Title: TKS Tower Doghouse Ladder
1TKS Tower Doghouse Ladder
- Palo Alto Production Team
2Note new Warning label. Note lever to lift rear
panel to slide platform back in.
New sliding platform as it sits in the archway
normally. Note the latching rod in front center
used to pull bottom panel out.
3New sliding platform fully extended. Rear panel
is hinge mounted at rear and front falls down to
match the level of the forward panel. This locks
the platform in the extended position.
4 New sliding platform fully extended with
ladder attached. Platform provides additional
24 inches of workspace which provides support for
legs while working in the archway. Platform
allows user to remove themselves from the
crawlway prior to ladder descent. Ladder
upgraded to provide larger flat rung steps with
improved slope angle.
5 Ladder can be attached with platform extended
out or in parked position. Some tasks may not
require extension of platform. When ladder is
not in use it is removed and stored in nearby
location. Note release levers on ladder.
6The ladder was purchased as a double-sided step
ladder that was disassembled and modified. The
picture on the right is how the ladder appears
after it is split into two single sided ladders.
The picture on the left shows the removal of the
tabs and the addition of the machined aluminum
stock and safety catches.
7The ladders were shortened as shown in the photos
to match the required height. All material was
removed from the bottom. The feet were removed
and reattached. The second deck of Towers
requires a slightly different height ladder.
8- Pictures of Drive side application
- Picture on left shows platform as it normally
sits. Note addition of handle above archway. - Picture in center shows drive side platform
extended fully. Space restrictions dictate a
shorter extension of platform on drive side.
Note release lever that raises inside platform up
to allow outer platform to slide under it for
stowing. - Picture on right shows addition of new warning
9Photos of parts used to attach ladder to
platform. C shape of aluminum block on ladder
aides in supporting weight of platform while
attached to ladder.
10- Additional upper deck railing should be installed
if not present to provide fall safety while using
platforms. - Mechanical design of all changes including
signage and ergonomics were reviewed by safety
consultant Lewis Bass International for
compliance to Cal-OSHA specifications. - Contact machinists Gary Legg or Gary Sloan for
additional details.