Title: Cambridge University Press
1Cambridge University Press
2The Basics
- 1700 books published per year, cloth/PB
- F07 academic sales 49 million (US only)
- Size NY staff 164 (incl ELT and Journals)
- Academic sales marketing staff 40
- Marketing budget 3.25 million
3Sales by discount
- 20 long discount Trade and Ac Trade
- 80 short discount
- Monographs
- Scholarly reference
- Medical
- College
- Professional
4Sales by Channel, F04-F07
- Wholesalers 46 38
- Internet 18 25
- College Bookstores 12 17
- Retail Bookstores 6 9
- Wholesale is not shrinking, other segments are
5Marketing by channel
- 3 years ago, 1 marketing department, now
- HSS Academic 1.1 million
- STM Academic 1.1 million
- Library 300,000
- Trade 550,000
- College 200,000
6Marketing Activities
- Direct mail
- Advertising
- Publicity/Review copies
- Exhibits
- Co-op
- E-marketing only new element
7Typical Marketing PlanMonograph
- Advertising as many as 25 journals per book
- Catalogs 4 or so subject catalogs, not in trade
catalog - Conferences 350 per year, 200 staffed, 150 coop,
sales still strong - Publicity 20-40 review copies sent out
- E-marketing blasts, alerts
- Co-op limited
- Traditional book marketing
8Typical Marketing PlanTrade
- Direct Mail limited
- Advertising NYRoB, Atl Monthly, Harpers, The
Nation, Chronicle HE, CS Monitor, e.g. - Exhibits BEA, BEC, regional meetings
- Publicity Very important. 140-200 review copies
to traditional outlets, now trying to get onto
blogs. Select galleys - Co-op when possible
9Typical Marketing PlanCollege
- Direct mail 4-c single title brochure, or
cluster brochure less and less paper DM - Web adoption bookfair up to 15 clickthru
- 9 this season
- Heavy author collaboration
- Sampling, up to 400 review copies
- Dedicated tele-sales
- Advertising conference catalogs, limited
- Moving much more towards online marketing
- 2 Trade catalogs per year long discount
- Print 6600
- 500 per rep
- 2500 mailed
- media
- 2 Academic catalogs short discount
- 10 per rep, then POD
- Select accounts only
- No College catalogs
- Fewer comprehensive FL/BL catalogs
11Mailing Lists
- MDR, MKTG, F1RSTMARK, Thomson Scientific,
societies such as APSA, etc - T McElwee lists of profs
- In-house, just library and college
12In sum
- The goal remains the same find your audience and
drive them to your books - Most elements look remarkably similar to the way
theyve looked for years, - E-marketing makes getting to niche markets much
easier - Objective is to determine which elements of the
marketing plan drive sales, which do not, and
update plan accordingly