Title: Cleaveland Geek Squad
1Cleaveland Geek Squad
- Crew members, Merrick, Seth, Jordan, Kaitlyn,
Jasmin, Cristian, Mia, Taylor, and our head
leader Mr. Menninga.
2What Does Mrs. Tison Think?
- The Geek Squad is wonderful! They are extremely
helpful when there is any kind of technical
difficulty with computers, SMART boards, or
handhelds. Their work on the morning
announcements is outstanding! My students have a
reason to pay attention to the school news. The
students are excited about learning whats going
on and seeing whos birthday it is. The
announcements have also given my third graders
another reason to look forward to fifth grade.
They cant wait until its their turn to be a
member of the Geek Squad. Mrs. Tison
3What Does Mrs. Swedberg Think?
Technology is awesome! Students have been using
technology to learn several music skills and
concepts throughout the year. They are learning
about music theory, music appreciation, and how
to compose their own music. It is wonderful to
see the students learning so much! Mrs.
4What Does Mrs. Worthington Think?
- If there was one word I would use to describe
what Cleaveland means to me it would have to be
Family. Everyone works together ,watches out
for each other and tries to do their best!
5What Does Mr. Menninga think!
I have been a teacher at Cleaveland for the past
20 years and have seen it grow into a well
rounded school. The staff really cares about the
students and is able to provide a well rounded,
diverse education for all students. We have a
great technology program that is assisted by the
Cleaveland Geek Squad. This team helps teachers
to utilize technology to the utmost. The squad is
available to assist teachers in all areas of
technology. I can say that their work is much
appreciated by all teachers and students and is
an important component of students education.
6 Our Crew Members.