Title: Virginia Health Care Foundation
1Virginia Health Care Foundation Grantee
Orientation January 8, 2009
2Your Grantee Notebook
- At-A-Glance
- Tabs 1 - 4 Letter of Agreement, Reporting, and
Important Forms - Tabs 5 - 8 Partner Surveys, Site Visits, Staff
Development and - Program Evaluation
- Tabs 9 10 Media/Public Relations and
Fundraising - Tabs 11-13 VHCF Programs and Helpful Resources
- Tab 14 VHCF Staff, Board and Grantee Contact
Lists - Tab 15 VHCF Special Initiatives and Events
3Ensure Success as a Grantee
Communicate Value
Raise Funds
Document Impact
- What to Expect from VHCF
- Money
- Technical assistance
- Capacity building funds
- Special initiatives to recognize/call attention
to the health safety net - (Information in Tab 15)
- Heroes in Health Care Unsung Heroes
- Alumni Achievement Award
- Legislative Day
- Vital Signs
- Topical roundtables (Nurse Practitioner, Mental
Health, Tooth Talk)
- What VHCF Expects from You
- Timely completion of LOA (Finalized by February
18th) - Timely submission of reports/forms
- Communication about key happenings
- Favorable publicity (and advance notice of
events) - Community support and program sustainability
- Responsiveness
6A Year as a VHCF Grantee
- The Letter of Agreement Project Objectives
- (January 2009)
- Yearend Progress Report
- (January 2010)
- Media/Public Relations
- Focusing on Fundraising and/or Revenue Generation
- 6 Month Progress Report
- Budget
- Requests for Continuation Extension and/or
Expansion - Partner Assessment Surveys
- Site Visits
- Writing the Letter of Agreement Project
Objectives - (January 2009)
- Yearend Progress Report
- (January 2010)
8WinterLetter of Agreement Overview
Tab 1
- The Letter of Agreement (LOA) spells out your
responsibilities as a grantee, VHCFs
responsibilities as a funder, and specific
project objectives. - Specific project objectives are
- Important measures of program success.
- Used as a key determinant as VHCF considers
requests for continuation of - funding.
- The LOA also contains
- Reporting dates and requirements
- Commitment to report for three years after
graduation - Payment schedule
- Project Evaluation Measures
9WinterWriting the LOA
- Every VHCF Letter of Agreement should include
- Seven Standard Objectives
- Media/Public Relations Objective
- Patient Satisfaction Objective
- FAMIS/FAMIS-Plus Enrollment Objective
- Referral Objective
- Three Fundraising/Revenue Generation Objectives
10WinterWriting the LOA - Media Objectives
- Each organization should plan at least three
specific media/press - events/activities to promote the project with
dates by which each will - be accomplished.
- By December 31,2009, complete the following
media/press events and - acknowledge VHCFs funding support at each.
- Hold a Floss Cutting Ceremony to kick-off and
publicize the project. (February 28, 2009). - Use a letters to the Editor campaign to raise
awareness about the dental needs of the uninsured
during Cover the Uninsured Week. (May 10, 2009). - Create a human interest story about volunteers at
the clinic and submit to local media with photo
opportunity (October 1, 2009). - Submit any articles or press coverage to VHCF
within two weeks of their publication. - Prior to setting the date for any kick off or
celebration event, make certain to notify - VHCF staff so that they may coordinate attendance
with a member of the Foundations - Board of Trustees.
11Winter Writing the LOA - Patient Satisfaction
- Each organization should plan to
- survey patients about their
- satisfaction with services at least
- twice a year. Survey data can be
- used to improve and adjust the
- project.
At least twice during the grant year, conduct a
patient satisfaction survey of the Community
Clinics patients. Report on the results of this
survey, including the number of
patients surveyed, with the 6 Month and the
Yearend required progress reports.
12WinterWriting the LOA - FAMIS / FAMIS Plus
- Virginia has made great strides in enrolling,
uninsured children in health insurance over the
last five years. But there remain many eligible
children who are not yet covered. Most of these
children are eligible for FAMIS or FAMIS Plus.
Grantees are expected to assist with this effort
to enroll all eligible children in coverage.
