Title: Family Guide to Teen Drivers
1Family Guide to Teen Drivers Business Plan
2Business Plan Outline
- Target Market
- Program Objectives
- Program Delivery Pricing
- Marketing Strategies Resources
- Measurement Evaluation
- Whats Next?
3Target MarketTeen Demographics
- Today
- Generation Y (born 1980-2000) represents 26 of
the American population. - 70.4 million between ages of 5 and 22.
- One in four live in a single-parent household.
- Over the Next Five Years
- The 16-year-old population will increase from 3.5
million to over 4 million. - There will be 26.1 million 16-20 drivers on the
road in 2010 23 more than today.
4Target MarketCharacteristics
- Generation Y is less cynical and more concerned
about social issues than Generation X. - Most ethnically diverse generation ever.
- Three out of four teens have working mothers.
- Parents are increasingly focused on cocooning
with loved ones - 84 of parents make their family a greater
priority now than before 9-11 - 35 of parents have set aside more family time
since 9-11
5Program Objectives
- Provide focus for parental involvement on methods
proven to work vs. other strategies that provide
noise, but not long-term results. - Empower Parents To Take Action to Protect their
Teens. - Recognize the Family Guide as a solution.
- Engage parents in a community that spreads the
virus of knowledge and empowerment. - More Strongly Position NSC brand in communities.
- Generate Revenue for Chapters NSC.
6Program Delivery
- The Book Sales Model
- The Workshop Model
- The Sponsorship Model
7The Book Sales Model
- NSC offers the Family Guide for sale on the NSC
website _at_ 10 each. - Chapters have the option of selling the Family
Guide in their territories for a suggested retail
price of 10.
8Book Prices for Chapters
- List price to Chapters 4.50
- Price with 20 Chapter discount 3.60
- Price with additional 10 cent
- discount for 100 books 3.50
- Price with additional 10 cent
- discount for 500 books 3.40
9Chapter Margin Model Book Sales
- Chapter price for 50 books _at_ 3.60/book
- (no volume discount) 180
- Shipping Costs for 50 books
- (1 box of 50, via UPS Ground, avg. zone
price) 11.13 - Total Chapter Costs 191.13
- Chapter Cost/book for 50 books 3.82
- Chapter Revenues from book sales
- _at_ 10/book 500
- Gross Margin for sale of 50 books 308.87
10The Workshop Model
- Pilot program consensus Parents much more likely
to get engaged when exposed in a 1-hour brown
bag workshop. - Chapters lead workshops in their territories at
member/other employer organizations, community
school groups, chapter-sponsored events. - Parents receive the Family Guide as part of the
11The Workshop Model
- Chapters Deliver a 1-hour Workshop to parents.
- Where they live Community School Groups
- Where they work NSC members other employers
- Where they gather Special Community and Chapter
12The Workshop Model
- Chapters Assign Staff To Be Trained As
Instructors/Workshop Leaders - Leader Training to be provided via Webcast
beginning in March. - Leaders will receive all necessary materials
presentation, video, background materials
13The Workshop Model
- Leaders collect e-mail addresses of all
participating parents and send them to NSC for
use in. - Research follow up on use of the Family Guide.
- Research follow-up on crash involvement.
- Engagement in the NSC Parents Community.
14Workshop Pricing
- Chapters have flexibility to set their own
pricing for workshops - Suggested workshop price for a community or
employer group of 50 parents 500
15Chapter Margin Model Workshops
- Cost for 50 books _at_ 3.60 each 180
- Shipping Costs
- (1 box of 50, via UPS Ground, avg. zone
price) 11.13 - Chapter Costs to Provide Instructor
- (2 hours _at_ 25/hour) 50
- Total Chapter Costs 241.13
- Suggested Chapter Price of Workshops 500
- Gross Margin to Chapters 258.87
16The Sponsorship Model
- Community Sponsorships 10k-75k
- Full Sponsorship 75K
- Sponsorships carry co-branding and reprint rights
- Organizations of all kinds employers, schools,
community groups. - Insurance companies for policy holders.
- State licensing authorities -- for parents of
teens receiving a Learners Permit.
17Marketing Strategies
- NSC Members Employers Where They Work
- Community/School Groups Where They Live
- Earned Media What They Read and Watch
- Consumer Marketing How They Buy
- Special Events Where They Gather
- Viral Marketing How They Connect With Others
18Marketing Resourcesfor Chapters
- Downloadable Collateral Materials
- Brochure/flyer template
- Half-page ad
- Inserts to include in chapter mailings or
distribute at trade shows - Postcard Mailer
- Links on NSC website to chapter website, contacts
and workshop schedules
19Research Evaluation
- 1. Immediate feedback through survey completed at
the completion of each workshop. - Measure value of seminar
- Build link for future email communications
research - Chapter leader collects surveys (including email
addresses) and returns them to NSC.
20Research Evaluation
- 1. Immediate feedback through survey completed at
the completion of each workshop. - 2. Follow-up email questionnaires
- 30 days after the workshop to determine extent of
parental follow-up and involvement. - 6 months 1 year after the workshop to determine
use and effectiveness of the Family Guide.
21Research Evaluation
- 1. Immediate feedback through survey completed at
the completion of each workshop. - 2. Follow-up email questionnaires
- Ongoing feedback, consultation and comments can
be made through Parents Bulletin Board on NSC
22Research Evaluation
- 1. Immediate feedback through survey completed at
the completion of each workshop. - 2. Follow-up email questionnaires
- 3. Ongoing feedback, consultation and comments.
- 4. Structured scientific research.
23Whats Next?
- 1. Workshop Leader Training
- Delivered via Webcast in March through May.
(Additional dates to be scheduled as necessary). - All leaders will receive Instructional Materials
prior to the workshop.
24Whats Next?
- 1. Workshop Leader Training
- Promotion to NSC members in email newsletters and
quarterly Membership Advantage. - Referral of inquiries to chapters for follow-up.
25Whats Next?
- 1. Workshop Leader Training
- 2. Promotion to NSC members.
- Referral of Inquiries to chapters.
- Media Strategies
- Program Launch with Corporate Sponsors
- National Safety Month
26Whats Next?
- 1. Workshop Leader Training
- 2. Promotion to NSC members.
- Referral of Inquiries to chapters.
- 3. Media Strategies
- 4. A Chapter Contest Generate The Highest Sales
of the Family Guide and Greatest Community Buzz
By June 30. - Prize A Special Lunch for the Chapter Staff
27Questions, Comments, Ideas
- How can we engage....
- Members Employers (Where they Work)
- Community/School Groups (Where They Live)
- Earned Media (What They Read and Watch)
- Consumer Marketing (How They Buy)
- Special Events (Where They Gather)
- Viral Marketing (How They Connect With Others)
28(No Transcript)