Title: Sunil Kumar and Eulalie Lucas
1Development of Inputs, Outputs, and Procedures
for EPAs Draft MOVES2009 Model
- Sunil Kumar and Eulalie Lucas
- MOVES Task Force Meeting
- August 18, 2009
2- MOVES Model Introduction
- MOVES - Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator
- MOVES - a complete emissions estimation package.
Produces total emissions. - Mobile6.2 - only emissions factors, which were
processed outside the model to calculate total
emissions. - MOVES Extensive set of input files produces
emissions at three (3) different levels
National, County/Regional and Project - MOVES Input files Importers, Revised
processes from Mobile6.2, Totally new features.
3- MOVES Local Data Needs
- Required Local Datasets
- Fuel Characteristics
- Meteorology
- I/M Program
- Age Distribution (Registration data)
- Population of MOVES Vehicle Types
- (for each county or region in a calendar year)
- Total Base Year VMT for HPMS Vehicle Types
- (for each county or region in a calendar year)
- VMT Fraction across MOVES Road Types for each
MOVES Vehicle Types -
4- Required Local Data Sets Status
- 1. Fuel Characteristics
- Local data available. Appropriate fuel
formulation can be identified from the list
provided with the MOVES model. - 2. Meteorology
- Local data available. Needs minimal formatting
for MOVES application. - 3. I/M Program
- Local data available. Needs minimal formatting
for MOVES application. - 4. Age Distribution (Registration data)
- Local data available.
- Two options for MOVES application
- A. Use EPA tool to convert existing age
distribution data available by Mobile6 vehicle
types (1-25 years old) into MOVES vehicle types
(0-30 years old). - B. Develop age distribution data by MOVES vehicle
types (0-30 years old).
55. Vehicle Population, MOB6 to Moves
MOBILE6 Vehicle Types MOBILE6 Vehicle Types MOBILE6 Vehicle Types
Veh Type Description (gas and diesel combined)
1 LDV Light-Duty Vehicles (Passenger Cars)
2 LDT1 Light-Duty Trucks 1 (0-6,000 lbs. GVWR, 0-3,750 lbs. LVW)
3 LDT2 Light-Duty Trucks 2 (0-6,000 lbs. GVWR, 3,751-5,750 lbs. LVW)
4 LDT3 Light-Duty Trucks 3 (6,001-8,500 lbs. GVWR, 0-5,750 lbs. ALVW)
5 LDT4 Light-Duty Trucks 4 (6,001-8,500 lbs. GVWR, 5,751 lbs. and greater ALVW)
6 HDV2B Class 2b Heavy-Duty Vehicles (8,501-10,000 lbs. GVWR)
7 HDV3 Class 3 Heavy-Duty Vehicles (10,001-14,000 lbs. GVWR)
8 HDV4 Class 4 Heavy-Duty Vehicles (14,001-16,000 lbs. GVWR)
9 HDV5 Class 5 Heavy-Duty Vehicles (16,001-19,500 lbs. GVWR)
10 HDV6 Class 6 Heavy-Duty Vehicles (19,501-26,000 lbs. GVWR)
11 HDV7 Class 7 Heavy-Duty Vehicles (26,001-33,000 lbs. GVWR)
12 HDV8A Class 8a Heavy-Duty Vehicles (33,001-60,000 lbs. GVWR)
13 HDV8B Class 8b Heavy-Duty Vehicles (gt60,000 lbs. GVWR)
14 HDBS School Buses
15 HDBT Transit and Urban Buses
16 MC Motorcycles (All)
MOVES Vehicle Types MOVES Vehicle Types
11 Motorcycle
21 Passenger Car
31 Passenger Truck
32 Light Commercial Truck
41 Intercity Bus
42 Transit Bus
43 School Bus
51 Refuse Truck
52 Single Unit Short-Haul Truck
53 Single Unit Long-Haul Truck
54 Motorhome
61 Combination Short-Haul Truck
62 Combination Long-Haul Truck
66. Annual VMT
Annual VMT by HPMS Vehicle Types (MOVES Allocation)
Passenger Car
Other 2 axle-4 tire vehicles
Single Unit Trucks
Combination Trucks
Development of annual VMT use NEI method or HPMS
77. VMT Fraction Local data
- VMT fraction - input data format for Mob6
MOVES are very different - Mob6 COG/DTP VMT fractions
- Distributed across 16 Mob6 vehicle types 1 set
each for Network, Local roads, and Auto access to
transit facilities (Total 3 sets of VMT
(DTP VMT fraction
Mob6 VMT fraction modified with local truck
fraction) - MOVES VMT fractions
- Distributed across 4 MOVES road types
(Urban/rural restricted/unrestricted) - 1 set each for 13 individual MOVES vehicle types
(Total 13 sets of VMT fractions) -
- Development of MOVES VMT fractions
- Use NEI method ?
- HPMS approach?
8Summary Needs Status of Local Data
MOVES Inputs Status of Local Data
Fuel Characteristics Local data available. Appropriate fuel formulation can be identified from the list provided with the MOVES model.
I/M Programs Local data available. Needs formatting for MOVES.
Meteorology Data Local data available.
Age Distribution Mobile6 based local data conversion to MOVES format possible. Direct local data development in MOVES format preferred by EPA.
Vehicle Type Population Vehicle population data available by Mob6 vehicle types can be converted to MOVES types using EPA provided conversion formula (EPA formula based on national level data).
Vehicle Type VMT Local data available by FHWA facility types. Need annual VMT by HPMS vehicle types. Needs to be developed (using NEI assumption ?).
VMT Fraction VMT fractions across FHWA facility types available. Need VMT fraction across MOVES road types for each MOVES vehicle types. Needs to be developed (using NEI assumptions ?).
Ramp Fraction Local data available.
Speed Distribution Local data not available.
Optional inputs