1Cómo hallar recursos para Español 615?
por Denis Lacroix Bibliotecario de español y
2Session Outline
- Finding Subject Guides, Reference resources, and
Bibliographies - Finding Microforms
- Finding online and print Articles in Periodicals
- Databases and ILL
- Print Indexes
- Book Reviews
3Finding Subject Guides
- Click on the Subjects tab on the Library home
page - Click on Humanities and Social Sciences
- Under Languages Literatures
- Click on Spanish
- Or
- Click on Film and Media
- QuickStart Guides
4NEOS Library Catalogue
5More Subject Headings
- Use the following Subjects in combination with
Spain or Spanish or Latin America or hispan or
south america or central america or the name of
a country or personal name - allegor, avant-garde, aesthetics, biograph,
bunuel luis, coups détat, documentary films,
ethnicity, exile, feminism, film criticism,
globalization, hollywood, identit, nationalism,
national characteristics, marginality, mass
media, peronism, postcolonialism, postmodernism,
race, revolution, surreal, etc. - Sample search in Advanced search
- Words Anywhere nation or identi or nacion
6Useful Reference Resources
- Diccionario Espasa cine - PN 1993.45 M86 1996
- Glossary of filmographic terms - PN 1993.45 G244
- Diccionario del cine español, 1896-1966 - PN
1993.45 V86 1968 - Quién es Quién en el teatro y el cine español e
hispanoamericano - PN 1998.2 Q122 1990 v.1-2 - Critical dictionary of film and television theory
- PN 1993.45 C75 - Diccionario de directores de cine español PN
1998.2 M46 1994 - Dictionnaire filmographique PN 1997.85 T43 1971
- International Film Guide PN 1993.3 I622
- International Directory of Films and Filmmakers
PN 1993.5 A1 Z9 - The Macmillan Film Bibliography PN 1993.5 A1 Z9
1982 - New York Times Film Reviews PN 1994 N53
- LA and Caribbean research sources Z 1601 L357
- South American Cinema A Critical Filmography
(1915-1994)PN 1993.5 S63 S68 1996 (5th floor) - Literature Resource Center
7Finding Microform Resources
- Go to the Guide to Research Collections in
Microformat online through the Databases tab - Click on Advanced Search, e.g. keyword latin
america - e.g NACLA
- use guide to find references to Culture, e.g.
Chile Culture Film Misc. publications
1973-1979 - Miscellaneous cultural publications also exist
for other countries - Online indexes http//microformguides.gale.com/
8Electronic and Print Indexes
- Use electronic databases or print indexes to
find periodical articles. - Use databases to find articles published since
1980 and print indexes for older material. - Databases are all different
- some contain full-text articles
- some list only citations and abstracts
- others have a mixture of both
9Electronic Databases
- Latin American Resources HAPI, HLAS, Clase.
- General Humanities MLA, Humanities Abstracts,
Web of Science, IBZ, American Humanities
Index. - Films Film Indexes Online, Art Index,
Communication Mass Media Complete - Newspapers Paper of Record, Factiva
- Womens Studies Womens Studies International.
- World-wide or Rare Resources (books articles)
Centre for Research Libraries (CRL), OCLC. - Theses DAI, Index to Theses. Limitable by
Book Review
10Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI)
- Click on Search
- Subject motion pictures mexic Add Keyword
nation - Save citations to bibliography and send by
e-mail or print - Search for periodical or book in Library
catalogue - Search for Revista Iberoamericana 68199
(Apr-June 2002), 283-301 - In Library Catalogues Other Search Options
- Choose Starting with and Periodical Title
- Periodical is available in print.
11Otros términos Nacion, identit
Se puede cambiar de país o excluirlo, e.g.
12Art Index
- Type in search terms in Find box and combine
terms using Combine checked - Click on Display beside search string
- Click on Check for Holdings.
- or check Library Catalogue for holdings
- choose Periodical Title from menu
- click on Starting with radio button
- search for the title of the journal
- e.g. Quarterly Review of Film and Video (QRFV) v
21 no1 Jan/Mar 2004. p. 25-38.
13(No Transcript)
14Communication Mass Media Complete
- Enter Search terms
- Limit terms by Subject and Default Fields
- Click on Search
- Add articles to folder for printing or e-mailing
- Click on full-text icon or on Get it button
- e.g. 9, Latin America Cultures in the
communication media, Journal of Communication,
Spring93, Vol. 43 Issue 2, p18
15(No Transcript)
16Center for Research Libraries
- e.g. search for Keywords (cinema or motion
picture) and (spain or mexic) - All resources here can be ordered through
Interlibrary Loan. U of A students benefit from
a 4 month renewable loan period. - Searching is also available through Telnet
- type guest and enter search field code
- e.g. cinema and spain
17Dissertation Abstracts (DAI)
- Click on the Search tab.
- Search for Keyword Latin America Subject
cinema Keyword identi or nation or nacion - Dissertations from 1996- can be downloaded for
free using an automatically generated id and pin
which are sent by e-mail - Older dissertations can be ordered through
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) or purchased online.
18Inter-Library Loans (ILL)
- If the document that you are looking for is not
in our Library Catalogue, - fill out an ILL electronic form
dex.cfm - indicate, if possible, where your document is
located in the world. - using OCLC WorldCat locate your document in
libraries world-wide by clicking on Libraries
Worldwide. - Check the status of your ILL after 2 weeks
19Print Indexes
- Index to Latin American Periodical
LiteratureWhat (1929-1970)Where Rutherford
North Floor 1 Ref. F 1401 I38 folio - The Complete Caribbeana, 1900-1975 a
bibliographic guide to the scholarly
literatureWhere Rutherford North Floor 1 Ref. F
1608 Z9 C734 1977 - Public Affairs Information Service Annual
Cumulated Bulletin 1915-1971 andCumulative
Subject Index to the PAIS Annual Bulletins
1915-1974Where Rutherford N flr1 Indexes H1 Z9
B932 - MLA International BibliographyWhat (1921
to 1962)Where Rutherford N flr1 Indexes PB 1 M58
20Print Indexes the Sequel
- Film literature index What Index to motion
picture periodicals (1973-)Where PN 1993 F45
v.30 2002 Reference - The International Film Index What film titles,
directors filmography and indexes
(1895-1990)Where PN 1998 I614 1991 Reference - International Index to Film PeriodicalsWhat
Index of motion picture periodicalsWhere PN
1993 A1 I62 1972-1982 Ref Aux.
21Book Review Indexes
- Book Review IndexWhere Rutherford North Floor 1
Index Tables Z 1035 A1 B73 What (Since 1965-)
Provides author and title indexes, but no
excerpts of the reviews. - Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in
Humanities Journals, 1802-1974Where Rutherford
North Floor 1 Index Tables Z 1035 A1 C7 1982 - Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in
Scholarly Journals, 1886-1974 Where Ruth. North
Floor 1 Index Tables Z 1035 A1 C72 1979
- Latin American Network Information Center
du/la/region/cinema/ - Latin America Subject Resources
l - Film in Latin America A Selective Bibliography
http//www.libs.uga.edu/lais/laisno7.html - De identidades María Luisa Bemberg, filmografía
y bibliografíahttp//www.libs.uga.edu/lais/laisno
23Ask Your Librarian
- This slide show is downloadable
/index.cfm - Contact Librarians through Chat reference,
E-mail reference, telephone reference, or
in-person at the reference desk.http//www.librar
y.ualberta.ca/helpdesk/ - Make an appointment with me for subject-specific
and in-depth searching help.
24Buena suerte en su búsqueda!