Title: Q- What are counting and collecting methods?
1Q- What are counting and collecting methods?
- A pooters, nets, pit-fall traps, quadrats
2Q- Give two limitations of counting and
collecting methods
- A- sample size affects accuracy of measurement
- - samples may be unrepresentative of the
3Q- What is a natural ecosystem?
- A an ecosystem where humans have not interfered
with by using - Weed killers
- Pesticides
- Fertilisers
4Q What is the main difference between natural
and artificial ecosystems?
- A Biodiversity
- Natural ecosystems will have greater diversity as
nothing is being killed off by humans
5Q Why is it difficult to classify some
organisms e.g. Archaeopteryx?
- A they may have characteristics of different
classes e.g. bird and reptile
6Q Define the term species
- A organisms of the same species are capable of
interbreeding to produce fertile offspring
7Q What is a hybrid?
- A offspring produced when individuals of
different species have successfully bred
together. Usually infertile
8Q Why are dolphins and whales described as
mammals when they appear similar to fish e.g.
- A Give birth to live young, feed young on milk
9Q Give the word and symbol equation for
- A (light energy)
- Carbon water glucose oxygen
- Dioxide (chlorophyll)
- CO2 H2O ? C6H12O6 6O2
10Q Why is starch used for storage?
- A It is insoluble so you can keep it in one place
11Q What can limit the rate of photosynthesis?
- A carbon dioxide concentration
- Light intensity
- Temperature
- Water rarely
12Q Why do plants take carbon dioxide in and give
out oxygen during the day and do the reverse at
- A
- Day photosynthesis gt respiration
- Night photosynthesis lt respiration
- Key Respiration remains at a constant rate day
and night
13Q What do plants compete for?
14Q What is intraspecific competition?
- A competition between individuals of the same
species - Interspecific is between different species
occupying the same niche
15Q Explain the terms parasitism and mutualism
- A Both are where survival of an organism
depends upon the presence of another species - Parasitism where only the parasite benefits
from the relationship - Mutualism both species benefit
16Q give an example of mutualism
- A nitrogen fixing bacteria in the root nodules
of leguminous plants - Bacteria gain sugars
- Plant gains nitrates
17Q Explain how a polar bear is adapted to cold
arctic conditions
- A
- Thick white fur for camouflage and insulation
- Layer of fat for insulation
- Sharp claws to grip ice
- Strong legs for running and swimming
- Large size and small ears to reduce surface area
for heat loss - Large feet to spread load on snow
- Fur on soles for insulation and grip
18Q Explain how a camel is adapted to dry dessert
- A
- hump containing fat so that it does not insulate
the whole body - Tolerance to body temp rises so that it does not
need to sweat - Bushy eyelashes and hair-lined nostrils that can
close up to stop sand entering - Large feet to spread load on sand
19Q Explain how a cactus is adapted to hot dry
- A
- Rounded shape provides a reduced surface
area/volume ration to reduce water loss - Thick cuticle reduces water loss
- leaves reduced to spines to reduce water losses
and discourage animals - Green stem for photosynthesis
- Storage of water to withstand droughts
- Long roots to reach water
20Q Explain how some plants are adapted for wind
- A Feathery stigmas
- Small light pollen
21Q Explain how plants are adapted for insect
- A Colourful petals
- Nectar
- sticky pollen
22Q Describe how organisms may have become
- A
- Hard body parts
- Covered in sediment, gradual replacement by
minerals - Casts/impressions
- Preservation in amber, peat bogs, tar pits, ice
23Q Why is the fossil record incomplete
- A
- Some body parts particularly soft tissue decay so
dont fossilise - Fossilisation rarely occurs
- Fossils not yet discovered
24Q Explain the theory of natural selection
- A
- Presence of natural variation
- Competition for limited resources
- Survival of the fittest
- Inheritance of successful adaptations
- Extinction of species unable to compete
25Q How is global warming caused?
- A increasing levels of carbon dioxide block the
suns radiation from escaping the Earths
26Q How is acid rain caused?
- A increases in sulphur dioxide released from
burning of fossil fuels - Dissolves in rain water causing it to become
slightly acidic
27Q What is an indicator species?
- A a species that can only survive in certain
conditions - Presence indicates the conditions that they are in
28Q describe reasons why animals become
- A
- Climate change
- Habitat destruction
- Hunting
- Pollution
- competition
29Q describe how endangered species can be helped
- A
- Protecting habitats
- Legal protection
- Education programmes
- Captive breeding programmes
- Creating artificial ecosystems