Title: Cytomechanics 432/532
- Tuesday, January 18, 2005 Introduction
- WebCT syllabus, book, resources, posting.
- Office BME 124 Weds, Thurs 1-4 PM
- Grading HW Exams Project
- Craelius_at_rci
2Learning objectives
- 1. To learn the structural/mechanical components
of cells, specifically biophysics and material
properties of the cytoskeleton (CSK), membrane,
and matrix. - 2. To learn about experimental tools for
evaluating cell mechanical properties,
specifically mechanical testing, imaging with
immunocytochemisty and knock-out methods.
3Learning Objectives
- 3. To learn kinematics and dynamics of cells,
specifically, interactions among CSK, cytosol,
matrix, and nucleus, mechanotransduction, and
motility - 4. To learn statistical mechanics of cell
polymers and CSK assembly. - 5. To learn tools for modelling cell mechanics,
specifically simulations with matlab and
4Topics in Cytomechanics
- A cell is a cytoplasmic structural element.
- Tensegrity holds it together -centripetally.
- Structural components include lipids, and 3
separate filament systems. - No cell is an island- interactions with others
and the ECM shape and regulate it. - Trans-skeletal molecules regulate the cell.
- Rxns in solid-state versus enzyme solution.
- How do cells
- maintain and change shape?
- Move?
- Grow and maintain a size?
- Anchor to substrate or stick together or not?
- Transport materials inside?
- Form tissues?
- Sense force and deformation?
6Applications of Cytomechanics?
- Medical
- Stress-Growth Hypothesis
- Mechanoelectrical Feedback
- Tumor-Endothelium
- Wound Healing
- Edema
- Bone Cartilage Control
- Cellular signalling
- Technological
- Gas structural elements
- Motility of Gels
- Microtubular nanostructures
- Bioprocess optimization
- Plant Growth Production
- Microgravity Effects
7How are cells put together?
Not nice and regular Varied and irregular
200 different types
8The generic cell
9(No Transcript)
10Tension compression hold the cell together
Green fluorescent dye for Actin
11Basic Cell Components
- A membrane, skeleton, and internal structures.
- All serve both as structural and functional
elements. - Simplified basic building blocks
12Geodesic- Buckminster Fuller
A geodesic dome uses a pattern of self-bracing
triangles in a pattern that gives maximum
structural advantage, thus theoretically using
the least material possible. (A "geodesic" line
on a sphere is the shortest distance between any
two points.)
13Stick Geodesic Domes Ingber
14Tensegrity structures
- Body stands upright by compression due to gravity
counteracted by tension from muscles - Same for bridges and many other structures.
15100 nM
Neurofilaments Cross-linked In frog axon
Spectrin In RBC
16the CSK smart design
- orienting along stress lines, filaments size
themselves according to strength requirements a
conservative architectural practice.
Thin supporting struts connecting thick beams
17Underneath the hood
- Lipid shell
- Actin network
- Cytosol
- Filaments
- Organelles
- Nucleus
18Lipid vesicles are ghost-like
- pipets suck up the vesicles
- Miscibility allows intermingling
19Plasma membrane
- Lipid bilayer 30 A
- Dielectric - capacitor
- Amphiphile
- Semi-permeable
- No tensile but some shear strength
20The cytoskeleton
Decorated actin
Malines, Belgium
22Major Filaments
- Filaments
- Actin 8 nM
- Intermediate 10nM
- Microtubules25 nM
233 types of filaments
24Cellular Rods and Ropes
25Filaments have different functions
Spectrin bends
Microtubules are stiff
26Cell Crawling
27(No Transcript)
28Visualizing actin-myosin motion
29Types of motors
30How does the CSK provide structure?
Signals travel at speed of sound.
Some results are not compatible with tensegrity
31Structure by light immunofluorescence
32Fibroblasts are stained with Phallacidin green
for F actin, Texas red for microtubules, and DAPI
for nucleic acid.
F actin
33 F actin is green with Phalloidin, G actin is
red with Texas red. Nucleus has fewer stress
fibers, but is thicker than rest of cell, so red
is diffuse.
