Title: ICT Centre Opportunities
1ICT CentreOpportunities Projects with the ICT
- Dr Mark Cameron
- Research Scientist
- 21 May 2008
- Industrial Traineeships
- Postgraduate / Honours Scholarships
- Vacation Scholarships
- Postdoctoral Fellowships
- The Projects
- Searching email
- User Consumable Interface for the Semantic Web
- Data Aggregation in Sensor Networks
- Semantic Database
3Career Opportunities
We live in the age of information. People,
businesses, institutions and governments are all
dependent on information to help them make the
right choices. How information is produced,
collected, sorted, filtered, transmitted,
communicated, interpreted and stored is the
business of one of the fastest growing sectors of
the economy ICT Information and Communication
Technologies. Increasingly, ICT is at the heart
of innovations that deliver benefits to
industries, organisations and individuals.
Smarter and more efficient healthcare, improved
agricultural production, more efficient use of
energy, better environmental monitoring and
management, and security and safety for people
are just some examples of areas where the
benefits of ICT are realised.
- The CSIRO ICT Centre is the hub for ICT research
in CSIRO, with a mission to deliver the enabling
power of ICT across many industries. To this end,
the Centre works across the breadth of CSIRO to
deliver the power of ICT. - The Centre has four research laboratories
- Wireless Technologies
- Information Engineering
- Networking Technologies
- Autonomous Systems
- We have also established two centres of
excellence the E-Health Research Centre located
in Brisbane and the Tasmanian ICT Centre located
at Battery Point Hobart. - Within any one of these groups a fascinating
career in scientific research can begin.
4Industrial Traineeships
- Who should apply Recent Graduates and Final
Year Students - Locations Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, Hobart
- Duration 3 or 6 months
- In the interest of contributing to the training
and experience of tertiary students in science,
engineering and other relevant fields, and to
enhance links with tertiary education
institutions, CSIRO will offer traineeships in
the form of work experience undertaken in
conjunction with the formal training of selected
students which is closely aligned to the ICT
Centres core research strategy. - The aim of this program is to contribute to the
training and experience of tertiary students in
disciplines relevant to CSIRO's work by providing
opportunities for work experience within CSIRO.
5Postgraduate/Honours Scholarships
- Who should apply Postgraduate Students who
possess an APA - Locations Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, Hobart
- Duration 3 years (12 months for Honours)
- The ICT Centre has provided funding for CSIRO
undergraduate scholarships with six universities
The University of Sydney The University of New
South Wales University of Technology Sydney
Macquarie University The Australian National
University The University of Queensland
Queensland University of Technology. - Students awarded with these scholarships will
participate in projects that CSIRO and the
University mutually agree on, with CSIRO
co-supervising the student projects. - The aim of postgraduate studentship program is
to facilitate the training of postgraduate
students of science and engineering, in
accordance with CSIRO's interests and its science
training obligations under its charter.
6Vacation Scholarships
- Who should apply Undergraduate students
- Locations Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, Hobart
- Duration 8 12 weeks
- The aim of the vacation scholarship program is
to contribute to the training and experience of
promising undergraduates in science or
engineering, by providing them with an
opportunity to undertake scientific research in a
field of mutual interest to CSIRO and to the
scholars. - There will be 40 scholarships available for
students across all ICT Centre sites for next
summer (2008/09) and they will be advertised in
May/June 2008. - Students will be asked choose their
three preferred topic areas (and the associated
locations) for undertaking vacation work. - Applicants will be assessed based on the
quality of their academic record to date,
achievements, the topic area and referee reports. -
- Vacation students will commence their
scholarship in November/December 2008.
7Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Who should apply PhD Graduates
- Locations Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Hobart
- Duration 3 year term
- CSIROs purpose in offering postdoctoral
fellowships is to provide young scientists with
the opportunity to gain experience in order to
develop capability for the nation and refresh
and add value to CSIROs research activities
through original insights, new knowledge and/or
techniques. - A postdoctoral fellowship is intended, first and
foremost, to enhance the persons research
capability so that they are better able to pursue
a career in science either within CSIRO or beyond.
8Searching email
9Searching email
- The state of the art in web search is very
sophisticated, and makes use of lots of
information from the structure of the web (such
as hyperlinks, page titles, ...). - The state of the art in email search is very
primitive, and doesn't do much more than look for
exact strings in the body of a message. - But people use email as much as they do the web!
