS
- Solution via email (usually in minutes)
- Fast, easy consistent access to the
- National Spatial Reference System
36National CORS
37National CORS
38Many Flavors of OPUS Planned
National CORS
- one receiver, hours of data
- OPUS Rapid Static
- one receiver, minutes of data
- one receiver, hours of data, archive results
- OPUS Projects
- multiple receivers, archive result
- receiver, minutes of data, no archive
39National CORS
- 1009 National CORS
- 166 Cooperative CORS
- April 30, 2007
40International GNSS
International GNSS Service
41International GNSS
GPS Observed Vertical Velocities
Clear pattern of positive velocities around
Hudson Bay that decreases going southwards to
zero (hinge line), beyond which velocities are
initially negative and then rise to near
zero All sites north of the hinge line and those
up to a 100 km south are interpreted as being due
to Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
42International GNSS
GPS-derived ITRF Horizontal Velocities
43International GNSS
ITRF vs. NAD 83 Height Relationship
2.2 meters
NAD 83
Both systems use GRS-80 ellipsoid a
6,378,137.000 meters (semi-major axis) 1/f
298.25722210088 (flattening)
44International GNSS
NAD83 vs. ITRF Ellipsoid Heights (meters)
45Relative Positioning
International GNSS
Mapping Accuracy (m-level) - Post-Processed -
Real-Time Differential (NDGPS, WAAS,
etc.) Survey Accuracy (cm-level) -
Post-Processed - Real-Time Kinematic (RTK,
Network RTK)
Data or Correction
NSRS Reference Station
46International GNSS
Autonomous Positioning Today
Vertical accuracy 22 m
- C/A Code on L1
- No Selective Availability
- (since 5/1/00)
47International GNSS
Autonomous Positioning 2015 (?)
Better resistance to interference
0.1 m -- 1 m
- C/A Code on L1
- L2C Code on L2
- L5 Code
48Ross Mackay Kentucky Geodetic Advisor
ross.mackay_at_ky.gov on the web at ngs.ky.gov (502
) 564-1450 x290