Title: TANDAA'08 The importance of local content
1TANDAA.08The importance of local content
- Ian Fernandes
- Managing Director - Nation Digital Division
2Content - Setting the scene
The Old World
The Digital World
Social Networking
4Convergence Mobile
5Kenya- The Content Explosion
- Increased access and availability
- Computers/ Mobile Phones
- Improved Connectivity
- International Access
- Broadband - Under-sea Cables
- Local Access
- Analogue- Digital Transition
- Will broadcasters keep their UHF spectrum ?
(ISPs, Mobile) - It will no longer be about just sending e-mails
and browsing web-sites
6Content - The Threat
- The threat is not from within
- iPhone / iTunes Download Movies/ Music /
Pod-casts - Facebook / My Space Alternative pass-times
- You-Tube What you want, wherever and whenever
you want it. - Search or Customize
- How far up (or down) does your content feature in
the results - Narrowcasting Specific content for specific
consumers - Content creators now have direct access to
consumers - Mainstream media will be cut-out of the chain
- Advertisers will move with the audiences
- Advertisers can target specific audiences and
provide more information- product features and
comparisons, user reviews
7Content - The Threat
8Why Local Content? - News
Power in the Congo - Their story
Rebel leader threatens to take control of DR
Congo The rebel leader in the Democratic Republic
of Congo says he will take over the whole country
if the Government continues to refuse to hold
power sharing talks.
9Why Local Content? - News
Power in the Congo - Our Story
?The Inga Power Station on River Congo has
potential output of up to 44,000 megawatts. That
is more than three times power produced by the
Three Gorges Dam in China, currently, the largest
in the world. However, only 1,700 mw are being
used! ?Inga II III will Link to South Africa
via Angola, Namibia and Botswana and will
establish a connection between Inga and
Calabar in Nigeria - a 2,100km stretch. ?Grand
Inga (IV) will be part of a 5,300 km energy
superhighway linked to Aswan Dam in Egypt!
10Why Local Content ? - Sport
Skill / Talent
11Why Kenyan Content ?
- E-Commerce
- Tourism - Wildlife Safaris Is there enough
content that sells Kenya? - Social Sites
- My-Space Is the content relevant to Kenya?
- Watch-this-Space
12Content - The Strategy
- Think multi-media
- News, Information, Entertainment Text, Pictures,
Audio , Video - Citizen journalism No need to go out and find
content , it will come to you - Content will rule the day
- Stay relevant Its easy to track audience
preferences - Be careful when you give content away for free.
- Its no longer how you get it out - Its what you
get out - Objective
- Give your consumers and customers what they want,
when they want it, in the way they want it . - Offer solutions not just information
13Thank You