Title: Chapter 11 Substance Abuse
1Chapter 11Substance Abuse
2What substances are of concern?
3Examples of Substances that are abusedAlcohol
(legal), marijuana, heroin, cocaine, crack
cocaine, LSD, over-the-counter drugs,
prescription drugs
4Why is substance abuse a concern in construction?
5Substance abusers pose a threat to safety for
themselves and others
6Substance abuse became an issue of concern in the
construction industry in the mid-1980s Before
1985, very few firms were conducting any drug
testing on their projects
7What is the extent of drug use in the
construction industry?
8It has been estimated that in the regular
population about 10 of the workforce regularly
abuses drugs. In construction, the estimates are
higher, perhaps being as high as 20. The
percentages vary considerably in different parts
of the country.
9Drug use is associated with increased injury
incidence, more absenteeism, higher turnover,
more illnesses, more crime, lower productivity
10It will depend on the specific drug if the use or
abuse away from the job will actually compromise
safety on the job. It will depend on timing.
Some substances are essentially fully metabolized
in a matter of a few hours.
11When drug testing was first discussed in the
construction industry, organized labor staunchly
opposed worker testing, claiming it was a
violation of an individuals rights
12Unions have since changed their attitude to a
great extent and it is now common for drug
testing to be included in labor agreements
13How are drug tests conducted?
14Firms are increasingly using on the spot tests
that give results within 5 minutes (positive
results are not generally considered conclusive
until confirmed by an independent laboratory)
15When samples are sent to the laboratory for
analysis, chain of custody is very important. It
is vital that the samples of different
individuals not be switched.
16What are the different types of drug testing?
17Pre-employment screening
18Random drug testing How often? What percentage
of the workers are tested? What about the
salaried personnel?
19Post-accident drug testing Test the worker that
was injured and any other workers who may have
been in a position to contribute to the accident
20Reasonable cause drug testing Based on worker
behavior and physical evidence
21Blanket or periodic testing Rarely employed as
this results in every worker being tested
22What is the result of a positive drug test? Most
firms will terminate or suspend. There is little
attention given to rehabilitation.
23Are Pre-Employment Drug Screening Tests Conducted?
Recordable Injury Rate
24Are Random Drug Tests Conducted?
Recordable Injury Rate
25Does the Firm Conduct Pre-Employment Screening,
Random, For Cause, and Post Accident Drug Tests?
Recordable Injury Rate
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28 Employees Who Tested Positive on Pre-employment
Drug Tests
29Are Random Drug Tests Conducted?
30Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Is blanket drug testing conducted?
31Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Is follow-up drug testing conducted?
32Drug and Alcohol Testing
- During random drug testing, what percentage of
the workforce is tested?
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34What Percent of the Random Drug Tests are Positive
Recordable Injury Rate
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