Title: Categorical Data
1Categorical Data
- Frühling Rijsdijk Kate Morley
- Twin Workshop, Boulder
- Tuesday March 7, 2006
- Introduce Categorical Data
- Define liability and describe assumptions of the
liability model - Show how heritability of liability can be
estimated from categorical twin data - Practical exercises
3Measurement Scales of Outcome Variables
only two possible outcomes e.g. yes / no
response on an item depression / no depression.
number of children in a family, Income level
Gender 1males, 2 females marital status
1married, 2divorced, 3separated
e.g. IQ, Temperature outcomes mutually
exclusive, logically ordered, differences
meaningful, but zero point is arbitrary (e.g. 0
ºC is melting point water). We cannot say 80 ºC
is twice as warm as 40 ºC, or having an IQ of 100
means being twice as smart as one of 50.
Highest level of measurement e.g. height, weight.
Outcomes are mutually exclusive, there is a
logical order, differences are meaningful and
zero means absence of the trait. We can say e.g.
a tree of 3 M is twice as high as one of 1.5
4Ordinal data
Measuring instrument is able to only discriminate
between two or a few ordered categories e.g.
absence or presence of a disease. Data take the
form of counts, i.e. the number of individuals
within each category
Of 100 individuals 90 no 10 yes
5Univariate Normal Distribution of Liability
- Assumptions
- (1) Underlying normal distribution of liability
- (2) The liability distribution has 1 or more
thresholds (cut-offs)
6The standard Normal distribution
- Liability is a latent variable, the scale is
arbitrary, - distribution is, therefore, assumed to be a
- Standard Normal Distribution (SND) or
z-distribution - mean (?) 0 and SD (?) 1
- z-values are the number of SD away from the mean
- area under curve translates directly to
probabilities gt Normal Probability Density
function (?)
7Standard Normal Cumulative Probability in
right-hand tail (For negative z values, areas are
found by symmetry)
Z0 Area 0 .50 50 .2 .42 42 .4 .35 35 .6 .27
27 .8 .21 21 1 .16 16 1.2 .12 12 1.4 .08
8 1.6 .06 6 1.8 .036 3.6 2 .023 2.3 2.2 .014
1.4 2.4 .008 .8 2.6 .005 .5 2.8 .003
.3 2.9 .002 .2
8Example From counts find z-value in Table
For one variable it is possible to find a z-value
(threshold) on the SND, so that the proportion
exactly matches the observed proportion of the
sample e.g. if from a sample of 1000 individuals,
120 have met a criteria for a disorder (12) the
z-value is 1.2
Z0 Area .6 .27 27 .8 .21 21
1 .16 16 1.2 .12 12 1.4 .08 8 1.6 .055
6 1.8 .036 3.6 2 .023 2.3 2.2 .014 1.4 2.4 .00
8 .8 2.6 .005 .5 2.8 .003 .3 2.9 .002
9Two categorical traits Data from twins
- In an unselected sample of twins gt Contingency
- Table with 4 observed cells
- cell anumber of pairs concordant for unaffected
- cell d number of pairs concordant for affected
- cell b/c number of pairs discordant for the
0 unaffected 1 affected
10Joint Liability Model for twin pairs
- Assumed to follow a bivariate normal
distribution, where both traits have a mean of 0
and standard deviation of 1, but the correlation
between them is unknown. - The shape of a bivariate normal distribution is
determined by the correlation between the traits
11Bivariate Normal
r .90
r .00
12Bivariate Normal (R0.6) partitioned at threshold
1.4 (z-value) on both liabilities
13How are expected proportions calculated?
By numerical integration of the bivariate normal
over two dimensions the liabilities for twin1
and twin2 e.g. the probability that both twins
are affected
F is the bivariate normal probability density
function, L1 and L2 are the liabilities of
twin1 and twin2, with means 0, and ? is the
correlation matrix of the two liabilities T1 is
threshold (z-value) on L1, T2 is threshold
(z-value) on L2
14(0 0)
(1 1)
(0 1)
(1 0)
15How is numerical integration performed?
