MEGR 2144: Introduction to Solid Mechanics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MEGR 2144: Introduction to Solid Mechanics


Textbook: James M. Gere: Mechanics of Materials, 6th Edition, 2004, Thomson; ISBN:0-534-41793-0; ... by the instructor for personal illness, religious holidays, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MEGR 2144: Introduction to Solid Mechanics

MEGR 2144 Introduction to Solid Mechanics
  • Instructor Qiuming Wei
  • Grader Matt Bolen
  • Office DCH 362
  • Phone 704 687 8213
  • Office Hours M, W, F 300-430pm
  • Other times by appointment

Course Objectives
  • Apply the principles of equilibrium to the
    problems of solid mechanics to determine external
    and internal forces and moments, distinguish
    between statically determinate and indeterminate
  • Explain the concepts of stress, strain, material
    behavior and distinguish between linear and
    nonlinear material behavior (elastic and
  • Formulate and solve mechanical and structural
    problems involving tension and torsion
  • Formulate and solve mechanical and structural
    problems involving pure bending and transverse
  • Formulate and solve mechanical problems involving
    pressure vessels
  • Determine various modes of buckling and determine
    the critical loads of buckling for various
    boundary conditions
  • Analyze the stress-state at a point and determine
    principal stresses and maximum shear-stress at
    any point in a simple structural problem
  • Select, design and analyze a mechanical part
    based on stress-based and maximum
    deflection-based design criteria.

  • Textbook James M. Gere Mechanics of Materials,
    6th Edition, 2004, Thomson ISBN0-534-41793-0
  • 22 Lectures
  • 3 reviews classes (for the 3 tests)
  • 1 comprehensive review for final exam
  • 3 exams
  • 1 comprehensive close book final
  • BlackBoard Vista Domain available for this
  • Course materials also available on Dr. Weis
    personal website http//

Course Materials
  • All lecture notes (ppt files) will be posted on
    my personal website, and Blackboard Vista
  • http//
  • All homework solutions will be posted on my
    personal website, and Blackboard Vista.
  • All exam problem solutions will be posted on my
    personal website, and Blackboard Vista .

Rules of Classroom, Exams, Homework, and Grading
  • Standard Grading Policy A, B, C, D, F.
  • Homework/Quizzes 10 Quiz will be given at the
    end of each class except for the first.
  • 3 Exams (total 60, 20 for each exam)
  • Comprehensive Final 30.
  • Cell phone use in classroom is prohibited.
  • Homework
  • is typically due at the beginning of class on the
    second class from the assignment date.
  • may not be accepted late except for instances of
    sickness or death in the family (in the case of
    sickness or personal emergency, notify me via
    email and place your paper in my mailbox as soon
    as possible).
  • must have your full name printed legibly on the
    top right corner.
  • must be done on straight-cut paper (points may be
    deducted for uneven or frilly edges).
  • must be stapled (for multiple pages) (or points
    may be deducted).
  • must NOT be copied from another person or any
    other source (submitting copied work is a
    violation of the code of academic integrity,
    policy 105).
  • must show coherent solution methods (writing the
    answer down will not earn credit).
  • must have proper units on all answers, and all
    answers should be boxed.
  • must have three or four significant figures for
    answers (and engineering notation is
  • must be neat and legible.
  • Course Attendance Policy
  • Students are expected to punctually attend all
    scheduled lectures.
  • Absences from class may be excused by the
    instructor for personal illness, religious
    holidays, or participation as an authorized
    University representative in an out-of-town
    event. Wherever possible, students are expected
    to seek permission of the instructor prior to

Chapter 01 Tension, Compression and Shear
  • What is Mechanics of Materials? Or what is Solid
  • Study of the behavior of solid bodies under
    different kinds of mechanical loading.
  • Important concepts in Mechanics of Materials
  • Stress force/area
  • SI Unit is Pascal, or Pa, after the French
    scientist and philosopher Pascal (1623-1662)
  • 1 Pa1Newton/1m2 1kPa103Pa 1MPa106Pa,
    1GPa109 Pa
  • US Unit is PSI Pound per square inch.
  • 1PSI6894.76 Pa.
  • Strain (change in length/original length)
  • Dimensionless (no unit)
  • Displacements unit is meter (SI) or inch (US)

1.1 Why Solid Mechanics?
  • Upper Left A ship breaks from the middle. Why
    did this happen?
  • Low Left A bridge is collapsed. Design problem?
  • Right montage The twin towers collapsed about 2
    hours after the 911 terrorist attack. Why?

1.2 Normal stress and strain examples
  • In the tug-of-war game, the rope is pulled by two
    (groups) of people.
  • An axial force is applied to the rope by the
  • The rope is said to have a normal stress stress
    along the axis of the rope that tends to elongate
    the rope.

1.2 Normal Stress and strain definition
  • A prismatic member a straight structural member
    with a constant cross sections thru-out its
  • If a prismatic member with cross-sectional area A
    is subjected to a normal force F, then we say
    that a normal stress, s is applied to this
    prismatic member, and we have
  • sF/A (PaN/m2 , or psilb/in2 )
  • We also say that the normal force is an axial
    force applied along the axial direction of the
    prismatic member.
  • If the initial length of the member is l0, and
    under the normal force it is elongated to the
    final length l, we say that the normal strain of
    this prismatic member is
  • e (l-l0)/l0 d/l0
  • d l-l0

1.3 Mechanical Properties of Materials
  • With special mechanical testing equipment, we can
    measure how a solid responds to mechanical
  • The responses of a solid to mechanical loading
    are called the mechanical properties , or
    mechanical behavior of the solid (material).
  • Generally speaking, mechanical testing is
    performed on standardized specimens ASTM
    (American Society for Testing and Materials).