10Searching email
- Can we make use of the structure of email
messages, and what we know about what works in
web search, to improve email search? - For example, it might be useful to give more
weight to subject lines or to disregard text
quoted from earlier messages or to do something
special with signatures.
11Searching email
- A good project in this field would
- Investigate the ways structural clues could help
- Relate this to other semi-structured data this
could help with Wikipedia search, XML search, web
search, etc, as well - Think about how we could demonstrate an advantage
or improvement in real-world uses. - It could result in a real improvement to a very
common taskone which has been long disregarded.
12User Consumable Interface for the Semantic Web
- Dr. Jemma Wu (jemma.wu_at_csiro.au)
- Dr. Xuan Zhou (xuan.zhou_at_csiro.au)
13Google and Wikipedia Are Not Enough!
- Consider the following queries
- Nobel laureate who survived both world wars
- Differences in Rembetiko music from Greece and
from Turkey - Market impact of Web2.0 technology in December
2006 - Proteins that inhibit both protease and some
other enzyme - drama with three women making a prophecy to a
British nobleman that he will become king - Why? Data on the Web are not stored in a machine
understandable way.
14The Vision of the Semantic Web
Ontology is the core of the Semantic Web
Transform Web data to structured knowledge that
is understandable by computers
15Hard Time for Users
How to use? Too many concepts Too complex
Semantic Web Ontology
16User Consumable Interface
- Create techniques to reduce users pain when
accessing the semantic web. - Subjects (choose one)
- Ontology Summarization
- Sub-ontology Selection
- Query Construction
- What are you going to achieve?
- Developing a prototype
- Evaluating with DBpedia data set
- Contributing to a research paper
17Data Aggregation in Sensor Networks
- Dr Lily Li (Lily.Li_at_csiro.au)CSIRO IE Lab
18Research project Data Aggregation in SN
- A sensor network (Fig. 1) is composed of a large
number of low-cost, low-power, multifunctional,
and small sensor nodes (they are
resource-constrained nodes). - Sensor node consists of sensing, data processing,
and communicating components (aggregation is
possible when a node creates a fused packet by
looking into and modify the content instead of
only the packet headers). - Data aggregation can be applied to combine data
coming from different sources route to a simple
sink, allowing in-network consolidation of
redundant data (conserving energy definitely).
Strong flavour of distributed computation.
- The work will be on the principles underlying the
design of data aggregation mechanisms in wireless
resource-limited networks. The proposed mechanism
should consider the changes imposed by different
scenarios and to be able to dynamically adapt to
it. We expect to have a significant impact on
prolonging the lifetime of Sensor Networks by - Minimising the number of transmissions
- Eliminating/reducing redundancy
- Conserving the scarce energy resources
20Wireless sensor network and its applications
- Monitoring, tracking, and controlling
(Environment observation and forecasting, Habitat
monitoring, Health)
21Semantic Database
- Dr Lily Li (Lily.Li_at_csiro.au)CSIRO IE Lab
22Research project Semantic Database
- The Semantic Web means many things to different
people (the technology and concepts are broad) - RDF, Microformats, OWL
- web services
- AI
- Simple and tangible applications
- It has been used by Google, Yahoo, and Firefox
- Developing new tools, applications and
architectures on top of the Semantic Web is the
real challenge (People simply look for the
utility and usefulness of a system rather than
the technologies on which it is built on).
23Research Topic Semantic Database
- Algorithms that extract entities out of
unstructured html pages, and web are at the core
of our research. - Such a database (RDF representation. Why RDF?
Because RDF offers a way to communicate using
XML-based language) would be powerful because it
could be queried much like relational
databases. - Hot issue How to keep up with the change of the
world? - Handle continuous influx of user data (for
example, from Wikis) - Parse it
- Update the database
- Searching email
- Paul Thomas paul.thomas_at_csiro.au
- User Consumable Interface for the Semantic Web
- Jemma Wu jemma.wu_at_csiro.au
- Xuan Zhou xuan.zhou_at_csiro.au
- Data Aggregation in Sensor Networks
- Lily Li lily.li_at_csiro.au
25More information
- For more information and current career
opportunities please visit the CSIRO careers
website at www.csiro.au/careers
26Thank you
CSIRO ICT Centre Dr Mark Cameron Research
Scientist Phone 61 6216 7035 Email
mark.cameron_at_csiro.au Web www.csiro.au