There are programmed mathematical subroutines
that can do these calculations Mx uses one of
16Expected Proportions of the BN, for R0.6,
Th11.4, Th21.4
Liab 2
Liab 1
17 How can we estimate correlations from
CT? The correlation (shape) of the BN and the
two thresholds determine the relative proportions
of observations in the 4 cells of the
CT. Conversely, the sample proportions in the 4
cells can be used to estimate the correlation and
the thresholds.
It is possible to estimate a correlation between
categorical traits from simple counts (CT),
because of the assumptions we make about their
joint distributions The Bivariate Normal
The relative sample proportions in the 4 cells
are translated to proportions under the BN so
that the most likely correlation and the
thresholds are derived
19ACE Liability Model
Twin 1
Twin 2
20How can we fit ordinal data in Mx?
Summary statistics CT Mx has a built-in fit
function for the maximum-likelihood analysis of
2-way Contingency Tables gtanalyses limited to
only two variables Raw data analyses -
multivariate - handles missing data - moderator
21ML of RAW Ordinal data
Is the sum of the likelihood of all observations.
The likelihood of an observation is the expected
proportion in the corresponding cell of the MN.
The sum of the log-likelihoods of all
observations is a value that (like for continuous
data) is not very interpretable, unless we
compare it with the LL of other models or a
saturated model to get a chi-square index.
22Raw Ordinal Data
ordinal ordinal Zyg respons1 respons2 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 .
1 2 0 . 2 0 1
NOTE smallest category should always be 0 !!
23SORT !
We can speed up computation time considerably
when the data is sorted since if case i1 case
i, then likelihood is NOT recalculated.
In e.g. the bivariate, 2 category case, there are
only 4 possible vectors of observations 1 1,
0 1, 1 0, 00 and, therefore, only 4 integrals
for Mx to calculate if the data file is
25Sample and Measures
- Australian Twin Registry data (QIMR)
- Self-report questionnaire
- Non-smoker, ex-smoker, current smoker
- Age of smoking onset
- Large sample of adult twins
- family members
- Today using MZMs (785 pairs)
- and DZMs (536 pairs)
26- Variable age at smoking onset, including
non-smokers - Ordered as
- Non-smokers / late onset / early onset
27Practical Exercise
Analysis of age of onset data - Estimate
thresholds - Estimate correlations - Fit
univariate model Observed counts from ATR
data MZM DZM 0
1 2 0 1 2 0 368 24 46
0 203 22 63 1 26 15 21 1 17 5
16 2 54 22 209 2 65 12 133
28Threshold Specification in Mx
2 Categories Matrix T 1 x 2 T(1,1)
T(1,2) threshold 1 for twin1 twin2
Threshold Model T /
29Threshold Specification in Mx
3 Categories Matrix T 2 x 2 T(1,1)
T(1,2) threshold 1 for twin1 twin2 T(2,1)
T(2,2) increment
Threshold Model LT /
1 0 1 1
t11 t12 t21 t22
t11 t12 t11 t21 t12 t22
define nvarx2 2 define nthresh 2
ngroups 2 G1 Data and model for MZM
correlation DAta NInput_vars3
Missing. Ordinal Filesmk_prac.ord Labels
zyg ageon_t1 ageon_t2 SELECT IF zyg 2 SELECT
ageon_t1 ageon_t2 / Begin Matrices R STAN
nvarx2 nvarx2 FREE T FULL nthresh nvarx2 FREE L
Lower nthresh nthresh End matrices Value 1 L
1 1 to L nthresh nthresh
define nvarx2 2 ! Number of variables x
number of twins define nthresh 2 ! Number of
thresholdsnum of cat-1 ngroups 2 G1 Data
and model for MZM correlation DAta NInput_vars3
Missing. Ordinal Filesmk_prac.ord ! Ordinal
data file Labels zyg ageon_t1 ageon_t2 SELECT
IF zyg 2 SELECT ageon_t1 ageon_t2 / Begin
Matrices R STAN nvarx2 nvarx2 FREE T FULL
nthresh nvarx2 FREE L Lower nthresh
nthresh End matrices Value 1 L 1 1 to L
nthresh nthresh
define nvarx2 2 ! Number of variables per
pair define nthresh 2 ! Number of
thresholdsnum of cat-1 ngroups 2 G1 Data
and model for MZM correlation DAta NInput_vars3
Missing. Ordinal Filesmk_prac.ord ! Ordinal
data file Labels zyg ageon_t1 ageon_t2 SELECT
IF zyg 2 SELECT ageon_t1 ageon_t2 / Begin
Matrices R STAN nvarx2 nvarx2 FREE !
