Title: Sand Dollar Echinarachnius parma
1Didemnum - an invasive tunicate Location Closed
Area II
American Lobster (Homarus Americanus)
Frilled Anemone (Metridium senile)
Sponges - various
Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus)
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
Cod (Gadus Morhua)
Barndoor Skate (Raja laevis)
Sand Dollar (Echinarachnius parma)
Cusk (Brosme brosme)
Didemnum - an invasive tunicate Location
Nantucket Lightship
Location Southern Stellwagen Bank
0.75 m
Western Great South Channel
Northern Edge of Georges Bank Closed Area II
Habitat Area of Particular Concern
Nantucket Lightship
Map showing locations of ship transects in
various areas of the Northeast coast open and
closed to scallop fishing
Habitat Area
Elephant Trunk Region
South of Hudson Canyon