Gamma-Ray Bursts and their optical counterparts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gamma-Ray Bursts and their optical counterparts


fireball external shock with ISM - afterglow emission ... Optical telescopes (afterglow localization, brightness, decay index): always ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gamma-Ray Bursts and their optical counterparts

Unveiling GRB hard X-ray afterglow emission with
L. Amati, E. Maiorano, E. Palazzi, R. Landi, F.
Frontera, N. Masetti, L. Nicastro, M.
Orlandini INAF-IASF Bologna (Italy)
The GRB phenomenon
  • prompt emission

  • afterglow emission

  • prompt gt afterglow
  • Swift era (2005-)
  • BeppoSAX era (1996-2002)

LONG (2 s 2000s)
SHORT (0.001-2s)
  • 0.1 lt z lt 6.4 , isotropic radiated energy from
    1050 up to gt1054 erg
  • possibly collimated emission
  • evidence of dense metal rich circum-burst
  • located in star forming region of high SFR host
  • GRB-SN (hypernovae) connection
  • origin death of peculiar high mass stars
    (collapsar scenario)
  • still a few afterglow detections and z estimates
    (z lt 1)
  • energy budget up to 5x1051
  • host galaxies no clear distinction with those
    of long
  • origin merging of compact objects (NS-NS,
    NS-BH, )

but prompt and afterglow emission mechanisms
still to be settled !
  • ms time variability huge energy detection of
    GeV photons -gt plasma occurring
    ultra-relativistic (G gt 100) expansion (fireball)
  • non thermal spectra -gt shocks synchrotron
    emission (SSM)
  • fireball internal shocks -gt prompt emission
  • fireball external shock with ISM -gt afterglow

  • deviations form synchrotron predictions
    observed in prompt emission spectra of a fraction
    of GRBs
  • physics of prompt emission still not settled,
    various scenarios SSM internal shocks,
    IC-dominated internal shocks, external shocks,
    photospheric emission dominated models, kinetic
    energy dominated fireball , poynting flux
    dominated fireball)

Frontera et al. (2000)
Afterglow emission less complex
The multi-wavelength afterglow emission is
modeled as due to synchrotron. F(t,?) ? t-a
?-ß with a and ß depending on p, where N(E) ?
E-p is the electron energy distribution.
Sari et al. (1998, 1999)
but standard model not always works !
  • SED of GRB 970508 fit with standard synchrotron
    shock model in slow cooling regime is OK
  • SED of GRB 000926 excess of X-ray emission with
    respect to synchrotron prediction IC component ?

Galama et al. (1997)
Harison et al. (2001)
The puzzling case of GRB990123 - I
  • Only one case of afterglow emission clear
    detection at energies gt 15 keV the bright GRB
    990123 by BeppoSAX/PDS
  • The 15-60 keV flux is inconsistent with the lower
    energy spectrum and synchrotron emission models

Maiorano et al. (2005)
The puzzling case of GRB990123 - II
  • the fit with a synchrotron IC component is
    more satisfactory, but still problems with the
    closure relationships between spectral and
    decay indices
  • alternative explanations include peculiar
    circum-burst properties and/or peculiar shock
  • this shows the relevance of sensitive
    measurements of GRB hard X-ray afterglow emission

Corsi et al. (2005)
The ambiguous case of GRB 990806
  • Hard X-ray afterglow emission might have been
    detected also for the BeppoSAX GRB990806
  • but the presence of another X-ray source in the
    PDS field of view, as LECS and MECS images show
    (Fig. 5), make the detection quite uncertain
  • relevance of hard X-ray imaging

From BeppoSAX ASDC archive
Afterglow X-ray emission with Simbol-X - I
  • Unprecedented sensitivity 15-60 keV less than 1
    mCrab (several hundreds times better than
  • Imaging capability comparable to lower energy
    X-ray telescopes
  • at 11hr from the GRB 1/3 of GRB afterglows show a
    flux gt 100 µcrab
  • Critical issue time needed to be on-target for
    a TOO observation (12 hours ? 1-2 days ?)

