Title: U'S' Department of Energys Office of Science
1 U.S. Department
of Energys
Office of Science
Update on SC Facilties and Infrastructure
John Yates May 26, 2004
- Infrastructure Overview
- Facilities for the Future
- Strategic Plan and Infrastructure
- RPAM Implementation
- Re-organization
- Funding Facilities for the Future of Science
- Deferred Maintenance RIC
- Hqs Review of Mission Need for Leasing
- Land Use Plans, Master Site Plans and TYSP
- OSF 3000 Facilities
- RPV Trend Analysis
- SC Fields RIC, MPI and CFI
3SC Infrastructure Overview
- SC is landlord of 10 major labs
- Together they have 1500 buildings, 20M sq.ft. of
space, an RPV of 11B RPV with 6B RPV of
supporting facilities - SC builds and operates some of the nations most
advanced RD user facilities at its labs (5B in
RPV) - World Class Science Needs Excellent Supporting
Infrastructure - SC invests in supporting facilities via line item
projects, general plant projects, excess facility
disposition funding - Maintenance largely funded from lab overhead
space charges
4 SCs Strategic Plan 2004
- Goal Establish a modern laboratory system, fully
capable of delivering the science our Nation
requires - Strategy
- Size our facilities to scientific demand,
including investing in new replacement support
facilities where needed and removing excess
facilities - Increase our annual laboratory maintenance
investment to a level consistent with nationally
recognized standards (i.e., generally, 2 to 4 of
RPV for conventional facilities) - Increase overall functionality of general-purpose
facilities by significantly increasing our annual
capital investment - Support greater flexibility in the use of funds
for maintenance and modernization
5SC Fully Endorses the New Real Property Asset
Management Order 430.1B
- RPAM objective to establish a corporate,
holistic and performance-based approach to real
property asset management that links real
property asset planning, programming, budgeting,
and evaluation to program mission projections and
performance outcomes. - SC helped develop the Order
6SC is Implementing the RPAM
Our Schedule
- February 19th - Half-day Tel-video conference
- Follow-up meetings at various sites (as
necessary) - March 19th - Sites submit Implementation Plans
(IPs) - April 5th - Issue Draft TYSP guidance with
funding plan - April 27-29 RPAM Training in CH
- May 7th SC-82 presents summary of IP's
- May 17th Sites submit Implementation Progress
Reports - June 1st Issue Final TYSP Guidance
- July 15th Sites submit Implementation Progress
Report - September 1st Sites submit Implementation
Completion Memos - September 15th SC Memo to S-2 stating
implementation complete - November 1st TYSPs due to SC-82
7 New SC Organization Chart
Research Programs fund GPP and program
line items
SLI Program funds general purpose line items and
Excess Facilities
Site Managers oversee lab funding of Maintenance
- Site Managers responsible for all facilities and
especially maintenance of support facilities and
allocation of GPP to highest priorities - Programs fund GPP funding and SLI Program funds
line items and excess facilities as directed by
SC-1 based on advice/guidance from COO and others
- Program offices fund the operation and
maintenance of accelerators, reactor and other
program facilities key performance measure is
achieving designated run times reliably - Contractors manage facilities based on DOE
guidance and contract requirements
9Office of ScienceFY 2005 Budget Request by
10M reduction in Health and Safety
Improvements and 15.2M reduction in Construction
due to difficult budget year with high priority
need in other SC programs.
10Construction Projects by Site
11Construction Projects by Site
12Facilities for the Future of Science
- SC issued the report Facilities for the Future
of Science A Twenty-Year Outlook on November
10, 2003 - Portfolio of 28 prioritized new scientific
facilities and upgrades to current facilities
spanning the scientific disciplines to ensure the
U.S. retains its primacy in critical areas of
science and technology well into the next century
13SCs General Purpose Facility Infrastructure
Goal 240M (4 of RPV)
Direct Funded
Indirect Funded
for Conventional Facilities Only does not
include programmatic investments such as light
source or accelerator upgrades, new accelerators,
nanoscience centers, etc..