Throughout the grant year, identify uninsured
children eligible for FAMIS and FAMIS Plus and
pregnant women eligible for Medicaid for Pregnant
Women or FAMIS Moms. Assist these children and
pregnant women with the completion of the
necessary application forms for insurance
enrollment, or if they prefer, refer them to the
online application at www.famis.org and/or the
FAMIS toll-free hotline (866) 873-2647 for
assistance. Report to VHCF in each required
progress report on the number of children and
pregnant women assisted with the application
13WinterWriting the LOA - Referrals Objective
Tell us about who you work with in the community
and help us understand how you work together.
Throughout the grant year, track the number and
sources of referrals to and from the clinic.
Provide a list of members of the clinics
referral network with the first required progress
report. Report changes to this referral network
in subsequent progress reports.
14WinterWriting the LOA - Fundraising Objectives
- Each LOA should include three
- Fundraising objectives that address
- Solidify fundraising plan/ revenue generation
plan for the year ahead - Raising the money
- 3. Creating a plan for the following year
Objective 1 By February 1, 2009, prepare a
plan that includes specific activities to secure
the money needed to sustain the Adult Dental
Project in 2010, (149,192, the total
cash operating budget for this project). This
plan should specifically address raising the
amount necessary to cover a 25 reduction in
VHCF funding in 2010 (16,500). Submit this plan
to VHCF with the 6 Month progress report.
15WinterWriting the LOA - Fundraising Objectives
Objective 2 By December 31, 2009, demonstrate
that the 149,192 (the total cash operating
budget for this project) for 2010, is committed
or in hand. In each required progress report,
detail the efforts of The Community Clinic in
securing 149,192. Specifically address progress
in raising the 16,500 that is needed to account
for the 2010 reduction in VHCF funding.
16WinterWriting the LOA - Fundraising Objectives
Objective 3 By December 31, 2009, prepare a
plan to secure the money necessary to sustain the
Adult Dental Project for 2011. This Plan should
specifically address raising the amount necessary
to cover a second 25 reduction in VHCF funding,
28,875 (1st 2nd year reductions). Submit this
plan to VHCF with the Yearend progress report.
17WinterProject Objectives
- In addition to the seven standard objectives that
are included in every - grantees LOA, each letter should include
specific project objectives. - These will be used as evaluation tools in all
reports and should - include
- Process measures (indicators to inform VHCF about
your activities.) - E.g. hire a Dentist, negotiate agreement with
local school, complete construction, test
diabetic patients HBA1c level three times a year - Outcome measurements (demonstrate the impact
those activities have on your patients.) - E.g. 60 of patients with HBA1c levels above 7
will have levels less than 7 after two visits
with the nurse practitioner.
18WinterProject Objectives
- In addition to providing valuable information to
VHCF staff, objectives - can also
- Provide data for a variety of internal planning
purposes - Demonstrate need for additional staff.
- Improve scheduling.
- Identify need for more outreach for new
volunteers. - Provide valuable data to promote your project
- Send a press release celebrating a milestone.
- Use indicators to justify a request to a funder
for additional staff or program expansion. - Use outcomes to show your local government the
impact you are having on the community. - Show your hospital how many uninsured people you
are keeping out of the ER.
19WinterProject Objectives - Writing Tips
- Make sure your indicators are SMART
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Realistic
- Time limited
20WinterProject Objectives - Writing Tips
- ABCDE Method of Writing Measurable Objectives
- Audience the group for whom desired outcome is
intended - Behavior what is to happen behavior change or
result expected - Condition by when timeframe
- Degree by how much the level of results
- Evidence as measured by method of measurement,
specific instrument used
21WinterProject Objectives - Writing Tips
- Need outcomes? Ask yourself
- What are you trying to achieve with your
patients? - What does success look like for your patients?
- If you are successful, how will your patients be
different after the program than before? - What kind of changes do you want to see?
- When your program works as you want it to, how do
your patients behave differently? What do they
say about their experience? What changes do they
attribute to it?
22WinterProject Objectives - Your Turn
- Take a few minutes to write some
- objectives for your project to be
- shared with the group. Try to
- include both a process measure
- and an outcome measure.