Correlation matrix T FULL nthresh nvarx2 FREE L
Lower nthresh nthresh End matrices Value 1 L
1 1 to L nthresh nthresh
define nvarx2 2 ! Number of variables per
pair define nthresh 2 ! Number of
thresholdsnum of cat-1 ngroups 2 G1 Data
and model for MZM correlation DAta NInput_vars3
Missing. Ordinal Filesmk_prac.ord ! Ordinal
data file Labels zyg ageon_t1 ageon_t2 SELECT
IF zyg 2 SELECT ageon_t1 ageon_t2 / Begin
Matrices R STAN nvarx2 nvarx2 FREE !
Correlation matrix T FULL nthresh nvarx2 FREE !
thresh tw1, thresh tw2 L Lower nthresh nthresh !
Sums threshold displacements End matrices Value
1 L 1 1 to L nthresh nthresh ! initialize L
34 COV R / Thresholds LT / Bound 0.01 1
T 1 1 T 1 2 Bound 0.1 5 T 2 1 T 2 2 Start 0.2 T
1 1 T 1 2 Start 0.2 T 2 1 T 2 2 Start .6 R 2
1 Option RS Option func1.E-10 END
35 COV R / ! Predicted Correlation matrix for
MZ pairs Thresholds LT / ! Threshold model,
to ensure t1gtt2gtt3 etc....... Bound 0.01 1 T 1 1
T 1 2 Bound 0.1 5 T 2 1 T 2 2 Start 0.2 T 1 1 T
1 2 Start 0.2 T 2 1 T 2 2 Start .6 R 2 1
Option RS Option func1.E-10 END
36 COV R / ! Predicted Correlation matrix for
MZ pairs Thresholds LT / ! Threshold model,
to ensure t1gtt2gtt3 etc....... Bound 0.01 1 T 1 1
T 1 2 Bound 0.1 5 T 2 1 T 2 2 ! Ensures
positive threshold displacement Start 0.2 T 1 1 T
1 2 ! Starting values for the 1st
thresholds Start 0.2 T 2 1 T 2 2 ! Starting
values for the 2nd thresholds Start .6 R 2 1 !
Starting value for the correlation Option
RS Option func1.E-10 !function precision is
less than usual END
37 ! Test equality of thresholds between Tw1 and
Tw2 EQ T 1 1 1 T 1 1 2 !constrain TH1 to be
equal across Tw1 and Tw2 MZM EQ T 1 2 1 T 1 2 2
!constrain TH2 to be equal across Tw1 and Tw2
MZM EQ T 2 1 1 T 2 1 2 !constrain TH1 to be
equal across Tw1 and Tw2 DZM EQ T 2 2 1 T 2 2 2
!constrain TH2 to be equal across Tw1 and Tw2
DZM End Get cor.mxs ! Test equality of
thresholds between MZM DZM EQ T 1 1 1 T 1 1 2 T
2 1 1 T 2 1 2 !constrain TH1 to be equal across
all Males EQ T 1 2 1 T 1 2 2 T 2 2 1 T 2 2 2
!constrain TH2 to be equal across all Males End
38Exercise I
- Fit saturated model
- Estimates of thresholds
- Estimates of polychoric correlations
- Test equality of thresholds
- Examine differences in threshold and correlation
estimates for saturated model and sub-models - Examine correlations
- What model should we fit?
