Herbivore-Plant Interactions 2 : Seed-Slayers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Herbivore-Plant Interactions 2 : Seed-Slayers


weevil Curculio glandium. attacking acorn of English Oak Quercus robur. Seed Slaying Heteroptera ... Introduced weevil invaded Nebraska sand dunes where Louda ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Herbivore-Plant Interactions 2 : Seed-Slayers

Herbivore-Plant Interactions 2 Seed-Slayers
  • Peter B. McEvoy
  • Oregon State University

  • The nature of seed slaying
  • Characteristics of seeds
  • Taxa engaged in attack seeds
  • Species packing among fig bugs
  • Impact of seed slayers
  • On plant communities
  • On plant populations

Characteristics of Seeds
  • Nutrient values per unit volume high
  • Shorter time courses
  • Once dispersed, hard to find
  • Chemical defense might be greater low self
  • Continuous seed production not required for
    survival of plant except in case of annual
    without a seed bank
  • Result Seed timing, quality and quantity can be
    more freely manipulated by natural selection that
    those same characteristics of leaves and other
    vegetative parts

Taxa engaged in seed slaying
  1. Coleoptera (Curculionidae, Bruchidae)
  2. Heteroptera (Lygaeidae, Phyrrhocoridae)
  3. Lepidoptera (Pyralidae, Tortricidae,
    Olethreutidae, Lycaenidae)
  4. Hymenoptera (Formicidae, Chalcidoidea)
  5. Diptera (Tephritidae)
  6. Mammals and Birds

Seed-Slaying ColeopteraSeed weevils (Bruchidae)
occasionally become pests of stored beans,
cowpeas, and peas
Pea Weevil Bruchus pisorum (Linnaeus)
Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) Bean weevil
weevil Curculio glandium attacking acorn of
English Oak Quercus robur
Seed Slaying Heteroptera (Lygaeidae,
Oncopeltus fasciatus
Lygaeidae Oncopeltus fasciatus feeds on
developing pods of milkweed, requires seeds for
Pyrrhocoridae Dysdercus saturelluspest of
cotton, damages developing bolls causing plant
sap to exude from feeding site
Seed slaying Lepidoptera Pyralidae
Ostrininia nubilalis
European Corn Borer Ostrinia nubilalis attacks
corn, sorghum, cotton, and many vegetables,
causing damages in US gt 1 billion annually.
Introduced to NA in early 1900s.
Spruce budwormChoristoneura fumiferanaTortricida
Dispersing larva dangling on a silken thread
One of most destructive native pests of spruce
and fir forests in eastern NA
Sister species, western spruce budworm,
Choristoneura occidentalis, defoliator of
coniferous forests in W NA
Adult and pupa
Codling mothCydia pomonella Lep Tortricidae,
Multivoltine, destructive pest introduced to NA
by EU settlers. Larvae tunnel into center of
fruit where they feed and develop.
Oriental fruit moth Grapholitha molesta
Mexican jumping bean mot Lep Tortricidae Cydia
  • Mexican jumping bean - seed of Mexican shrubs of
    the genus Sebastiana (Euphorbiaceae) containing
    the larva of a moth whose movements cause the
    bean to jerk or tumble

Hymenoptera(Formicidae, Chalcidoidea)
Alfalfa Seed Chalcid  
  • seed-harvesting ant species in the genera Messor,
    Pheidole and Pogonomyrmex

Pogonomyrmex (naegelii-group) imberbiculus
AntWeb California Academy of Sciences
Diptera Tephritidae
  • Above Urophora stylata female and 2 males.
    Imported to NA for BC thistles
  • Photos by Albert Krebs

Right Rhagoletis completa breeds in the husks of
walnuts (Juglans spp.). Photo by Erwin Mani
Mammals and Birds
  • Orangutans and parakeets feed on dipterocarp
    seeds. (B) A carpet of dipterocarp seedlings
    established during the 1987 mast-fruiting event.
    (D) Dipterocarp trees in Borneo's Gunung Palung
    National Park. ECOLOGY Tropical Forest Synergies
    by Gary Hartshorn and Nora Bynum

