Title: A Classification of PLC Models and Applications
1A Classification of PLC Modelsand Applications
Angelika Mader University of Nijmegen
The Netherlands
2The Current Situation
storm surge barrier
PLC applications
plant control
teddy bears
milking machines
traffic control
3The Current Situation
PLC languages
IEC 1131-3
Instruction List
Relay Ladder
4The Current Situation
multi tasking
PLC features
communication with PC
5The Current Situation
synchronous models
timed automata
PLC automata
Formal models
Petri nets
condition/event systems
6The Current Situation
7The Current Situation
storm surge barrier
PLC applications PLC languages PLC
features Formal models Tools
plant control
synchronous models
multi tasking
IEC 1131-3
teddy bears
timed automata
Instruction List
milking machines
Petri nets
PLC automata
traffic control
condition/event systems
- understanding existing models
- finding new, useful models
- methodology for verification
given an application, what is the best model?
- most simple model (depends on properties )
- most efficient tool support
- PLCs short introduction
- classification criteria and examples
- conclusions and future work
- PLCs short introduction
- classification criteria and examples
- conclusions and future work
10Programmable Logic ControllersArchitecture
11Programmable Logic ControllersArchitecture
output points
input points
12Programmable Logic ControllersArchitecture
output points
input points
input area
output area
13Programmable Logic ControllersOperation Mode
i/o phase
scan cycle
program execution phase
- PLCs short introduction
- classification criteria and examples
- conclusions and future work
15PLC ModelsClassification Criteria
- Modeling of the Scan Cycles
- Use of Timers
- Language Fragments
16PLC ModelsClassification Criteria
- Modeling of the Scan Cycles
- Use of Timers
- Language Fragments
17Modeling of the Scan Cycles
- no scan cycles
- explicit scan cycles
- implicit scan cycles
- abstracting from scan cycles
18No Scan Cycle
Only the program body is modelled no cyclical
Application static program analysis
19Explicit Scan Cycles
models with explicit time lower and upper time
bound of the scan cycle
Example1 asynchronous communication two
PLCs, output of one is connected to input of the
Example2 precise analysis of delays timer
TON may need run time 4 extra scan cycles
gt argument when scan cycles can be neglected
gt reference point for less detailed models
20Modeling of the Scan Cycles
- no scan cycles
- explicit scan cycles
- implicit scan cycles
- abstracting from scan cycles
21Implicit Scan Cycles
cyclic execution, but no real time ticks or
fixed execution time
- old PLCs with fixed scan cycle time
- periodical execution mode of a PLC program
- analysis of worst case maximal scan time
- parallel execution of different programs on one
(synchronous models)
22Modeling of the Scan Cycles
- no scan cycles
- explicit scan cycles
- implicit scan cycles
- abstracting from scan cycles
23Abstracting from Scan Cycles
ideal controller instantaneous reaction PLCs
only approximate ideal control slow environments
cannot distinguish between an ideal control
and a PLC (e.g. chemical processes)
gt for modelling substitute PLC by
an ideal control
24Abstracting from Scan Cycles
- Problem with instantaneous program execution
ZENOness - Solutions program execution
- in fixed or variable intervals
- if environment changes input, or timeout
- if environment reaches the actual threshold
25PLC Models Classification Criteria
- Modeling of the Scan Cycles
- Use of Timers
- Language Fragments
26Use of Timers
27Use of Timers
- keeps output stable
- substitutes knowledge about environment
Insight about the purpose of timers
blinking light
filling a tank waiting a certain time waiting
until threshold is reached
28PLC Models Classification Criteria
- Modeling of the Scan Cycles
- Use of Timers
- Language Fragments
29Language Fragments
- Booleans and Integers vs. Reals
- Language Fragments of the Standard
- Feature Fragments
30Language Fragments
- Booleans and Integers vs. Reals
- Language Fragments of the Standard
- Feature Fragments
31Booleans and Integers vs Reals
- Most of what PLCs do is control (no complicated
- Trend shift expensive numerical computation to
32Language Fragments
- Booleans and Integers vs. Reals
- Language Fragments of the Standard
- Feature Fragments
33Language Fragments of IEC 1131-3
Problems with the standard
- Semantics ambiguous
- Semantics un-implementable
gt modeling the full standard is impossible
gt choose carefully the language fragment to model
gt possibly different languages in one model
34Feature Fragments
- Originally PLCs as simple controllers
- Nowadays all sorts of modern features
- interrupts
- watchdogs
- event-handling
- multi-tasking
- ...
gt difficult to model
suggestion restricted use, if necessary
- Criteria help to understand PLC models
- Criteria help to ask questions about applications
gt categorization - Helps in finding the most efficient models
- Possibly different models at different levels of
36Future Work
- Categorization of existing work (matrix)
- More useful criteria by case studies
- Identify missing models (useful ones)
- Tools (integration new ones)
37The need for formal methods