Title: The American Ideology of Space
1The American Ideology of Space
- Illustrations of the three main categories of
analysis in - Leo Marxs article
23 competing ideologies
- Utilitarian
- conquest of the continent as progress
- Primitivist
- Wilderness as the highest value
- Pastoral
- - The middle landscape
3John Gast, American Progress, 1872
Utilitarian vision - 1
4Currier and Ives, Niagara Suspension Bridge, 1856
5Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way, 1868
6Currier and Ives, Through to the Pacific
7Moving agriculture WestCrops and livestock
from East projected into the new
settingTransportation links(Steamboat too big
for bridge!)Surveying, mining, and hunting in
backgroundPrint Gaylord Watson and Tenney
Weaver, 1881
8Advertisement for McCormack Reapers
92. The Primitive
- Thomas Cole
- Glorification of frontier
- John Muir
- Sierra Club
10Thomas Cole,Daniel Boone in the Wilderness
11Thomas Cole, The Hunters Return, 1845
12Cole, Home in the Woods, 1847
133. Pastoralism
- The middle landscape between wilderness and
- Civilization.
- Thomas Jefferson
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Andrew Jackson Downing, landscape architect
- Frederick Law Olmstead
14Thomas Cole, Landscape, 1825
15View of Erie Canal, by John William Hall,
watercolor on paper, 1829
16Richmond, Virginia, lithograph