Effects of seeds on InsectsLygaeid bugs as seed
predators of figs Ficus spp (Moraceae)
  • Arboreal feeders
  • Obligate terrestrial
  • Early species
  • Late species
  • Facultative terrestrial
  • Predispersal seeds are a concentrated resource
  • Mechanisms facilitating exploitation of a patchy
    resource, macroptery and ovoviparity

Slater 1977
Fluctuations in abundance of fig foliage
unrelated to herbivores
  • Fig leaves added after original fresco was
    painted, probably at the request of Cosimo III
    de' Medici in the late 17th century, who saw
    nudity as disgusting. Leaves were removed when
    painting restored in 1980s

Masaccio The Expulsion Of Adam and Eve from Eden
(1426-28) fresco in Florence
Are plant populations seed-limited?
  • Turnbull, L. A., M. J. Crawley, and M. Reese.
    2000. Are plant populations seed-limited? A
    review of seed sowing experiments. Oikos
  • Definition. They define seed limitation to be an
    increase in population size following seed
  • Two types of experiments. They review two types
    of seed addition experiments seed augmentation
    studies where seeds are added to existing
    populations and seed introductions where seeds
    are sown in unoccupied sites.
  • Overall results. Approximately 50 of seed
    augmentation experiments show evidence of seed
    limitation. These studies show that seed
    limitation tends to occur more commonly in early
    successional habitats and in early successional

Protocol recommended for seed addition
experimentsmodified from Turnbull et al. 2000
  1. Estimate seed output of natural population.
    Facilitate comparison by making seed addition
    some specified multiple of natural seed rain.
  2. Manipulate seed outputs over a sufficient range.
  3. Monitor response throughout the life cycle, at
    least to adult stage.
  4. Manipulate seed-feeding herbivores as part of the
    design. Combine enhanced, control, and diminished
    seed predators with enhanced, control, and
    diminished seed rain.
  5. Conduct additions on appropriate spatial and
    temporal scale. Mimic the spatial and temporal
    scale "sampled" by the life history of the

Seed limitation more common in early successional
Varies from strong seed-limtation to strong
micro-site limitation
Seed limitation more common in early successional
species (confounded with habitat)
Impacts of seed predators on thistles studied by
Svata Louda
Rhinocyllus conicus
Svata Louda
  • Introduced weevil invaded Nebraska sand dunes
    where Louda was studying native thistles

Thistle in Sand Dune Habitat
Effects of Insects on Reproductive Success of
Cirsium canescens
  • Removal experiment insecticide
  • Herbivore effect protected exposed
  • Spatial, temporal, organizational scales of
  • Temporal scales (within and between years)
  • Spatial scales (region, habitat, between plant,
    within plant)
  • Organizational scales (plant/arthropod
    association, guild, and species within guild
  • Platte thistle inflorescence feeders
  • Tephritid flies Orellia occidentalis and
    Paracantha culta
  • Pyralid moth Hoemosoma stypetallum

Life Cycle Graph for Thistle
Seedling Shadows with and without insecticide
Seed predator effect conditional on
distance Recruitment declines with distance from
parent Higher recruitment rate when insects are
removed using an insecticide at shorter distances
Seed Predator Effects Conditional on Year and
Lifetime Seed Production higher in Protected vs
Exposed Plants (Louda and Potvin 1984)
Plants responses to heavy exploitation by seed
  • Evolving deterrents (may increase confer
    resistance or increase handling time for
  • Hard Seed coat
  • Toxic chemistry
  • Mast cropping escape in time -synchronous, mass
    production of fruits at interval of n years with
    very light crops or no crop in intervening years
  • May lead to Predator Satiation producing so
    many seeds that slayer cant use them all
    (saturates consumers functional response)
  • Intervals of little or no seed mitigiate risk of
    predator increase (counters consumers numerical
  • Rapid dispersal escape in space