F actin
G actin
34Fibroblast dividing
35Cells are Wiggly and Soft
New ways to describe softness- difference between
cooked and uncooked noodles. thermal
fluctuations Of lipid vesicle
36Types of Loading
37Swelling and Lysis to measure membrane strength
38(No Transcript)
39Pipet Aspiration
Neutrophils are WBCs involved in immune
response. The source of cortical tension is
unknown, but may be from actin tangential to
40Unwinding of rubber
Rubber Elasticity
1 mm
41Stress-strain varieties
J Curve
43Elasticity and safety at high strains Mesangial
cell area expansivity
44Common Quantities in Cytomechanics
45Where we are going
- Feedback Regulation Bioelectricity- eg. Heart,
bone, cartilage - Optics of cytoskeleton immunofluoresc.
- Micromotors Gels piezo- ferro-electric
- Cell shape regulation, eg. Edema, tumors
- Tissue morphogenesis osseointegration
- Endothelial regulation
- Wound healing
46Common quantities
47(No Transcript)
48The cytoskeleton is both internal and external
49Fibroblast-myocyte interactions
50Growth patterns vary in myocytes
51Wall stress in a thick sphere
- To find equilibrium forces
- S Fup SFdown
52Membrane Tension
53- Cells will adhere to specific islands, properly
coated. - The traction force can be seen by the bending of
the substrate. - Microfabricated culture wells allow cell to make
many E connections.
54Shape Determined by Stress
55Knock-out methods
- Spectrin
- Actin
- Microtubules
- Intermediate Filaments
- Heat
- Cytochalasin
- Nocodazole
- Acyrlamide
56Pulling Chromosomes out
pKapH logHA A-
Polymer charge determines Swelling
58Tensegrity Industry
59Designer foam
Zero Mean curvature
60Percolation theory of the CSK assembly
- Rule network evolves by random connections
between 2 active sites, each with some site
occupation probability, p. A cluster is a set of
occupied sites all of which are connected either
horizontally or vertically, i.e. an occupied site
belongs to a cluster if a member of the cluster
is either above, below, left, or right of it. A
spanning cluster has an element in both the top
and bottom rows of the site matrix.
61(No Transcript)
- Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary
structures - Make filaments rods, tubes,
- Flexural Stiffness
63Polymer bendingassuming it is a thin rod
At finite temperature, an otherwise straight rod
bends as it exchanges energy with its
environment. It bends more as T rises, like a
Landau Lifshitz, Theory of Elasticity, 1986.
64What persistence length means
When L ep , what happens at Earc kT?
Thus a rod of the persistence length is curved
at 81 degrees when the thermal energy scale
reaches kT. If L ltlt ep then rod is relatively
straight, otherwise not. Persistence length sets
the scale of thermal fluctuations. Filaments
with countour length gtgt ep are highly convoluted
and can assume many configurations.
65Entropic springs
4-segment chain configurations
Small ree Many Config- urations
Large ree Few Configurations
Applying a tension to the zero ree state reduces
possible configurations to 10. S drops from
ln(16) to ln (10). Hence tension translates to
loss of entropy.
66 Effective spring constant for a convoluted chain
near equilibrium
Have you seen a model of this?
67 Tissue
- Aggregate cells are more complicated. Many
different types of connections, each with their
own biochemical traffic patterns
68Methods of cell regulation Signalling by
mechanotransducers current Molecular CSK
regulators Integrin Nuclear transcription
69(No Transcript)
- Prove that a hollow design is advantageous for a
microtubule. Assume an outer and inner radii of
14 and 11.5 nM, respectively, and compare this
with a solid MT of the same outer radius. What is
the most efficient way for proteins to gain
rigidity, ie. on a per unit mass basis?
71- Review Questions
- The cytoskeleton is made of (Select one)
- Filamentous protein
- Lipid
- Actin, microtubules and microfilaments
- Extracellular matrix (ECM)
- (a, b and c)
- (a and c)
- (all of the above)
- Integrin is a transmembrane peptide (True or
False) - State a specific method or technique to "knock
out" or remove a component of the cytoskeleton -
- Immunofluorescence is a procedure to visualize
specific molecules in a cell. The technique
involves shining long wavelength light on the
specimen, and seeing or detecting shorter
wavelength light fluoresce. (True or false).