EVPP 550 Waterscape Ecology and Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EVPP 550 Waterscape Ecology and Management


In temperate lakes, phytoplankton are generally greatly reduced during winter ... looked at the size structure of lakes in Connecticut with and without anchovy ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: EVPP 550 Waterscape Ecology and Management

EVPP 550Waterscape Ecology and Management
Lecture 10
  • Professor
  • R. Christian Jones
  • Fall 2007

PhytoplanktonPatterns of Abundance
  • Seasonal - Winter
  • In temperate lakes, phytoplankton are generally
    greatly reduced during winter due to low
    temperature and ice cover which impedes light
  • However, over the winter nutrient concentrations
    increased due to decomposition and sediment

PhytoplanktonPatterns of Abundance
  • Seasonal - Spring
  • With abundant nutrients in place, rapid growth
    occurs in spring when light and temperature again
    become favorable
  • In shallow lakes, increase in ambient light alone
    is sufficient to start the bloom
  • In deeper lakes, may need to get stratification
    before light and temperature reach their optima
  • In most lakes, spring bloom is dominated by

PhytoplanktonPatterns of Abundance
  • Seasonal - Spring
  • Spring bloom may continue for several weeks, but
    is eventually ends when nutrients become
    exhausted which for diatoms may be either P or Si
  • Grazing may also play a role in cropping back the
    large phytoplankton populations

PhytoplanktonPatterns of Abundance
  • Seasonal - Summer
  • In many oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes a
    decline occurs in summer as nutrients become
  • Smaller algae such as small flagellates and
    cyanobacteria dominate as they are better able to
    utilize low nutrient levels

PhytoplanktonPatterns of Abundance
  • Seasonal - Fall
  • In these lakes a second bloom often occurs in the
    fall as nutrients start to be remixed into the
  • Diatoms are again often dominant, but other
    species can also occur
  • In late fall, light and temperature decline,
    stratification breaks down and phytoplankton
    populations collapse

PhytoplanktonPatterns of Abundance
  • Empirical Data
  • A study compiled data from many lakes and found
    that the bimodal pattern we just described held
    very well for eutrophic lakes (here I would use
    the term mesotrophic/eutrophic
  • However, oligotrophic lakes did not show as clear
    a seasonal pattern

PhytoplanktonPatterns of Abundance
  • Seasonal-Hypereutrophic Lakes
  • In highly productive systems (hypereutrophic)
    growth may continued unabated through the summer
    forming a single large peak in late summer
  • Often dominated by cyanobacteria

PhytoplanktonPatterns of Abundance
  • Interannual
  • Cycles are fairly predictable in a given lake
  • Some variability due to climatic variation
    including flushing
  • In this graph the different lines represent
    different diatom species in Lake Windermere, UK

Zooplankton - Characteristics
  • Taxonomy
  • Protozoa
  • Single-celled, heterotrophic, eukaryotic
  • Feed on bacteria and small algae
  • Ciliates
  • Amoebae
  • Zooflagellates

Zooplankton - Characteristics
  • Rotifers
  • Small invertebrates
  • Multicellular, heterotrophic, eukaryotic
  • Suspension feeders
  • Rythmically beating rotating cilia near mouth
    creating a feeding current, also moves organism
    through water
  • Relatively small (0.2-0.6 mm)
  • Generation time 1 wk

Zooplankton - Characteristics
  • Rotifers
  • Life History
  • Have both sexual and asexual (parthenogenetic)
  • Asexual during favorable periods
  • Stressful conditions induce sexual reproduction
    which produces resting eggs
  • Resting eggs are resistant to drying, cold, heat,
    etc. and can hatch when favorable conditions

Zooplankton - Characteristics
  • Cladocera
  • Small invertebrate arthropods
  • Multicellular, heterotrophic, eukaryotic
  • Use jointed appendages for swimming and feeding
  • water fleas
  • Very characteristic of freshwater

Zooplankton - Characteristics
  • Cladocera
  • Most are herbivorous filter feeders
  • Filter algae from the water as they swim in a
    rather passive fashion
  • Some are raptorial predators, mainly on other
  • Adults range from 0.3 mm up to 3 mm except
    Leptodora up to 10 mm
  • Generation time as low as 2 weeks when asexual

Zooplankton - Characteristics
  • Cladocera
  • Like rotifers, have both asexual and sexual
  • During favorable conditions, there can be many
    generations of asexual reproduction (eggs that
    dont need fertilizing)
  • When stress occurs, males are produced and sexual
    females, meiosis occurs to produce gametes
  • Male gametes fertilize eggs in brood chamber
    producing sexual (epphipial) eggs

Zooplankton - Characteristics
  • Copepods
  • Small invertebrate arthropods
  • Multicellular, heterotrophic, eukaryotic
  • Use jointed appendages for swimming and feeding
  • Found in freshwater, estuaries and the ocean
  • Very characteristic of marine zooplankton

Zooplankton - Characteristics
  • Copepods
  • Some are passive filter feeders, but most go
    after individual particles
  • Take algae and small invertebrates
  • Adults range from 0.5 mm to 5 mm
  • Calanoid cyclopoid common in plankton