Types and Equipment for Mechanical Testing
What do we measure in a mechanical testing?
  • During a mechanical testing, we measure the force
    applied to the specimen, and use a strain gage or
    an extensometer to measure the elongation of the
  • From the force and the cross-section area of the
    specimen, we calculate the stress of the
  • From the elongation of the specimen and the
    original length of the specimen, we calculate
    the strain of the specimen.
  • We then plot the stress vs. strain we obtain the
    stress-strain curve of the specimen.
  • The stress-strain curve reflects the mechanical
    properties of the solid.
  • If the specimen recovers its original dimension
    when the mechanical load (force) is removed, we
    say the deformation is elastic.
  • If the specimen can not recover its original
    dimension when the force is removed, we say the
    specimen has gone through plastic deformation,
    and the strain that remains after the load is
    removed is called plastic strain.
  • Important parameters in a tensile stress-strain
    curve of metal
  • Proportional limit the stress beyond which the
    stress-strain relation is no longer linear.
  • Elastic limit the stress beyond which plastic
    deformation begins.
  • Yield point the stress beyond which material
    starts to yield (to have permanent deformation ).
  • Quite often the elastic limit and the yield point
    are hard to differentiate.
  • Fracture point the point at which the specimen
  • Tensile strength the maximum stress on the
    stress-strain curve.
  • Percent elongation El (L1-L0)/L0 x (100),
    where L0 is the original gage length, and L1 is
    the distance between the gage marks at fracture.

Definition of s0.2
  • In practice, it is hard to determine the exact
    yield strength (yield point).
  • We use the offset method to define a point on the
    stress-strain curve, and use the stress at that
    point to represent the yield strength for
    engineering design.
  • The most common way is to draw a straight line on
    the stress-strain curve parallel to the elastic
    part (initial linear part), but offset by a
    strain of 0.002 (or 0.2).
  • The stress at the intersection of the offset line
    and the stress-strain curve define the yield
    strength s0.2.
  • Offset method to define the yield strength.
  • Please note that the offset strain 0.002 is
    plastic (permanent strain)
  • The 0.2 offset yield strength of a material is
    extremely important for engineering design.

Two types of elasticity
  • If the specimen recovers its original dimension
    upon unloading, we say the deformation is
  • If during elastic deformation, the stress is
    proportional to the strain, we say the material
    is linearly elastic, and Hookes law applies
  • s E e
  • E is a materials constant, called the elastic
    modulus, or Youngs modulus.
  • The unit of E is Pa. For most solids, E is from a
    few GPa to 1000 GPa (diamond)
  • If during elastic deformation, the stress is not
    proportional to the strain, we say the material
    has non-linear elasticity.

Typical values of Youngs modulus
  • Aluminum 70 GPa
  • Steels 210 GPa
  • Copper 130 GPa
  • Plastics 100 MPa10 GPa
  • Tungsten 400 GPa.
  • Ceramics 300-600 GPa
  • Diamond 1000 GPa.
  • Note
  • The Youngs modulus, or any elastic constant of a
    solid, does not depend on the heat-treatment
    history, microstructure, etc. of the solid.
  • It only depends on the inter-atomic bonds of the
  • The stronger the bond, the greater the Youngs

Poissons Ratio of a Solid
  • When a round bar (or any prismatic member) is
    pulled by a force F, it gets longer (normal
    strain (or axial strain) ezgt 0), and thinner
    (lateral strain (or transverse strain) ex lt0)
  • The ratio of the lateral strain to the normal
    strain is a material constant, and
  • n -(ez /ex) Poissons ratio (After Poisson,
    the French scientist, 1781-1840)
  • Most metals n is 0.3
  • Diamond n 0.17
  • Some ceramics n 0.2
  • Can n be negative?
  • When the round bar is compressed by a force F, it
    gets shorter (normal strain ezlt 0) and thicker
    (lateral strain ex gt0), and the definition of
    Poissons ratio stays the same, and is positive.

General mechanical behavior of solid materials
  • Ductile materials
  • If the specimen undergoes significant amount of
    plastic deformation before it breaks (fractures),
    we call the material ductile.
  • The blue stress-strain curve represents that of a
    ductile material.
  • Most metals (Cu, Ag, Ni, Al, etc.), some steels,
    some alloys, are typical ductile metals.
  • Brittle materials
  • If the specimen undergoes little or no plastic
    deformation before it breaks (fractures), we call
    the material brittle .
  • The red stress-strain curve represents that of a
    brittle material.
  • Most ceramics, some hardened steels, metal-metal
    compounds (intermetallic compounds) are brittle.

Summary of Lecture 01
  • Prismatic member structural member with constant
    cross-sectional area
  • Normal stress s (Pa, KPa, MPa, GPa, or PSI) F
    (N or lb)/A (m2 or in2)
  • Normal strain e (m/m or in/in) d (m or in)/L0
    (m or in)
  • Mechanical behavior of solids
  • Stress-strain curves
  • Elastic and inelastic deformation
  • Plastic (permanent) deformation
  • Hookes law for linear elasticity
  • Youngs modulus (E, GPa) Poissons ratio (n)
  • Yield strength elastic limit proportional
  • Ductile and brittle materials.

Homework Problems
  • 1.2-4
  • 1.3-6
  • 1.4-4
  • 1.5-4.
  • Homework due on Thursday, August 23, 2007.
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