Pareschi Ferrando (2006)
Afterglow X-ray emission with Simbol-X - II
  • 10 brightest BeppoSAX (and Swift) afterglows
    show a 2-10 keV flux gt 230 µCrab (5x10-12
    erg/cm2/s) at 11hr from the burst
  • by assuming the average photon index of 2.2
    (Crab-like) and the average temporal decay index
    (1.3), the expected 15-60 keV flux at 48 hr is
    about 35 µCrab, and the average flux from 48hr
    to 76 hr (corresponding to a 100 ks long
    observation period) is 25 µCrab
  • even a 100 ks Simbol-X observation starting at 2
    days after the GRB will allow a sensitive
    spectral measurement in 15-60 keV

De Pasquale et al. (2006)
Afterglow X-ray emission with Simbol-X - III
  • Simulation of Simbol-X image and spectrum of a
    bright afterglow (NgtF 10) with no IC component
    observed with a 100 ks TOO starting 2 days after
    the GRB (assumed decay index 1.3, the average
    flux is 25 mCrab)
  • clear detection (about 18 s) in the image and
    well determined spectral shape in 10-60 keV
  • this simulation is equivalent to a 100 ks
    observation of an afterglow of medium intensity
    observed after 12 hr from the GRB

Afterglow X-ray emission with Simbol-X - IV
  • Simulation of Simbol-X spectrum of GRB 990123
    (including IC component) with a 100 ks TOO
    starting 2 days after the GRB (decay index of 1.3
    assumed, the average flux is 25 mCrab)
  • the IC excess in 20-60 keV is clearly visible in
    the residuals and has a 6.5 s significance
  • this simulation is equivalent to a 100 ks
    observation of an afterglow of medium intensity,
    showing an IC component and observed after 12 hr
    from the GRB

BeppoSAX at 6-10 hr
Simbol-X at 48-72 hr
Maiorano et al. (2005)
Who will provide GRB detection and localization ?
  • These simulations are very conservative it will
    be likely possible to perform TOO observations of
    brigth afterglows at 12/24 hr from GRB onset
    (fluxes of 210-80 mCrab for the brightest 10
    assuming decay index 1.3)
  • GRB detection and localization to a few arcmin is
    necessary who will provide it in the gt2012 time
    frame ?
  • Swift (operating since December 2004, detection
    and arcsec localization), Chandra, XMM, Suzaku
    (afterglow localization to a few arcsec, flux,
    decay index), AGILE (GRB detection and a few
    arcmin localization) who knows ?
  • GLAST (GRB detection and possibly few arcmin
    localization) likely
  • SVOM/ECLAIRS (GRB detection and few arcmin
    localization) likely
  • EDGE (GRB detection and localization, afterglow
    few arcsec localization, flux, decay index),
    Lobster (GRB detection and a few arcmin
    localization), maybe
  • Optical telescopes (afterglow localization,
    brightness, decay index) always
  • Information on afterglow brightness and decay
    slope is also important to decide to perform a
    TOO if X-ray information is lacking, these can
    be inferred from prompt emission intensity and
    optical afterglow intensity and decay slope

  • despite the enormous observational progress
    occurred in the last 10 years, the GRB phenomenon
    is still far to be fully understood
  • one of the main open issues is the understanding
    of physical mechanisms at the basis of prompt
    and afterglow emission
  • the case of GRB 990123 shows that measurements of
    the nearly unexplored GRB hard (gt 15 keV) X-ray
    afterglow emission can provide very stringent
    test to emission models
  • thanks to its unprecedented sensitivity in the
    15-60 keV energy band, Simbol-X can provide a
    significant step forward in this field
  • simulations based on observed distribution of
    X-ray afterglow fluxes and spectral and decay
    indices show that even a 100 ksTOO observation
    starting 2 days after the GRB can provide
    sensitive spectral measurements and allow to
    discriminate different emission components for a
    significant fraction of events
  • it is likely that significantly lower TOO stat
    times (12/24 hr) will be possible for a few
  • the needed GRB detection and few arcmin
    localizations will be provided by space missions
    likely flying in the gt2012 time frame and optical

The fireball model
  • ms time variability huge energy detection of
  • photons -gt plasma occurring
    ultra-relativistic (G gt 100)
  • expansion (fireball)
  • non thermal spectra -gt shocks synchrotron
  • fireball internal shocks -gt prompt emission
  • fireball external shock with ISM -gt afterglow

  • energy budget up to gt1054 erg
  • long duration GRBs
  • metal rich (Fe, Ni, Co) wind
  • circum-burst environment
  • GRBs occur in star forming
  • regions
  • GRBs are associated with SNe
  • naturally explained collimated
  • emission
  • energy budget up to 1049
  • 1050 erg
  • short duration GRBs (lt 2 s)
  • clean homogeneous circum-burst
  • environment
  • GRBs in the outer regions of the
  • host galaxy