- Media/Public Relations
- Time to focus on fundraising and/or revenue
24SpringMedia/Public Relations - Overview
Tab 9
- Media/publicity can be a very important factor in
a projects success. To - help grantees jump start their media efforts,
VHCF - Issues press releases once new or continuation
grants are made. To ensure that we maintain a
current media contact list, please submit an
up-to-date list of press contacts for your local
community to VHCF by January 16, 2009. - Includes information about funded projects and
links to grantee websites on the VHCF website, - http//www.vhcf.org/php-bin/profile/browse.ph
p?site_sectionGrants. - VHCF may request a digital photo to post with
your project profile.
25SpringMedia/Public Relations - Overview
- Why Media Relations are Important
- Build community support and attract new funders
- Create your identity as a vital part of your
communitys health care safety net - Inform referral sources
- Inform and attract potential volunteers
- Let patients/clients know that services are
26SpringMedia/Public Relations - Tips
- Tips for Effective Media
- Develop relationships with reporters and become
identified as a source for good stories and
accurate information. - When possible, try to incorporate good photo
opportunities and be sure to let the press know
there will be photo opportunities. Send digital
photos with your press releases. - Use national news, releases of studies or other
- current events as a catalyst.
- Follow up all media releases with phone calls.
27SpringMedia/Public Relations - Your Turn
- Spend five minutes brainstorming some media
events you could do this year to promote your
project. - Write down your top three ideas
- Be creative
28SpringFocus on Fundraising/Revenue Generation -
Tab 10
- VHCF funds projects that have the potential to be
self-sustaining well - into the future. That is why VHCF emphasizes
financial stability and - requires grantees to plan for and report on
fundraising activities.
29SpringFocus on Fundraising - Creating a
Fundraising Plan
- VHCFs expectations for a fundraising plan
- A clear list of specific fundraising activities
the organization will undertake to support the
project, with an estimated amount each will
generate. - Specific names of potential donors and/or events,
and dates by which requests will be made or event
will occur.
30SpringFocus on Fundraising - Creating a
Fundraising Plan
- Sample Fundraising Plan
- Community Clinics Nurse Practitioner Project
- Total Project Cash Budget to be Raised 149,192
- 25 VHCF Reduction for 2009 16,500
- Direct Mail Campaign 4,000
- Local Government Support 8,000
- Foundations 66,000
- VHCF Continuation Grant 49,500
- Patient Donations 9,692
- Local Church Support 6,000
- Silent Auction 4,000
- Open House Events 2,000
- Total Projected 149,192
31SpringFocus on Fundraising - Creating a
Fundraising Plan
- Sample Fundraising Plan Narrative
- Direct Mail Campaign 4,000
- By November 1, 2009 the Community Clinic will
mail its annual direct mail solicitation to - its supporters. Letters for which there is no
response will be followed up with a phone call by
December 10th and a reminder notice by January
15th. - Local Government Support 8,000
- May June work with the City/County Manager to
ensure that Local Government continues to include
8,000 for the Community Clinic in its budget for
2010/11. - Foundations 66,000
- February 15, 2009, submit a funding request for
5,000 to XYZ Charitable Foundation. - June 30, 2009, submit a funding request for
11,000 to ABC Family Foundation. - September 23, 2009 submit a funding request for
25,000 to Better Community Health Foundation in
support of the Adult Dental Project (15,000
dedicated to meet the VHCF reduction.) - November 30, 2009, submit a funding request for
25,000 to local Hospital Foundation
32SpringFocus on Fundraising - Creating a
Fundraising Plan
- Sample Fundraising Plan Narrative - Continued
- Fundraising Event - Silent Art Auction 4,000
- By October 1, 2009, Community Clinic will host
its annual silent art auction. - Local Churches 6,000
- By December 31, 2009, St. Michaels and 15 other
local churches (list attached) will have taken a
collection or given money to support the
Community clinic. - VHCF Continuation Grant 49,500
- By October 21, 2009 submit Continuation Request
to VHCF. - Patient Donations 9,692
- Year-round, encourage patients to support the
clinic through donations by displaying signage in
the waiting room and sending personal thank you
notes to all patients that donate to the clinic. - House Parties to support Community Clinic 2,000
- By June 30, 2009, six clinic supporters will host
small fundraising gatherings for the clinic.
33SpringFocus on Fundraising - Revenue Generation
- In addition to fundraising, some organizations
will generate revenue via - insurance reimbursement and/or patient fees to
support their projects. These - organizations should provide a plan for revenue
projections and the rationale - for it. Some organizations support their
programs through a combination of - fundraising and revenue generation. In these
instances, plans for both should - be developed.