Zooplankton - Characteristics
  • Copepods
  • No asexual reproduction
  • Fertilized egg hatches into a larva called a
  • Nauplius undergoes a series of molts (6) before
    changing into a form that looks like an adult
  • Copepodid undergoes 6 further molts before
    becoming an adult (sexually mature)
  • Males and females look similar, but males have
  • Generation time months to one year

Zooplankton Factors Affecting Growth
  • Two methods have been used to measure zooplankton
  • Population growth rate (r)
  • N(t) N(0) ert where r is the growth rate of the
    population in units of 1/time
  • Filtration rate
  • Filtration rate volume of water cleared of
    particles per unit time, mL or per unit time

Zooplankton Factors Affecting Growth
  • Food concentrations and Temperature
  • Zooplankton growth often seems to be limited by
    food and temperature
  • In the study cited below, r increased with
    temperature at each food concentration and with
    food concentration at each temperature
  • Growth rate at the highest T and food was over 7x
    that at the lowest combination

Zooplankton Factors Affecting Growth
  • Food quantity and quality
  • Both the quantity and quality of food are
  • r b d (birth rate death rate)
  • At the lowest food concentration, birth rate was
    very low and death rate quite high
  • As food concentration increased, birth rates
    increased and death rates declined strongly
  • The green alga Chlamydomonas supported highest
    birth rates and lowest death rates

Zooplankton Factors Affecting Growth
  • Filtering rates are a function of temperature and
    body size
  • In the data shown below, larger individuals
    filter much more water than smaller ones
  • For this species, filtration rates increase to
    20oC and then decline

Zooplankton Factors Affecting Growth
  • Food concentrations and Temperature
  • Zooplankton growth often seems to be limited by
    food and temperature
  • In the study cited below, r increased with
    temperature at each food concentration and with
    food concentration at each temperature
  • Growth rate at the highest T and food was over 7x
    that at the lowest combination

ZooplanktonPatterns of Abundance and Activity
  • Some zooplankton populations grow in a
    synchronized pattern
  • This is particularly true in the temperate and
    polar areas with strong seasonality
  • In these areas there may be only one or two
    generations per year
  • Graph on the right shows a copepod population in
    a Norwegian lake which has one well synchronized
    cohort per year

ZooplanktonPatterns of Abundance and Activity
  • Here is a second one with two synchronized
    populations and a resting stage
  • This is most common in copepods which require
    sexual reproduction
  • In the cladocerans and rotifers, there is less
    synchrony generally partially due to continuous
    asexual reproduction under favorable conditions
  • Its also harder to discern the different stages
    in cladocerans

ZooplanktonPatterns of Abundance and Activity
  • Other factors affect zooplankton abundance and
    acitivity in the field such as predation
  • Here is a data set which found that predation by
    Leptodora was a major controlling factor on
    Daphnia populations
  • Note the very high birth rate (b) in July meaning
    they were producing lots of eggs
  • But r was near 0, implying a high death rate
  • The period of high death rate corresponded with
    the maximum for the predaceous cladoceran

ZooplanktonPatterns of Abundance and Activity
  • Predation by fish is also an important regulatory
  • It has strong effects on behavior
  • In a lake with fish present, a strong diel
    migration of zooplankton was observed with
    zooplankton exiting the top layers during the
    day, presumably to avoid fish predation
  • In a similar nearby lake without fish,
    zooplankton remained in the upper layers all day
    which presumably allows them to feed longer

ZooplanktonPatterns of Abundance and Activity
  • In addition to these depth patterns of avoidance,
    there seem to be other behaviors for avoidance of
    fish predation
  • Zooplankton cluster within macrophyte beds during
    the day, but venture into open water at night

ZooplanktonPatterns of Abundance and Activity
  • Presence or absence of fish in a lake has a
    strong effect on the species and sizes of
  • An important early study looked at the size
    structure of lakes in Connecticut with and
    without anchovy
  • This study led to the concept of top-down
    control of food webs by which predators as
    opposed to food sources control biological

ZooplanktonPatterns of Abundance and Activity
  • While top-down control seems to regulate the
    types and sizes of zooplankton, the total biomass
    of zooplankton is strongly related to food supply
  • Here, we see a graph showing a positive
    correlation between TP vs. zooplankton
  • The inference is that P fuels phytoplankton
    growth which fuels zooplankton growth, a bottom
    up pattern

ZooplanktonPatterns of Abundance and Activity
  • A typical seasonal pattern of zooplankton
    activity involves a late spring-early summer
    maximum (see phytoplankton seasonal pattern
    earlier in lecture)
  • Note that all 4 groups of zooplankton can play a
    role during the year
  • The numbers attained tend to be inversely
    proportional to the size of individuals

ZooplanktonPatterns of Abundance and Activity
  • Zooplankton can exert heavy grazing pressure on
    phytoplankton and create their own top-down
  • Their effect varies strongly with seasonal and
    depth patterns in abundance

Grazing/filtering rates above 50/day would exert
a major control over phytoplankton. That would
imply that 50 were removed on a daily basis.
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