IGPP 6 7
Line Items, Excess GPP Total Invest
Indicator Maintenance Total Invest
75.5 77.1 70 1.26
1.29 1.17 104.5 97
132.1 1.7 1.6 2.2
Based on 6B RPV of conventional facilities
14Rehab Improvement Needs Outweigh Deferred
Maintenance Needs
Total 1,561.1
OSF other non-building structures and
facilities like roads and utility systems
(Excludes SC facilities at ORNL at Y-12, Notre
Dame, MIT, Lovelace, LLNL, Sandia and Cal
Tech) FY 03 FIMS Data Report 122
15Deferred Maintenance andRehab Improvement
Costs by Lab
OSF other non-building structures and
facilities like roads and utility systems
FY 03 FIMS Data
- SC Hqs is now reviewing Site Office approved
mission need justification for all new space
leases of 10,000 sf or more - Provide concurrence to Certified Realty
Specialist working the leasing terms and
conditions - SC-82 is coordinating
- SC TYSP Guidance requires leasing plans for the
up-coming year to be included -
17Land Use Plans, Master Site Plans and Ten Year
Site Plans
- The Land Use Plan (LUP) is required and is
largely a zoning plan - Many sites have Master Site Plans (MSP) that show
development plans and siting of new facilties - SC TYSP Guidance encourages sites to include
their LUP and MSP in the TYSP - Makes sense functionally and resource wise
18OSF 3000 Facilties
- The OSF category 3000 facilties are considered
programmatic facilities and are excluded from
certain actual and deferred maintenance
calculations - The FIMS definitions are very high level and
subject to local interpretation - For example are support systems like chillers
and electrical substations included? - SC is undertaking a review of the OSF 3000
facilities to determine how interpreted and
implemented and if additional guidance and more
specific definitions are required - Expect to have results later this summer
19 Determining RPV for Use Computing Indices
20RPV Changes
- SC Hqs is requiring notification of significant
(5) planned changes in RPV or, in one or more of
the following buildings, trailers, OSF category
3000, and OSFother (non-cat 3000) - Changes may be due to
- additions and deletions
- movement of a facility to or from OSF 3000
- new site factors
- use of new models
- updated model costing
- SC TYSPs will include a summary explanation of
RPV change since last Plan
21 Landlord Program Field
- OECM uses this field to assign maintenance
responsibility for the facility - This field generally relates to who constructed
the facility and not who manages the facility - For example, SC is the designated landlord for
the Combustion Research Facility at Sandia
Livermore, but SC is a tenant and pays space
charge - NNSA as landlord Sandia manages the facility
- This approach provides a consistent site wide
approach to facility management, rather than
numerous landlords working to different standards - SC is requesting that the landlord field should
reflect who manages the conventional aspects of a
facility, not who built it
22 New SC Planning Data Fields in 2003Will be
- Conventional Facility Indicator (CFI)
- Modernization Planning Indicator (MPI)
- Rehabilitation and Improvement Cost (RIC)
- Rehab and Improvement Cost (RIC) - The cost to
rehab/improve/modernize a general
purpose/conventional property to support current
and planned mission activities as documented in
the lab's Strategic Facilities Plan (SFP)
excluding those costs already reported in the
FIMS Deferred Maintenance field. - Deferred Maintenance (DM) - The maintenance that
was not performed when it should have been or was
scheduled to be and which, therefore, is put off
or delayed for a future period. A cost required
to restore a facility to its current use as-built
24 Purpose of New Fields
- To identify general purpose/conventional
facilities as a subset of all facilities (i.e.,
versus programmatic ones) - To measure rehab, improvement and replacement
costs of general purpose/conventional facilities
to support planned missions - To reflect modernization plans for general
purpose/conventional facilities identified in the
lab prepared Strategic Facilities Plans
25Conventional Facility Indicator (CFI)
- Indicates the percentage of an OSF Category 3000
FIMS asset that is deemed general
purpose/conventional (GP/C) - CFI
- 100 if totally GP/C
- 0 if totally Programmatic
- gt0 and lt100 if mixed programmatic and GPC
- An example of a mixed asset is an accelerator
beam line and tunnel listed in FIMS as one
Other Structure and Facility (OSF) record. The
RPV of the building or tunnel and the equipment
related to the shell is the GP/C portion. The
RPV of magnets and installed equipment that are
part of the research device constitute the
programmatic portion. If the RPV of the GP/C
portion is 24 of the total RPV, then the CFI
would be 24 -
26Modernization Planning Indicator (MPI)
- Indicates plan for that GP/C in the laboratorys
Strategic Facilities Plan (SFP) - Field completed for all assets including excess
- Field not required for programmatic facilities
(CFI 0) - MPI
- 1 asset to be replaced by another new facility
- 2 asset to be demolished without replacement
- 3 asset to continue to operate, with or without
maintenance and RIC investments
27Rehabilitation and Improvement Cost (RIC)
- The estimated cost to rehab/improve/modernize a
continuing general purpose/conventional (GP/C)
asset (i.e., CFI gt0 and MPI 3) to support
current and planned mission activities as
documented in the labs SFP excluding those costs
already reported in the FIMS Deferred Maintenance
(DM) field - Also, the estimated cost to replace a GP/C asset
(MPI 1) or demolish a GP/C asset that is not
replaced (MPI 2) - This field is applicable to all SC owned
buildings and OSF - The sum total of all the DM and RIC for general
purpose/conventional facilities should
approximate the modernization investments
identified in the laboratorys SFP - Expected quality of cost estimates is similar to
that found in SFPs -
28Rehabilitation and Improvement Cost (RIC)
- Replacing GP/C Assets
- The Modernization Planning Indicator for each
asset being replaced should be set to 1 - When a group of assets are to be replaced by a
new asset, the total estimated cost (TEC) of the
new asset should be allocated to the assets being
replaced - The sum of DM and RIC for all the assets being
demolished should equal the TEC of the new asset
(Note this check can only be performed by the
site FIMS will not have project information to
allow verification)
29Rehabilitation and Improvement Cost (RIC)
- Demolishing a GP/C Asset
- Set Modernization Planning Indicator to 2
- RIC is estimated demolition cost
30Rehabilitation and Improvement Cost (RIC)
- Rehab and Improvement of a GP/C Asset
- Set MPI to 3
- Generally, the sum of DM and RIC should not
exceed RPV
31FIMS Generated Information
- Total Rehabilitation and Improvement Cost (TRIC)
calculated for each general purpose/conventional
asset as the sum of its DM and RIC. - Total Summary Condition Index (TSCI) calculated
for each general purpose/conventional asset as
the TRIC divided by RPV expressed as a percentage - Standard FIMS Reports bottom of Maintenance Tab
for Office of Science Custom Report Menu
32Sample Planning Analysis
Lab Planning staff crosswalks SFP Projects to
Individual Facilities
33Sample Planning Analysis
Lab Planning staff sorts by facility and prepares
table of required info for entry by FIMS
FIMS Fields -------------------------------------
This is not a data field in FIMS shown here
for information purposes
34Implementation of New Fields
- Updated annually, generally the same time the DM
field is updated in October
- John Yates
- Director, Laboratory Infrastructure Division
- Office of Laboratory Policy and Infrastructure
- Office of Science
- Department of Energy
- 301-903-8435
- fax 301-903-8442
- E-mail john.yates_at_science.doe.gov