- Raw ORD File smk_prac.dat
- Script polychor_smk.mx
- Location kate\Ordinal_Practical
39Estimates smoking age-at-onset
-2LL df Twin 1 Twin 2 Twin 1 Twin 2
Saturated Saturated Saturated Saturated Saturated Saturated Saturated Saturated Saturated Saturated
5128.185 3055 Th1 MZ 0.09 0.12 DZ 0.03 0.05
Th2 0.31 0.33 0.24 0.26
Cor 1 1
0.81 1 0.55 1
40Estimates smoking age-at-onset
??2 ? df P Twin 1 Twin 2 Twin 1 Twin 2
Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1
Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2
41Estimates smoking age-at-onset
??2 ? df P Twin 1 Twin 2 Twin 1 Twin 2
Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1 Sub-model 1
0.77 4 0.94 Th1 MZ 0.10 0.10 DZ 0.04 0.04
Th2 0.32 0.32 0.25 0.25
Cor 1 1
0.81 1 0.55 1
Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2 Sub-model 2
2.44 6 0.88 Th1 MZ 0.07 0.07 DZ 0.07 0.07
Th2 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29
Cor 1 1
0.81 1 0.55 1
define nvar 1 ! number of variables per
twin define nvarx2 2 ! number of
variables per pair define nthresh 1 ! number
of thresholdsnum of cat-1 ngroups 4 ! number
of groups in script G1 Parameters for the
Genetic model Calculation Begin Matrices X Low
nvar nvar FREE ! Additive genetic path
coefficient Y Low nvar nvar FREE !
Common environmental path coefficient Z Low nvar
nvar FREE ! Unique environmental path
coefficient End matrices Begin Algebra AXX'
!Additive genetic variance (path X
squared) CYY' !Common Environm variance
(path Y squared) EZZ' !Unique Environm
variance (path Z squared) End Algebra start .6 X
1 1 Y 1 1 Z 1 1 !starting value for X, Y,
Z Interval _at_95 A 1 1 C 1 1 E 1 1 !requests the
95CI for h2, c2, e2 End
43G2 Data and model for MZ pairs DAta
NInput_vars3 Missing. Ordinal
Fileprac_smk.ord Labels zyg ageon_t1
ageon_t2 SELECT IF zyg 2 SELECT ageon_t1
ageon_t2 / Matrices group 1 T FULL nthresh
nvarx2 FREE ! Thresh tw1, thresh tw2 L Lower
nthresh nthresh COV ! Predicted covariance
matrix for MZ pairs ( A C E A C _
A C A C E ) / Thresholds LT
/ !Threshold model Bound 0.01 1 T 1 1 T 1 2 !
Ensures positive threshold displacement Bound 0.1
5 T 2 1 T 2 2 Start 0.1 T 1 1 T 1 2 ! Starting
values for the 1st thresholds Start 0.2 T 1 1 T 1
2 ! Starting values for the 2nd
thresholds Option rs End
44G3 Data and model for DZ pairs DAta
NInput_vars4 Missing. Ordinal
Fileprac_smk.ord Labels zyg ageon_t1
ageon_t2 SELECT IF zyg 4 SELECT ageon_t1
ageon_t2 / Matrices group 1 T FULL nthresh
nvarx2 FREE ! Thresh tw1, thresh tw2 L Lower
nthresh nthresh H FULL 1 1 ! .5 COVARIANCE !
Predicted covariance matrix for DZ pairs ( A C
E H_at_A C _ H_at_A C A C E )
/ Thresholds LT / !Threshold model Bound 0.1
1 T 1 1 T 1 2 ! Ensures positive threshold
displacement Bound 0.1 5 T 2 1 T 2 2 Start 0.1 T
1 1 T 1 2 ! Starting values for the 1st
thresholds Start 0.2 T 1 1 T 1 2 ! Starting
values for the 2nd thresholds Option rs End
1 CONSTRAINT Matrices Group 1 I UNIT 1 1 CO
ACE I / !constrains the total variance to
equal 1 Option func1.E-10 End
Constraint groups and degrees of freedom As the
total variance is constrained to unity, we can
estimate one VC from the other two, giving us one
less independent parameter A C E
1 therefore E 1 - A - C So each constraint
group adds a degree of freedom to the model.
46Exercise II
- Fit ACE model
- What does the threshold model look like?
- Change it to reflect the findings from exercise I
- Raw ORD File smk_prac.dat
- Script ACEcat_smk.mx
- Location kate\Ordinal_Practical