Title: Philip Peng MBBS FRCPC
1Management of Methadone patients in APS
- Philip Peng MBBS FRCPC
- Director, Anesthesia Chronic Pain Program,
- University Health Network
- Director of Research, Wasser Pain Management
Center, Mount Sinai Hospital
- Discussion of the relevant pharmacology of
methadone - License requirement of methadone in Canada
- Suggested algorithm for management of methadone
patients in APS
3Who wants to be a millionaire
- Which of the following is a true long-acting
Elimination half-life
Long acting E.g. methadone, buprenorphine
Sustain release
Immediate release
Synthetic opioid, structure very different from
other opioid
6Basic pharmacology
- HCl powder, formulated as liquid (PO, rectal,
parenteral) - Tablets form available
- Racemic mixture of 2 enantiomers
- R-Met opioid agonist
- S-Met NMDA antagonist ? reuptake of 5HT and NA
? tolerance Neuropathic pain
7Basic pharmacology
- Excellent PO bioavailability (85)
- Onset in 30 min., peak level in 2.5 h
- Biphasic elimination
8analgesia (? elimination 8-12 h)
maintenance (? elimination 30-60 h)
Plasma level
9Methadone License in Canada
- A controlled substance, prescription required
exemptions (Section 56 under Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act) - Two types of exemptions
- MMT-provincial medial authorities
- Pain Federal Office of Controlled Substances
except BC, Quebec, Alberta and Manitoba - Emergency situation
- Temporary license which is MD-, patient- and
institution-specific and expires on D/C or after
2 months.
10- Kim Barber B. Pharm.
- Scientific Officer
- Methadone Program
- Office of Controlled Substances
- Kim_Barber_at_hc-sc.gc.ca
- Phone (613) 946-5139
- Fax (613) 952-2196
11Methadone license exemption for pain in Canada
12Problem with methadone
- Drug interaction
- Single dose overdose
- Accumulated toxicity
13Problem with methadone
- Drug interaction
- Single dose overdose
- Accumulated toxicity
14Drug interaction
Cytochrome system CYP 3A4, 2D6, 1A2
mitriptyline clomipramine desipramineimiprami
ne paroxetine haloperidolperphenazinerisperi
done thioridazinealprenololamphetaminebufuralo
ramine N-DeMemexiletinenaproxen ondansetron
cetinphenforminpropranolol quanoxansparteine
15Cytochrome drug interaction
16Other mechanisms of drug interaction
- ?1-acid glycoprotein
- Circulating level ? with stress, addiction,
cancer and drugs such as amitriptylline - Pharmacodynamics interaction
Excitatory NMDA
Inhibitory GABA
Respiration rhythm
17Other mechanisms of drug interaction
- ?1-acid glycoprotein
- Circulating level ? with stress, addiction,
cancer and drugs such as amitriptylline - Pharmacodynamics interaction
Excitatory NMDA
Inhibitory GABA
Respiration rhythm
18Other mechanisms of drug interaction
- ?1-acid glycoprotein
- Circulating level ? with stress, addiction,
cancer and drugs such as amitriptylline - Pharmacodynamics interaction
Excitatory NMDA
Inhibitory GABA
Respiration rhythm
19Problem with methadone
- Drug interaction
- Single dose overdose
- Accumulated toxicity
20Single dose Overdose
Problem mg vs ml
21Problem with methadone
- Drug interaction
- Single dose overdose
- Accumulated toxicity
22Accumulated toxicity
- Over-aggressive titration of methadone dose
23Algorithm of managing methadone patients in APS
In-patient surgery NPO lt48h
In-patient surgery NPO gt48h
Day surgery
24Algorithm of managing methadone patients in APS
- Pre-operative anesthesia consult
- Continue methadone until the day of surgery
- Pre-operative ECG
- Bring their own methadone
25Continue methadone until the day of surgery
26Algorithm of managing methadone patients in APS
In-patient surgery NPO lt48h
In-patient surgery NPO gt48h
Day surgery
- Resume regular dose of methadone after surgery
- Additional analgesic for pain control
27Algorithm of managing methadone patients in APS
In-patient surgery NPO lt48h
In-patient surgery NPO gt48h
Day surgery
- While NPO, alternative analgesic e.g. PCA
- Resume methadone ASAP PO well
28Algorithm of managing methadone patients in APS
In-patient surgery NPO lt48h
In-patient surgery NPO gt48h
Day surgery
- While NPO, consider PCA /- infusion
- Drug-drug interaction
- Resume methadone ASAP PO well
29PCA with infusion
- Does not improve analgesia or sleep
- Increase opioids consumption and risk of SE
30Case presentation
- 34 y.o. man on methadone via MMT and is coming
for knee arthroscopic surgery. - 65 y.o. lady , currently on methadone for her
pain related to rheumatoid arthritis, is
scheduled for total hip replacement - 45 y.o. lady, on methadone for metastatic breast
cancer, is admitted for bowel resection.
31Case presentation
- 34 y.o. man on methadone via MMT and is coming
for knee arthroscopic surgery. - 65 y.o. lady , currently on methadone for her
pain related to rheumatoid arthritis, is
scheduled for total hip replacement - 45 y.o. lady, on methadone for metastatic breast
cancer, is admitted for bowel resection.
32Case presentation
- 34 y.o. man on methadone via MMT and is coming
for knee arthroscopic surgery. - 65 y.o. lady , currently on methadone for her
pain related to rheumatoid arthritis, is
scheduled for total hip replacement - 45 y.o. lady, on methadone for metastatic breast
cancer, is admitted for bowel resection.
33Case presentation
- 34 y.o. man on methadone via MMT and is coming
for knee arthroscopic surgery. - 65 y.o. lady , currently on methadone for her
pain related to rheumatoid arthritis, is
scheduled for total hip replacement - 45 y.o. lady, on methadone for metastatic breast
cancer, is admitted for bowel resection.