Title: 18 November 2004AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker VOTechKickoff
1VOTech Kick-off Meeting
AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker Deploying SolarSoft
IDL tools with CEA Elizabeth Auden Silvia
Dalla 18 November 2004
(Animated GIF of solar movie)
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
2AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
- Accessing TRACE data and SolarSoft data
reduction - Generating solar MPEGs
- Deploying IDL as a CEA grid tool
- Example Creating a solar movie with AstroGrid
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
TRACE files are presented to the movie maker tool
as a series of URLs inside a VOTable. CEA
downloads the URLs as temporary files local to
the movie maker tool.
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
4SolarSoft TRACE Analysis
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
5MPEG Generation
- One MPEG per hourly TRACE file is generated with
IDL - Mpeg_open
- Mpeg_put
- Mpeg_save
- Mpeg_close
- MPEG generation is tightly controlled (by
Elizabeth!), so rate, image size, and encoding
type are known to be identical. - MPEGs from multiple hourly TRACE files are put
together using simple Unix concatenation facility.
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
6CallMakeMPEGFitsImages tool
- So, whats under the hood?
- Input output filename, name(s) of 1 or more
hourly TRACE files - Confirm that all input files are valid hourly
TRACE files - Loop through TRACE files
- a. Reduce data with SolarSoft TRACE tools
- b. Generate MPEG with IDL MPEG encoding
- 4. Concatenate all hourly MPEGs into one movie
- 5. Output one MPEG solar movie written to MySpace
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
7CEA Interface Unix shell script
- IDL what we didnt use
- Ion / IonScript - required extra licensing
- RPCs - vetoed by MSSL system administrator
- IDL VM - code restrictions, obnoxious splash
screen - Interactive routines no dialog boxes or other
GUIs - MPEG generation is tightly controlled (by
Elizabeth!), so rate, image size, and encoding
type are known to be identical. - MPEGs from multiple hourly TRACE files are put
together using simple Unix concatenation
facility. - Solution shell script to generate IDL SolarSoft
session, execute IDL data reduction and MPEG
encoding, and concatenate MPEGs.
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
8Configuration of Tool with CEA
- Deploy local installation of CEA with maven
- Configure a work.dir directory containing tool
files - Fill in AstroGrid CEA registry template
- Provide tool name and other curation information
- Declare AstroGrid AuthorityID
- Locate MySpace (remote or local)
- Specify input(s) and output(s) data / file
type, number, syntax, etc - Use maven to finish setup, configuration, and
AstroGrid update - If all goes according to plan, tool name appears
in AstroGrid portal workflow dropdown menu.
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
9Example TRACE data search
(screen shot of AG portal TRACE data search)
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
10Example Solar Movie Workflow
(screen shot of AG portal movie maker workflow)
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
11Example Movie Maker result
(screen shot of AG portal showing movie in
MySpace explorer play movie)
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off
12Future Work
- Movie Maker tool enhancement
- Accommodate data from TRACE, SOHO-CDS, SOHO-EIT,
Yohkoh, etc. - Include derotation algorithm to account for Suns
rotation during movie - Allow overlay of 2 or more images displaying
different wavelengths / magnetic observation in
each frame. - Use coordinate and pointing information to ensure
spatial alignment of images - Development of further tools
- Collaboration between Silvia (IDL code) and
Elizabeth (CEA configuration) on new solar
AstroGrid tools - Possible new tools a simple movie maker, data
reduction tool, multiple wavelength / magnetic /
white light overlay image tool
18 November 2004 AstroGrid Solar Movie Maker
VOTech Kick-off