- Reimbursement/ Self-pay
- Can be calculated based on experience and/or
projections with rationale (e.g.15 Medicaid, 25
Medicare, 15 Other Third Party Payers, and 40
Self-pay) - Other revenue generating activities (Social
Enterprise) - Job training program Northern Neck Free Clinic
Dental Assistant Program - Onsite community thrift store
34SpringFocus on Fundraising - Your Turn
- Think about and write down some
- key components you think you
- may include in a fundraising or
- revenue generation plan
- for your project.
- 6 Month Progress Report
- Budget Formats
36SummerProgress Reports - Project Service Data
Tab 2
Section A Organization and project specific
patient/patient visits goals, and progress for
the reporting period and year-to-date.
Section B Demographic data for unduplicated
patients in Section A-2 (YTD).
Section C Workforce Training should be
completed if the project serves as a practice
site, clinical experience rotation, or
preceptorship for health professions students.
Note that Section C continues on second page of
37SummerProgress Reports - Budget
- Progress Report Budget - Expenditures
VHCF Grant should reflect the amount of the grant
that has been spent to date, not the amount
received to date.
Dont forget volunteer support when determining
in-kind expenditures.
List all other project related expenses and
amount spent to date.
Total Expenses at the end of the project year
should match or be close to the total operating
budget amount in the LOA unless something
unexpected has occurred.
38SummerProgress Reports - Budget
- Progress Report Budget - Income
In-kind income to date should match in-kind
Income should be aligned with projections in
fundraising plan.
Total income should reflect funding received or
generated to date not amount planned or
39SummerProgress Reports - Writing Tips
- Ask yourself
- Do the numbers add up?
- Are all objectives that should be addressed in
the report included? - Do the totals in Section B of the Project Service
Data form match the number of unduplicated
patients in Section A-2 (YTD) of the form? - Did you complete both pages of the budget form?
- Does the report budget reflect the
Grant-Year-To-Date? - Do the In-Kind amounts on the Expense page match
the In-Kind Donations on the Income page?
40SummerPatient Satisfaction Surveys
Tab 8
- Patient satisfaction surveys are essential tools
for internal program - evaluation and efforts to continually improve
services. Surveys are most - effective when they are anonymous and when
patients know that their access - to services will not be affected in any way,
positively or negatively, due to - responses.
- Surveys should be conducted at least twice a year
with responses from at least 20 of patients
served by VHCF funded program. - Surveys can be conducted over a defined time
period. - Dont be selective about who fills out a survey
you are seeking honest and objective feedback. - A survey summary report should be submitted with
the 6 Month and Yearend Progress Reports.
- Continuation Request
- Extension and Expansion Requests
- Partner Assessment Surveys
- Site Visits
42FallContinuation Request
Tab 3
- The Continuation Request is used (in addition to
community partner surveys - and the site visit) in the decision to award a
continuation for a second or third - year of VHCF funding (if applicable). The
Continuation Request includes the - following components
- Part I Current Project Operations a brief
description of the projects current operations,
delays or challenges, impact, and overall success
to date. - Part II Current Patient Data - number of
patients served and patient visits provided by
the project in the grant year-to-date, and
organization service area data. - Part III Continuation Narrative - a narrative
that addresses proposed goals and objectives for
the project in the next grant cycle, any
adjustments that will be made to the project, and
the projected impact of the project. - Part II Budget - Proposed Budget, Budget
Narrative, and Sustainability Plan
43FallContinuation Request
- What VHCF looks for in a continuation request
- Project plans - What will be different? What will
stay the same? - Documented success and progress in prior year
objectives - A good partnership with VHCF over the prior year
- Budget - Is the 25 decrease from VHCF
anticipated and replaced with funding from other
44FallRequests for Extensions
Tab 4
- Occasionally, a project anticipates that it will
not expend all of its grant funds by - the end of a grant year due to unforeseen
circumstances such as hiring or - construction delays. In these instances, the
grantee may request an extension. - Extension
- Authorizes a grantee to utilize unexpended VHCF
funds. - Must be filed by any grantee that will not spend
its award by the end of the current grant cycle - If awarded, funds are held and made available in
a fourth grant year, contingent upon successful
completion of the first three years of the grant.
