Title: Food indexing with EuroFIR classification
1Food indexing with EuroFIR classification
- Jayne Ireland
- French Food Safety Agency (AFSSA)
- Anders Møller
- Danish Food Information (DFI)
EuroFIR Compiler Network meeting, Norwich,
2Food Description task force
- Background documents
- Review paper on food classification and
description systems - Position paper on Eurocode 2
- Recommendations for standard food classification
and description - Mapping national food classification systems to
Eurocode2 and EFG (Eurofoods EFCOSUM) - Food Product Indexer software
- Food-indexing course (Wageningen 2005, Paris
2007) - Indexed food data sets
3FPI version 2007
EuroFIR Food Product Indexer version 2007
- EuroFIR food classification
- Related terms
- Additional descriptors (plants, animals,...)
4Food indexing March 2008
- Number of indexed data sets in EuroFIR Compiler
Network has progressed from 20 to 27 - Number of indexed foods has risen 21 037 -gt 24
947 - 23 265 foods indexed with EuroFIR food groups
- Specialized data sets
- EuroFIR BASIS (bioactive substances in foods)
- GEMS/Foods (WHO/FAO Global Environmental
Monitoring System) - INFORMALL (information on allergenic foods)
52007 Quality assessment of food indexing
problems in reproducibility and correctness
Out of 20,000 foods, 1,000 needed to be reviewed
Physical state at room temperature (ice cream)
6Food indexing 2008 EuroFIR classification
- EuroFIR Food classification good!
- About 2 foods in data sets need to be reviewed
- Definitions need to be made clearer
- LanguaL description more accurate than food names
in English !-)
7Food indexing to be done in 2008
- Update indexed data sets
- Complete corrections of food indexing
- Add EuroFIR food classification (BG, ES)
- New foods goal Index all foods in published
FCDBs - Index new data sets
- USDA Standard Reference 20 (collaboration
USDA/FDA) - TRANSFAIR (fatty acid data)
- Vitamin K in foods (SE)
- Carotenoids in foods (AT, SE DK)
- French Polyphenols Database
- USDA Special Interest Databases on Carotenoids,
Choline, Flavonoids, Isoflavones,
8National language versions of LanguaL thesaurus
- Danish (updated 2007)
- French (updated 2008)
- Italian (CSPO-INRAN, delivered 2008)
- German (UVI, MRI) ?
- Spanish (CESNID-UGR) ?