The fireball model
Ultrarelativstically expanding source releases a
huge amount of energy (1051 erg) in a rather
small volume (R10-1000 km), in form of a
fireball expanding with relativistic velocity.
The central engine produces several shells with
different Lorentz factors that can overtake each
other and collide, causing a relativistic blast
wave (Blandford McKee 1976).
In the internal-external model, when shells with
different velocity collide each other (internal
shocks) produce the gamma-ray burst,while the
afterglow occurs when the fireball hits the
surrounding material (external shoks) (Sari 1997).
Prompt and afterglow light curves
(Corsi et al. 2005)
WFC (top and central panel) and GRBM (bottom
panel) light curves. Hard-to-soft evolution is
present. Atmospheric absorption in the GRB tail
(80 sec) affected soft X-ray data.
Multiwavelength light curves from the prompt
event to the afterglow. t0 corresponds to the
time of GRB onset.
The prompt event
t 7 s
t 32 s
t 58 s

(Corsi et al. 2005)
(Amati et al. 2002)
Simultaneous multiwavelength spectra derived at
three times during the burst (ROTSE V-band,X-ray
and ?-ray)
GRBMWFC average spectrum is well fit with the
Band function a -0.89 0.08 ß -2.45 0.97
Eb 703 32 keV
The broadband spectrum of the afterglow
The dashed line is the best-fit power-law
describing optical and NIR data ßopt 0.60
0.04 The solid line is the power-law which best
fits the X-ray data ßx 0.94 0.07
The spectral turnover between optical and X-ray
bands is identified with the presence of the
synchrotron cooling frequency at ?c 0.47 keV
1.14 x 1017 Hz
Closure Relations
aopt 1.10
ax 1.46

ßopt 0.60
?c 1.1 x 1017 Hz
ßx 0.94

Fully consistent with the value we found
?o lt ?c lt ?x
p 2
ßopt (p-1)/2 0.5
We expect aX - aopt (3p-2)/4 3(p-1)/4
1/4 ßX - ßopt p/2 (p-1)/2 1/2 We
observed aX - aopt 0.36 0.05 ßX - ßopt 0.34
Assuming isotropically adiabatic expansion
within homogeneous medium
Both consistent with the value we found
ßopt/ aopt 2/3 0.54 0.04 (ßX 1/3) /aX
2/3 0.30 0.05

Both the measured ratios are statistically
inconsistent with the expectations
Conclusions GRB990123
  • One of the most energetic events and first case
    of prompt optical emission
  • WFC detection of the afterglow already 20 min
    after the GRB
  • Smooth GRB-afterglow light curve connection
  • First X-ray afterglow detected up to 60 keV in
    the PDS
  • During the BeppoSAX observation the X-ray
    afterglow decays faster than the optical one
  • On 24.65 January 1999 UT the broadband afterglow
    of GRB990123 is consistent with a synchrotron
    spectrum with ?c located at the lower energy
    border of the X-ray range covered by BeppoSAX
  • A self-consistent interpretations of the
    afterglow with pure synchrotron emission is not
    viable. Also the presence of IC component in the
    X-ray band (Corsi et al. 2005) does not overcome
    the inconsistency. A more complex model is
    required to solve the puzzle.

The fireball model
  • ms time variability huge energy detection of
  • photons -gt plasma occurring
    ultra-relativistic (G gt 100)
  • expansion (fireball)
  • non thermal spectra -gt shocks synchrotron
  • fireball internal shocks -gt prompt emission
  • fireball external shock with ISM -gt afterglow

Headlines of this talk
  • GRB afterglow emission
  • Hard X-ray emission

The puzzling case of GRB990123 - I
15-28 keV
2-10 keV
The dashed line is the best-fit decay obtained
from the X-ray afterglow data. The extrapolation
smoothly reconnects with the late time WFC data
points and upper limits suggesting that the X-ray
afterglow had already started 20 min after the
prompt event.
LECS,MECS,PDS first 20 ks spectrum an absorbed
power-law with photon index G 1.94 0.07 best
fits the data. NH (Gal) 1.98 x 1020 cm-2
SFD radio, IR and optical flux densities
together with the 2-10 keV flux observed on
24.65 January 1999 UT
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