45FallRequests for Expansions
Tab 4
- In rare instances, a project may have the
capacity and community support to - expand within its first three years of VHCF
funding. For example, a part-time - provider expanding to a full-time position. In
these instances a grantee may - request an expansion. Grantees are advised to
discuss this option with their - Program Officer prior to submitting a request.
- Expansion
- Increases the number of people served or the
services offered by a current VHCF-funded
project. - Each request for expansion will be evaluated by
the same criteria VHCF requires of each grant
proposal. As a result, most grantees prefer to
submit a new proposal for expansions. - Talk to your Program Officer before submitting an
Expansion Request.
46FallPartner Assessment Surveys
Tab 5
- One of the ways the Foundation will evaluate your
project is by contacting your - partners within the community. These are the
individuals or organizations who - have either contributed cash or in-kind goods or
services, or who are an - integral part of your referral network.
- Survey Timeline
- Submit a list of 4-6 community partners to VHCF
by January 16, 2009. - Partners will be asked to complete a short survey
about the project in the fall. - If partners are not responsive to the request to
complete the survey, the grantee will be asked to
follow up with partners. - Within one month of the close of the survey VHCF
will share survey results with grantees.
47FallSite Visits - Overview
Tab 6
- VHCF visits each grantee at least once a year.
Visits are important to - our project evaluation process.
- Site Visits are a great opportunity for you to
- Show us your project and its impact
- Introduce us to key staff, volunteers, clients,
community partners, and/or board members - Share your vision for the future of your project.
- Discuss problems or challenges.
48FallSite Visits - Details
- Who should attend
- VHCF Program Officer and project leaders will
determine who should be - present during the site visit. Participants
generally include management, clinical and - other relevant staff, key volunteers, board
members, and/or key donors. - Agenda
- - Discussion of current project operations, key
issues affecting the project, - program updates, and plans for the future.
- - Tour of facility (if applicable)
- Common Discussion Items
- Progress in Meeting Objectives - Physical Site
- Operations/Procedures - - Data Collection - Patient Outcomes - Budgeting
and Fiscal Accountability - - Medical Records - Medications - Student Training
- Fundraising - Follow-up Letter
- Is sent within two weeks of the visit and
highlights any pertinent thoughts, - observations, or anticipated next steps regarding
the project and its operations.
49Year-round Activities
- Capacity Building and Technical Assistance
50Year-roundCapacity Building Technical
Assistance Funds
Tab 7
- Available to you and any of your paid staff to
hone various skills necessary to improve
operations - Fund development
- Program evaluation
- Strategic planning
- Financial management
- Marketing and public relations
- Information systems
- Other relevant courses
51Year-roundCapacity Building Technical
Assistance Funds
- No pre-authorization from VHCF is required, as
long as the courses selected - address a nonprofit management or operations
need. Virginia health safety net - organizations are eligible for up to 650 in
tuition reimbursement per year. - To take advantage of scholarship assistance
- Identify the course(s) to be taken
- 2. Register for the course(s)
- 3. Complete the course(s)
- 4. Submit a reimbursement form to VHCF. Payment
for completed courses will be mailed out within
30 days of receipt of the reimbursement/report
52Year-roundCapacity Building - Strategic Planning
- The purpose of the strategic planning program is
to offer funding to Virginia - health safety net organizations who would like to
conduct organizational - strategic planning with the guidance of a
professional consultant. - VHCF has allocated up to 3,500 per organization
for one-time assistance to cover the costs of
hiring a consultant for strategic planning. - If you are interested please contact your Program
Officer to get pre- approval. - Reimbursement for strategic planning will be made
upon VHCFs receipt of a final draft of the
completed strategic plan and a receipt/invoice
from the consultant.
53Important Dates
- January 16, 2009 Submit Press Contact List
- January 16, 2009 Submit Community Partner List
- January 23, 2009 Final Project Objectives Due
- February 18, 2009 LOA Signed and Finalized
- July 21, 2009 6 Month Progress Report Due
- October 21, 2009 Continuation Request
- Extension Request
- Expansion Request
- Community Partners Surveyed
- January 21, 2010 Yearend Progress Report Due