Problem for Community Ecologists
  • Seeds slayers have been invoked in explanations
    of the extraordinary species richness of tropical
  • For example, how are we account for the more than
    700 species of trees, shrubs and linas (vines)
    found on 17 km2 of Barro Colorado Island, Panama?
  • Two aspects of the problem
  • Evolutionary question origins of so much
    diversity, so many species
  • Ecological question maintenance of diversity,
    what prevents competitive exclusion

Janzen-Connell Model
  • Seed Shadow (I curve) seed density falls off
    with distance from the parent. Shape varies with
    size of seed crop and model of dispersal.
  • Probability of Survival (P curve) increases
    with distance from the parent. Seed slaying
    varies with distance and/or density.
  • Population Recruitment Curve (PRC curve) Taking
    the product of the I and P curves yields the
    recruitment curve

Janzen-Connell Model
Distance from parent tree
  • Dispersal (I), Survivorship (P), Recruitment (PRC)

  • To what extent can seed predation alone lead to
    variable recruitment patterns?
  • Which components of predator activity are
    responsible for this variation?
  • How are they responsible?
  • Model varies the
  • Number of dispersed seeds
  • Mean distances of dispersed seeds
  • Predators activity

Basic Model(Nathan and Casagrandi 2004 J Ecol)
  • Dynamics of seeds S at distance ? from the source
    over time t reflects balance in seed gains (the
    dispersal kernel F) and seed losses due to
    predation ( ? ) and other causes ( ? )
  • Mass balance equation with one input (the
    dispersal kernel F) and two outputs (seed losses
    ? and ?)

7 Model Parameters
a Fecundity, incorporating all pre-dispersal losses
D Mean distance traveled by dispersing seeds
µ Seed mortality not due to predation
ß Total predator number
q Mean distance at which predators are located
Th Handling time
a Searching rate
Seed Gains modeled by Dispersal Curve with 2
  • Seed rain a and mean dispersal distance D
  • Effect of increasing dispersal D
  • Effect of increasing fecundity a

Seed lossespartitioned into two components
  • Losses due to Predation depend on number of
    predators, their spatial distribution, searching
    efficiency, and handling times
  • Numerical response of predator
  • Functional response of predator
  • Losses due to all causes other than predation
    (e.g. micro-site limitation) depends on number of
    seeds, spatial distribution, and per capita
    morality rate

Full Model of Dynamics of dispersed seeds S at
specific location ? and time t
a Fecundity, incorporating all pre-dispersal losses
D Mean distance traveled by dispersing seeds
µ Seed mortality not due to predation
ß Total predator number
q Mean distance at which predators are located
Th Handling time
a Searching rate
Alternative Recruitment Patterns explained by the
Recruitment patterns obtained by the model
  • The plots are based on the following parameter
  • fecundity a 100,
  • seed handling time Th 0.1
  • mortality not by predation µ 0.1
  • searching rate a 5
  • predation intensity ß 30
  • mean distance of predators q 10
  • mean seed dispersal distance
  • (a) D 20 (b) D 10 (c) D 3.

A Field Guide to Estimating Model Parameters
Parameter Quantity Varies with Empirical Methods
D, a Seed density Distance Field observations (seed traps)
µ Seed mortality not due to predation Distance Field experiments (seed trays protected from predators
q, ß Predator density (N) Distance Field observations (census)
a, Th Seed intake rate Seed density Manipulate seed density in lab and field
P Seed probability to escape predation Distance mortality agents other than seed predators Field observations and experiments
I Density of seeds available for germination Field observations and experiment (seed bank samples)
  1. Seeds have distinctive features as a plant
  2. Characteristics of seeds have shaped the life
    styles of consumers as in the fig-bug example
  3. Characteristics of seed slayers have shaped seed
    production in plants including seed size and
    number, resistance, timing, and dispersal
  4. Unclear to what degree recruitment in plants
    depends on available seeds, microsites for
    establishment, or escape from seed predators
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